Subaru Outback XT Review | Harry Situations

Subaru Outback XT Review | Harry Situations

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3 года назад

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@TrailTrekmedia - 09.03.2022 23:59

As some say Miata is always the answer. But I think you are correct here.

@brendanberry6263 - 10.03.2022 02:25

Yep, I owned one of these - an '05. Fantastic car. With a few modest mods and a short throw shifter the thing was probably the most fun /car/ I've ever owned on balance.

@Capricorn2500 - 10.03.2022 04:05

Loved this video something different is always nice 👍🏻. Plus my wife and I just bought a outback wilderness and so far we love it but fuel economy does take a hit with that package.

@onetwentyeight - 10.03.2022 05:41

I had an 07 XT 2.5 with a manual transmission. Great little car, I took that on some very sketchy trails much to the amusement of my friends. The AWD was awesome, and it was super confidence inspiring.

@steven0931 - 10.03.2022 09:20

The timing on this video is perfect I just started looking into these today hahah

@connorm1600 - 14.03.2022 14:57

Subaru nerd here. The reason Subarus have the distinct sound is because of the unequal length headers. Also the turbo EJ cars do have there fair share of maintenance items so perspective buyers should do alot of research before purchasing. I would probably have a compression test done before buying any higher mileage turbo Subaru. Also the primitive racing stuff is awesome.

@reekgoesoutside - 16.03.2022 04:10

I did the same when i bought these tires, stock called for 235/65 18 I went with 245/60/18. It threw my speedometer off by a few miles per hour but the ride feels so much better and the handling is solid.

@vannevels6758 - 16.03.2022 21:44

Interesting tire infomercial. The vaping disclaimer?

@eikokawabe9043 - 14.05.2022 02:23


@eikokawabe9043 - 14.05.2022 04:11


@edwardkrochmal8268 - 22.05.2022 16:44

The best sleeper I drove was a dodge colt turbo back in the 1980s.

@Doc1855 - 31.05.2022 07:06

Of course our 19 Outback has the CVT transmission (which we Hate) we would sell our Outback to buy a new Outback with a transmission that actually has an automatic transmission with gears.

@pyro530916 - 16.07.2022 10:21

Sleeper is right. I don't think most people understand the huge difference between the non-turbo auto and the turbo manual. From the outside, other than the badge, the only way to tell the difference is the hood scoop.

@daved1644 - 13.09.2022 03:00

I have a 2007 with the manual. I had to put in a new motor and tons of work and money but now it’s insane, I’ll never get rid of it.

@Michael-fi5rd - 25.09.2022 06:14

wow thanks for the 8 minutes of plugging nitto, wanted to hear about the car

@ThatPNWlyfe - 05.10.2022 22:14

So you made an ad for Nitto…

@kyridgejumper - 12.10.2022 19:49

Always a great view on the tires and a eye opener on a different vehicle 👏

@jordanbrydon3809 - 17.10.2022 00:58

can someone tell me where in the world do you get the proper fitting hood deflector for the 08 obxt? also in Canada would be dope but whatever.

@mariusmaskaliunas6898 - 18.12.2022 18:47

I agree, I buy it and also mechanical transmision 2.5xt 2009 and in the rear is LSD, ir is better then new model BR 2009-2014 also I have it with cvt, it is more familly car more place in rear siting

@JeepCherokeeful - 29.03.2023 08:06

We backed a little trailer 20 feet up a hill in our automatic XT, the transmission heat warning light came on...that has NEVER happened with our automatic Super Duty or Xj Cherokee

@Mike_44 - 08.07.2023 16:37

Great cars indeed. Just keep an eye on their oil or you’ll end up with a spun rod bearing.

@AtomicBleach - 16.08.2023 19:09

Just got a 09 outback. Putting the primitive plates on it and debating between getting their 1" or 1.3" lift strut assembly. Think I would slap the same tires on it as they are the same size my crosstrek has. Honestly thinking about trying to find a 16" rim to go down a size from the stock 17s to give me more tire.

@lennyvalentinoSchiaretti_lvs - 24.10.2023 22:48

Great car! I live in Germany and I own a Subaru 2008 manual but with natural aspirated 2.5 liters. I am looking for a manual XT but it is almost impossibile to find one in Europe! I will continue with my search...

@bluerineimb1148 - 08.12.2023 22:49

I'm a bit confused I thought I was watching a video about the outback all I've heard is a shuttle add for tyres

@ricvanwinkle1665 - 26.01.2024 08:01

My dad had the same vehicle and gave it to me. The issue is everyone and their mother had their hands on that vehicle and he used cheap oil for the first 60k and not use premium gas, so yeah things happen when cars are not maintained properly and it was an auto to boot. Quick car but autos are so so boring. I sold car as my cats gone bad at 100k and we know that cause of all the blow by so I sold it 😢. For sure it’s a sleeper but with a manual it has to be so much fun as I have a 7th gen Celica GTS and a 5th Gen Camaro Ss, both with a 6 spd manual and your what? 4 cylinder turbos with a stick are definitely fun. Great video

@imranalisyed9731 - 19.04.2024 16:53

Nice video I like how the car has not been that modified.. just what it’s needed.

@iancayton2079 - 20.04.2024 16:43

Manuel or not the 3rd gen outback are fantastic for the streets and punt in the woods

@briancampagnano6852 - 04.01.2025 18:29

Agreed and I like your recommendations 👍👍rather than the spacers I'm changing the struts to a set of King Springs even though I have already purchased spacers which will be obsolete unless I want to go with 2" taller tires for a full inch of added ground clearance. Noticed you never mentioned the engine mods the access port could provide for extra horsepower ~ only an extra 20? Why bother🤔

@alexenns3203 - 10.01.2025 00:49

What are the automatic transmissions in these cars like? Are they any good?
