Pros and Cons of Living Abroad | #vlogtober ep.3 | South African YouTuber

Pros and Cons of Living Abroad | #vlogtober ep.3 | South African YouTuber

Thembelihle Bhengu

1 год назад

1,078 Просмотров

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@delisasimelane2901 - 04.10.2023 06:56

Thank you for sharing😊I relate to all the things you mentioned, especially the part of waking up everyday and feeling sad about being away from your family 😬😭

@SimphiweMasuku-k4q - 04.10.2023 14:10

Thanks dear to make us aware ..... so my question is, what happened if you lost a family member? Do you allow you to come back home?

@Sisipho1010 - 04.10.2023 16:38

Love this video so much. You explained it so well instead of making us believe it's all roses. My moving process keeps getting delayed but now after watching this video I am realising I wasn't ready (I am now). I am sure if I left months ago I would be back in SA now 😅. Thank you so much for such amazing, crisp and informative content

@nadamaluleka8205 - 04.10.2023 17:13

Where are you based in Taiwan? Do you mind if we can have a private chat?

@mzitheni_ - 05.10.2023 12:42

Yoh bro the missing out part???? It’s so crazy I tell you.

@girliGuess - 14.10.2023 18:13

Hey thanks for the informative vid.
May i ask how long your school holidays are?
Im a teacher back home and yhooo i miss the school holidays.
Class sizes in average?
From your personal opinion (taking experience out the equation), would you reccomend Taiwan over South Korea? Just from what you know about Korea.

Also, is your accommodation in the city? Do they give you any area?

@tj7_sa - 15.10.2023 11:20

Your videos have been so helpful, informative and of course entertaining😁! Im still weighing my options on whether to pursue teaching abroad or not. Thanks for sharing your experiences🤍 • 🇿🇦

@shaunjona6098 - 16.10.2023 08:49

Whch country okuyona??

@NondumisoMdunge-wl9ig - 18.10.2023 17:23

Can you pls assist me sis I'm starting my process for moving to taiwan😊

@enhlemayoyo3525 - 25.10.2023 07:21

I admire your courage.I'm in the same boat,I'm in a permanent teaching post in SA and I want to leave because of the low salary this side and where I want to see myself in the future.I'm just sceptical because leaving something guaranteed (a permanent job) for a contract sounds so scary to me.
