Imam Ibn Tayymiyah's Phenomenal Advice To Who Has Completely Lost Control Of Himself | Abu Bakr Zoud

Imam Ibn Tayymiyah's Phenomenal Advice To Who Has Completely Lost Control Of Himself | Abu Bakr Zoud

Abu Bakr Zoud

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@malikimadhabdeutsch9332 - 22.12.2022 15:24

1. Attach yourself to Allāh like a baby to his mother
2. make dua at time of acceptance (last 3rd night, between iqama and adhan)
3. make as much istighfar as possible
4. do the adhkar at the morning (after fajr) and evening (after assr)
5. commit to the adhkar before sleep
6. be patient, calm and relaxed until Allāh grants you success.
7. complete your 5 daily prayers internally (with heart) and outwardly (with body)
8. let „la hawla wa quwatta illa bi Allāh“ your most uttered words
9. Never give up your Du‘a
10. Remember that victory comes with patience and relief with difficulty and hardship.

Pure gold. JazakAllāhu kheyr!

@noor-fatima-v6x - 25.01.2025 15:32

i was doing these things myself when i found myself on the lowest point. guys remember no amount of dunya can fill your hunger. no amount of it. that's why no one would want to buy it for even a slice of bread. see how it makes your heart sick. so stick to Allah that's where true happiness lies

@listener4182 - 20.01.2025 21:14

I'll never forget the advice for the rest of my life ❤

@Habeebahsiddeeq123 - 25.11.2024 14:50


@fahim-jy1gr - 17.10.2024 23:55

Very beneficial
May Allah give u highest place in jannah…

@AbdullahKarim-s7c - 29.09.2024 05:08

SubhanAllah, i literally stumbled upon this video right this second, i felt completely hopeless due to sins and felt as if i had completely lost control of myself and then i see this video. This can't be a coincidence. It gives me hope that Allah has not given up on me. Make dua for me my fellow brothers and sisters 🙏

@nizahussain4078 - 26.09.2024 15:36

OAllah bless him and family

@nizahussain4078 - 26.09.2024 15:24

O,Allah accept our supplication
Admit us in jannathul firdouse

@nizahussain4078 - 26.09.2024 15:12


@salmahjhingoor3107 - 23.07.2024 10:33

Asalamoalalaykoum alhamdoullila millions ameen asalamoalaykoum

@M4MK - 15.07.2024 15:26

Subhanallah, this video was recommended to me at such a perfect time. I've been feeling a lot of the things mentioned, especially over the last week.

Looks like it was the same case for many others in the comments as well. May Allah reward you, and allow us all to overcome our laziness and get closer to Allah. 🤲

@MaxWatson-ph7wm - 12.06.2024 16:14


### Main Advice by Ibn Taymiyyah

1. *Turning to Allah*
- *Humility and Attachment*
- Be humble before Allah.
- Maintain a close attachment to Allah.
- *Regular Supplications*
- Engage regularly in supplications (dua).
- Utilize supplications taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

2. *Timings for Dua*
- *Effective Times*
- Last third of the night.
- End of obligatory prayers.
- *Other Specific Times*
- Between the adhan (call to prayer) and iqamah (second call to prayer).
- When prostrating during prayer.
- On Fridays.

3. *Seeking Forgiveness*
- *Frequent Istighfar*
- Seek forgiveness from Allah often (istighfar).
- *Benefits*
- Cleanses sins.
- Opens doors to blessings and guidance.

4. *Remembrance of Allah (Dhikr)*
- *Morning and Evening*
- Engage in the remembrance of Allah (dhikr) both in the morning and evening.
- *Persistence*
- Be consistent and sincere in dhikr.
- *Impact*
- Strengthens faith.
- Provides inner peace.

5. *Daily Prayers (Salah)*
- *Patience and Steadfastness*
- Be patient and steadfast in performing daily prayers.
- *Concentration in Salah*
- Focus on the quality and concentration in prayers.
- *Spiritual Benefits*
- Maintains spiritual discipline.
- Fosters a deeper connection with Allah.

6. *Sincere Repentance*
- *Repentance (Tawbah)*
- Sincerely repent for past sins and mistakes.
- *Continuous Effort*
- Repentance should be continuous and heartfelt.
- *Transformation*
- Leads to spiritual growth and transformation.

### Summary:
Ibn Taymiyyah’s advice, as conveyed by Abu Bakr Zoud, focuses on seeking closeness to Allah through humility, regular supplications, and utilizing times when prayers are more likely to be answered. He emphasizes the importance of frequent forgiveness, consistent remembrance of Allah, patience and quality in daily prayers, and sincere repentance. These practices collectively help in overcoming confusion, regaining motivation, and achieving a state of inner peace and guidance.

@harishhabit - 11.05.2024 12:45

Patience is a huge test too, because often times we want quick fixes. We need to walk the process and the difficulties. If it were easy and quick fix, it may open the door to ujub. This is another one of my actual struggles.

@dr.adnan_19 - 05.04.2024 09:37

May Allah SWT give jannatul ferdous to Imam Ibn Taymiyyah

@judochopdat5369 - 28.03.2024 14:23

This comment is here to support this channel

@diva8246 - 01.02.2024 15:53

Masha'Allah 🤲🏾

@diva8246 - 01.02.2024 15:53


@diva8246 - 01.02.2024 15:50


@sulaimanbah4078 - 28.01.2024 18:41

Annen yaa Rab

@lukmanfia9201 - 28.12.2023 15:24

Jazakallah khairan Sheik ❤

@ibn.hussain - 08.11.2023 20:26

جزاك الله خيرا شيخ

@Somtrav - 31.10.2023 17:31

According to the video by Abu Bakr Zoud¹, Ibn Taymiyyah's advice to someone who completely lost control of himself can be summarized as follows:

- He should repent to Allah sincerely and seek His forgiveness and guidance.
- He should increase his knowledge of Allah and His names and attributes, and reflect on His signs and blessings.
- He should increase his worship and remembrance of Allah, especially the obligatory prayers, fasting, charity, and reading the Quran.
- He should avoid the causes of temptation and desire, such as bad company, idle time, and exposure to immoral media.
- He should seek the company of righteous people who can help him and advise him.
- He should be patient and perseverant in following the truth, and not give up hope in Allah's mercy and grace

@reginaldanglin4264 - 15.09.2023 02:09

Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Arkbar. I need to hear this. Internal battle with myself. In regards to self confidence. Believing in me. And jazakallah to hear of issues I can do better in. Learning Arabic, do better in Sala especially in the morning. And my Training in jiu-jitsu. I'm so greatful of my new life and my relationship with Almighty Allah. Thank u Brother for this great video.

@sculptgaming8445 - 12.09.2023 00:42


@MrRecklessish - 11.09.2023 08:40

May Allah reward you for this amazing knowledge. Very applicable and relevant to this day.

@Studentoflife512 - 08.09.2023 08:43

Salaam All,
I'm almost living an identicle life to this man..I can't live without drugs at present. If I can't totally stop drugs, can I still go mosque and jumma for Allah's help and forgiveness whilst still taking drug, if not possible.. or should a addict not go to mosque , because of lack purityr

@fayazqureshi2214 - 29.08.2023 20:15

Wa aatu Saalah wa aatu Zaakah

@rukkiyanoufal646 - 25.08.2023 09:13

Please can u arrange me that book? I need

@salmamohammed1912 - 22.08.2023 09:15


@zoyazafar5240 - 21.08.2023 06:53

Im in awe at the preciseness of this video, my heart melts thinking of how every single word uttered was meant for me! I have been feeling a cloud of anxiety and depression lately and asking Allah to guide my heart. Pure gold! Pure gold! ❤

@mhkubaid - 19.08.2023 04:31

Please work on your style. You have successfully made a powerful conversation very boring.

Sorry man, I don't know how to reach you in private. So don't take it in a wrong way.

@ALATHAR-Ahlehadith - 18.08.2023 05:23

JazakAllah khair brother

@amgadragab6584 - 12.08.2023 09:50


@nigaralinayak2644 - 12.08.2023 08:16

Alhamdulillah for your awesome tilaawat.. May Allahswt's special grace and blessings be on your family forever and ever.. Ameen.. Please always keep us in your duas.. Much much needed.. Tc.. Allah Hafiz

@travel-nv3gp - 12.08.2023 07:11

the advice shld.go to my ex nasuhaismail who works wth zhfiztravel who sent pukau gangsters to his own wife tll.exwife being spprtted by mlys .They're not brothers in Islam.they slander innocent .

@raynwani137 - 11.08.2023 16:22

Very helpful sheikh! Jazakallah! May allah bless you!

@UdruusJayyida - 09.08.2023 17:17

Jazakallahu Khairan.

@sexypure8891 - 29.07.2023 19:51

Thank you my brother 🙏...
I truly appreciate it cause I also have that short coming and character defects

@j0kez708 - 28.07.2023 10:49

I have a problem where I don't make enough Dua. And if I do, it's brief. What's the solution for my misery?

@munnaarshad4139 - 24.07.2023 08:30

Jazakallahu khairan

@alyunanie - 24.07.2023 07:14

We must not fall in the trap of the Sjaytan to think that we ourselfs are something, if it is in matters of faith or wordly matters. The truth is that nobody can have succes then only with the Grace and Mercy and will of Allah( the Exalted, the most High). We ourselfs are nothing without Allah( the Exalted, the most High), be humble and don't be arrogant and have pride. Because this will have effect on your belief and make you sick in the hart and mind. let your aim be the Hereafther and not this world, and never ever lose the hope in Allah( the Exalted, the most High), because He is the most Gracious, the most Merciful.

@EternalBliss74 - 21.07.2023 23:00

جزاكم الله احسن الجزاء في الدّارين

@sgopinathan9170 - 11.07.2023 19:13

Beautiful presentation.

@khizarshykh414 - 11.07.2023 14:34

Jazakallah Khair

@Saber23 - 05.07.2023 08:13

Lol “imam” Ibn Tayymiyah is not an Imam you idiots

@shahzadashraf370 - 02.07.2023 12:20

mashaAllah great bayan
