Zero Hour - Untitled Install Guide Origin

Zero Hour - Untitled Install Guide Origin

The Sarcastic Raptor

6 лет назад

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@jenswagner5478 - 17.11.2018 18:19

Thanks for that, but if I follow this instruction, the game tells me to "Please insert the first game CD". :/

@JoseLeonn - 04.02.2019 04:30

nothing else I have to download the link mods and follow the steps of the videos nadas and something else are 2 patch or 1

@Michael_usaf - 16.10.2019 06:38

how do you fix the "missing control bar issue with units names

@bigoldhole.6724 - 24.01.2020 22:15

thank you bro God bless you <<!!

@levik2889 - 27.02.2020 13:31

work :*

@mr._g_reyes385 - 18.05.2020 14:31

Hey Raptor what C&C zero hour you have? Cause i get really confused using my C&C I only see one File(zero hour) and the other command and conquer the oldest one.

+ my C&C has a limited amount of units, do you have a link the zero hour that does not have that? U guys have?

@robertdutton109 - 24.08.2020 21:53

didnt work =(

@sebastianmunoz1256 - 31.08.2020 17:21

consulta, yo no lo tengo con origin como tendria que hacer para ejecutar el mod?

@cuckooreloaded - 01.09.2020 15:47

How to install another mod in my ZH? I placed ROTR in the file that you put the mod with

@GashHunter - 22.09.2022 21:15

Did the exact same thing step by step. But it did not work. :(
