Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition - WHAT'S NEW?

Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition - WHAT'S NEW?


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@alexhayes7853 - 09.03.2025 18:06

I kinda hate I bought this before the Wii u eShop closed in 2023

@damesofpk - 09.03.2025 18:57

Looking forward to this. Never got to play it when I had a WiiU.

@heir2themonado422 - 09.03.2025 19:02

Friendly reminder this is the game that convinced Nintendo to have Monolithsoft help work on breath of the wild (eventually leading to their own dedicated zelda team that assists Nintendo). Because there hadn't been a Nintendo game with an open world that massive in scope and in variety of biomes in HD yet. Planet Mira still holds up to this day.

@Anonymous121212 - 09.03.2025 20:38

We can transfer save files from Switch 1 to 2 right?

@Jakco808 - 09.03.2025 20:51

Screw whatever else is coming out in March. I'm playing this 🔥

@mikefaz2696 - 09.03.2025 20:55

Very excited to play again, I keep my Wii U on my gaming shelf specifically for this game, which I get that itch to play once a year. With the updated QOL changes, I'm even more excited to play again. I've avoided playing on the Wii U again when they announced the definitive edition.

@n3o3x - 09.03.2025 21:05

amazing that the open world still looks better than monster hunter wilds.

@Ferodra - 09.03.2025 21:05

Before you buy: Make sure you've added 2 copies of XCX:DE to the cart

@Sonic171K - 09.03.2025 21:07

Don’t worry, not interested after that XC2 disaster. What a waste of $60.

@superRuan1990 - 09.03.2025 21:43

What gamepad functionalities does this game have

@NoFucksToGiveAnymore - 09.03.2025 21:55

I do want to play this but I don't want to buy a switch just to play one game

@Mr3-j4m - 09.03.2025 23:20

My 1st ever Xenoblade Chronicles games. Will purchase XCX DE digitally for my Switch Lite to get some goodies. CAN'T WAIT 👍

@kevinramirez3134 - 09.03.2025 23:21

The entire team at MonolithSoft created something very special and very magical with the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise that is still amazing that the first Xenoblade game became the greatest JRPG of its generation and also help revitalize the JRPG genre when it first released and lead to this incredible story-driven trilogy. Way better than modern Final Fantasy! We’ve come a long way since the Operation Rainfall fan campaign. Even after so many past projects from Xenogears, Xenosaga, and Baten Kaitos, it was Xenoblade Chronicles that shined a bright light at their studio and help them create a franchise that has garnered mainstream success and appeal, that they are satisfied with, and feel compelled and confident to further challenge themselves into what new stories to tell and new ideas and inspirations they can make in their future projects they are working on next. Each game has some powerful plot twisting moments and emotional endings that MonolithSoft probably did not know would have fans especially female gamers literally crying during those moments.

In case anyone is new to Xenoblade or is just curious. Back then with Xenogears and Xenosaga, MonolithSoft wanted to create a six story narrative (Perfect Works book), but most of their work had to be cut. But now, MonolithSoft alongside with Nintendo giving them creative freedom accomplished that vision that Tetsuya Takahashi had. Telling a complete six story narrative in Xenoblade Chronicles and its DLC expanded stories and completing the current story in the “Klaus saga” and what's to come in a new story arc for their next game.

-Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition
-Future Connected (Epilogue Story)
-Xenoblade Chronicles 2
-Torna The Golden Country (Prequel Story)
-Xenoblade Chronicles 3
-Future Redeemed (Prequel Story)

@Aries73 - 09.03.2025 23:27

Monolithsoft is the stellar example of a game studio when allowed to work their magic.

@EastyyBlogspot - 10.03.2025 00:10

Definitely a game that needed quality of life improvements

@derrickhaggard - 10.03.2025 00:46

Hyped for this title. And I loved 100%ing the OG release and I can't wait to do it again.

@Rinchanx - 10.03.2025 00:57

Honestly, the whole reason i bought my nintendo switch oled.

@blakefenslerjr4858 - 10.03.2025 00:59

Just so youys know the nintendo pass ticket effects this game so 100$ for 2 games is a win win

@grykenx7372 - 10.03.2025 02:22

I can't wait to play this game I always wanted to play this game when it was on the WII U

@Miguel-jq6ol - 10.03.2025 02:54

There's a couple inaccuracies in this video, namely the have added new character creation options but only new hair options that are references to the other games in the series and some extra tattoos. The other is there are 4 new companions with 2 that haven't been revealed yet, who are likely tied to the new final story chapters and possibly a previously unrecruitable character they likely haven't shown yet for spoiler reasons

@mistressminerva3382 - 10.03.2025 03:02

You made a few mistakes like calling NLA NLS , or saying its 2 new characters while the team select menu shows 4 new slots , we just dont know who does other 2 new members are yet.
But overall good summary.

@wakaneut - 10.03.2025 04:28

Will it be 60fps in switch2?

@NowKissMyChucks - 10.03.2025 05:14

Man I was hoping we got xenogears/saga on the switch

@Kakkarot211 - 10.03.2025 06:01

X always had such great music, excited to hear the new stuff

@chaikagaz - 10.03.2025 06:20

Tip for noobs coming into this game, bring the necessary elemental resistances for monsters to make the game easier on yourself. Pretty much like monster hunter

@MonadoBoyFlameRock - 10.03.2025 06:49

Before you buy?
But what if I already bought it? Twice Actually 😬

@jessierosenqueen5644 - 10.03.2025 08:04

Did they increase the level cap this time? or is it the same lvl 60 max? I remember playing this with max level and a pretty high leveled gear and skells only to be 1 shoted by a level 99 monster 😅

@raveouscarlias4479 - 10.03.2025 08:28

Im buying this so fast my head will spin

@LongTran-kp3kz - 10.03.2025 10:20

Xenoblade X is NOT a Xenoblade Chr9n8cles game, so don't come into the game with any expectations that X 'should' or 'needs' to be like a Xenoblade Chronicles game.

I'm kinda pissed XDE used the international release as the base of the game, but oh well. Losing customization options still sucks tho.

Lack of BLADE levels and Duvusion Points is a mixed bag for me but minor issue I guess.

@Raul_27 - 10.03.2025 10:31

This game looks overwhelming. Too much content.

@TopDplays - 10.03.2025 11:51

womp womp the game will be censored

@ghostfacekhila - 10.03.2025 22:16

This game is the best

@jon9725 - 11.03.2025 00:37

Might be unpopular opinion but Xenoblade 2 was the best of the series for me. The story and combat were great. Really disliked the combat of Xenoblade 1 and 3.

@paulanderson2963 - 11.03.2025 02:59

Yeah yeah, uh uh, YEAH!!!.

If there was one change the game needed in my opinion it was that... 😁

@FlameLord050 - 11.03.2025 05:27

I thought therevwere 4 new party members?

@darkfrostneoc9442 - 11.03.2025 07:16

FYI, the reason they took out the Japanese content is because of the sexy bunny outfit and the boob sliders. We can't have this over in the US because we are babies I guess 😂

@ominiouspressence4853 - 11.03.2025 09:01

It's disgusting, how much Nintendo is charging for this old game. My God, the greed man.

@GhostlyWispers72 - 11.03.2025 09:22

So it's not for ps5?

@246Rennie - 11.03.2025 09:44

Honestly i have mixed felling about the Quick CD gauge, sure it's smooths the game out early but this game is already so easy to break gameplay wise that it will make the end game a cakewalk if they didn't rebalance some stuff.

@ironzombi - 11.03.2025 12:26

Every Xenoblade game is top tier.

@PsPhil84 - 11.03.2025 12:54

I’m glad I already got to hr 100 in monster hunter. I can put it down for now and play this amazing game again! Lol

@iTzSnowPro - 11.03.2025 17:12

Games gonna look so good on the switch 2 handheld mode. Def gonna be a main selling point with 1080 on the go. Love the switch 1, but def is a downgrade between docked and handheld.

@shadowslicer3845 - 11.03.2025 21:52

I hope they add an easy mode so I don’t have to waste skell insurance just to access it.

@johandymartinez733 - 11.03.2025 23:05

9 days to kiss and hug our loved ones, say goodbye and let MIRA take over for a couple months.

@StiffAftermath - 12.03.2025 04:22

In the city, do you pass right through cars still?

@Jaguar2kicks - 12.03.2025 05:54

Too bad it’s not the Japanese version

@dbbb-u3y - 12.03.2025 08:26

Im gonna stop smoking tommorrow. Its gonna be tough. But playing xenoblade x will help me 😁
