4 things I hate about being a UX designer | I found out too late

4 things I hate about being a UX designer | I found out too late


55 лет назад

389 Просмотров

1:54 The 1st thing I hate
3:42 The 2nd thing I hate
6:14 The 3rd thing I hate
8:34 The last thing I hate
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--About Me I'm a UX Designer based in the San Francisco bay area. I have extensive knowledge and experience with driving and applying user-centered design processes across business units and product verticals. And I am also passionate about helping designers break into the market and grow in their career journey. I hope my videos are helpful for your career :)

--------Connect With Me Book a career coaching session with me 👉 https://superpeer.com/soy

--------Disclaimer All my opinions do not represent my employer in any way.


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