Mods are good but aren't great. Using shattered bread as consumable. Comment below for questions.
Substats to go for - Crit Dmg and Weapon Dmg, Secondary - Elite Dmg, Great One Damage. Mag Size and Reload Speed Is Alright.
Precision Double Crit Gold Calibration Is Optimal.
Shrapnel Obliterate can be exchanged for Shrapnel Souvenir for almost unlimited magazine size which is farmed at the same place as Shrapnel Obliterate which is Shadow Hound Pro.
Shrapnel Obliterate(Weapon) Shadow Hound Pro
Momentum Up(Helm) - Silo Alpha Pro
Targeted Strike(Mask) - Silo Ex 1 Pro
Crit Amplifier(Gloves) - Silo Sigma Pro
Deadshot(Pants) - Silo Psi Pro
Covered Advance(Shoes) - Silo Phi Pro
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