Making a Black Album metal guitar tone with only stock plugins in REAPER

Making a Black Album metal guitar tone with only stock plugins in REAPER


2 года назад

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@hexfarmer - 03.11.2022 02:26

nice job man.
definitely not that close but certainly very impressive with what you were able to do with just stock plugins.
have you thought about doing a similar video but using 3rd party vsts but only free ones?
id be curious what you can do.
eitherway, cheers for a informative video 🤘😎🤘

@Joey.Darkwoods-Studio - 04.11.2022 01:17

nice man! well done..

@serge1643 - 05.11.2022 15:07

Great! You boldly implemented what I thought about, but doubted. Thank you for your experience and for sharing it!

@nikk0k - 19.11.2022 01:52

Wow, you got some good ears! You nailed the pre-amp tone very quickly, I thought you were just going to add an Impulse Response and call it a day, but you kinda made the cab tone with EQ and Delay! Great stuff.

@spidula - 19.11.2022 18:44


@dachreport - 13.12.2022 17:11

Wow. Good job man. I would love to see you replicate more 🤘

@noompsieOG - 15.12.2022 03:03

Could u save that track template and link it through Google drive so I can Download it ?

@Jason22Douce - 20.12.2022 15:36

Nice work 👍👍

@throughmists - 28.12.2022 02:19

I love videos like this lol, good job

@ElFlippage - 28.12.2022 20:44

Maybe it'd be cheating but I feel adding a speaker impulse with ReaVerb would make a huge difference.

@lordofonions8224 - 29.12.2022 09:25

You could call it through the reaper!!!

This might be weird, but can you try turning a guitar into a sax in reaper? Hahahaha, might be impossible

@piperofsimms - 31.12.2022 09:38

Bravo ! That was interesting. Thank you

@Hikaeme-od3zq - 02.01.2023 17:01

Hey man how do you record your audio while recording the screen and using your guitar with 0 latency? I thought ASIO would not give priorities to OBS and such, great vid btw, really interesting stuff you can do, when you added the delay it legit started to sound like a guitar coming out through an amp.

@HYPERPYRA - 09.01.2023 04:44

Great guitar tone video. Killer. All of the processes you use make sense when explained, never would have thought of using these though. Using Readelay along with it's lp and hp to delay and filter and cancel out some of the fizz is brilliant! Really works- some great tips here.
If you ever try any more guitar tones, a couple I've never been able to nail I could suggest are: Randy Rhoades off Blizzard, Slayer- Reign in Blood, also Van Halen 1, with gtr in one side, verb in the other.

@michaelpettit3473 - 20.01.2023 20:35

Hello sir. Found this video very interesting - thank you!
I also have a dumb question: How did you get the funky black faders in the FX windows? I'm unsure which .pngs to edit etc.
Thanks again!

@charlestoledo1696 - 19.05.2023 12:07

imagine if he used an actual Guitar plugins

@snakeeyes3883 - 19.08.2024 20:37

this is the of the most amazing sh*t I've ever seen anyone do in a Daw! them: you need an amp sim. You: hold my beer

@GRANTwow - 16.11.2022 06:25

What should my next video be about?
