Hatsune Miku's in Fortnite now, so I had to play the game.

Hatsune Miku's in Fortnite now, so I had to play the game.

Blake The Nerd

55 лет назад

44,610 Просмотров

Hatsune Miku has been added to Fortnite, much to my surprise. So, I guess that means I have to play it now.

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➤ PATREON: https://patreon.com/BlakeTheNerd
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➤ C2GRIPZ (Use code "BlakeNerd" for $5 off) : https://www.c2gripz.com/BlakeTheNerd
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➤ FLASHE GAMING: https://flashegaming.com/?sca_ref=3567122.3QNjP2GebF
➤ FANFIT GAMING: https://fanfitgaming.com/

➤ Music used in the video:
Main Menu - Wii Party
Steam Garden - Super Mario Odyssey
Ghetsis Battle Theme - Pokémon Black & White
The Amazon - DuckTales Remastered
Doomsday Zone - Sonic 3

Outro music:

Logo/watermark by Mytsuma

#HatsuneMiku #Fortnite #初音ミク #BlakeTheNerd #PC #PS5 #Switch #Xbox #EpicGames


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