Money Saving Tips, Coupert, Poundland and Primark | Shimmy around the Shops

Money Saving Tips, Coupert, Poundland and Primark | Shimmy around the Shops


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@sharontrent-bm2bm - 04.03.2025 10:49

I also don’t like paying full price Helen my thinking is the prices are set high for sale and then if they don’t sale quickly they can afford too discount things and still make a profit 😮

@AlisonStewart-v7r - 04.03.2025 10:30

Fab outfit, hope you feel better soon x

@wendyedwards490 - 04.03.2025 10:25

Don't know what you have done different but you look younger ❤

@danicacharles4221 - 04.03.2025 09:48

Get well soon Helen ❤
Loved the dress and cardigan. ❤ Dolly

@fiona2125 - 04.03.2025 09:43

I'm with you Helen, I never pay full price 😅

@SusanDennis-k5e - 04.03.2025 08:56

Hi Helen. Like the cardigan but not with the denim dress.

@PaulineLogan-q4q - 04.03.2025 08:52

Love the dress and cardigan...I love a bargain too I am a frequent shopper on Vinted I have some great designer bargains ❤

@rosemaryturner5236 - 04.03.2025 08:48

Love the dress and cardigan. Looks really nice.❤

@betsybeecolorado - 04.03.2025 08:35

Oooooo, nice dress Helen, you are so slim!! Lol, I had to laugh about you clanking the bowls around haha you woke me up.Cute cardigan too. I can tell you cut your bangs and your eyebrows look darker, you look nice. I hope you feel better soon xoxo

@AliceGleeson-e2x - 04.03.2025 06:44

Love the dress! So flattering! Is itPossible to turn the sweater cuffs up? Just curious. 😁🇨🇦

@DemiLulu - 04.03.2025 06:26

OMG the noise like a school lunch kitchen slamming those bowls around, I couldn’t stop laughing. 🤣🤣 I also can never pay full price for anything. Look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves. My dear old mum will still say that, and she’s not wrong.
Feel better soon!

@paulinedavis3660 - 04.03.2025 05:46

Thankyou for sharing, love poundland for a bargain, if you download the app you can get a lower price on certain items , my friend advised me its worth downloading and It really is, as every penny helps being a pensioner 😅. Love the blue dress you look fabulous in it..😊

@lindakirk698 - 04.03.2025 05:35

O Helen could you have made more noise when you were shuffling your bowls! 🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉

@melissabyrne3633 - 04.03.2025 05:19

Hi Helen Melissa here from Adelaide Australia as always I enjoy your posts .😍

@charmianjohnson2364 - 04.03.2025 05:04

Dress was gorgeous on you, liked the cardigan too. I didn’t think the belt did anything for you or the dress.

@poppyb7118 - 04.03.2025 04:58

The dress is lovely with your trainers and cardigan I liked your bowls too I hope you never broke the lid when you dropped it ❤❤

@juliedewing4924 - 04.03.2025 04:21

Lovely video today. Hope you feel better soon x

@lorraineshearing30 - 04.03.2025 04:20

Sorry you’ve not been well Helen…..take care xx

@AnnmarieMcCartan - 04.03.2025 04:12


@Tootsiewalls - 04.03.2025 03:55

The pots are ideal, loved the dress and belt on you, did you know Poundland has an app?❤

@nancyciampa3485 - 04.03.2025 03:49

I love your fringe ... makes you look younger. I love the dress on you, very flattering.

@catherinenaugle3484 - 04.03.2025 03:45

I love bargains too. Like you, I hate to pay full price. At 70 I am still a “coupon clipper!”

@normabrooks2351 - 04.03.2025 03:36

Totally agree Helen about qdding hifh end with Primark (Primarni) or other similar stores who would know .Loved the dress and the belt added just the right bit of interest.. The Poundland finds were great value and well worth a visit- might go tomorrow see if our local store has anty of the items ❤

@debwlv - 04.03.2025 03:19

Helen, I am EXACTLY the same way with wanting the best possible value for my money…..I go to similar lengths, in EVERY aspect of my life, just as you said you do! And, I have sisters who pay no mind to ensuring they are spending in the best possible way, raised by the same folks that raised me, so, who knows where it comes from! 😂😂😂

@elainebenham4787 - 04.03.2025 03:07

Thank you Helen. You are a complete natural Talking away as though we were all together in one room. Well I suppose we are in a way! Great tips and, as always you do all the heavy work. Outfit looked great x

@lynnhamilton5931 - 04.03.2025 02:59

My daughter loves him

@lisagriffiths1343 - 04.03.2025 02:54

I remember going to Poundland when it opened in the 80's there was 4 placemats l could not find the price.l asked the assistant who pointed out "Madam you are in Poundland have a guess"? Lol

@amycollinsbijoux2594 - 04.03.2025 02:09

I aspire to/suffer from the bargain buzz too. Less for more and more for less is my moto 😂❤

@bettytennant1126 - 04.03.2025 01:58

❤loved the bargins you looked lovely in the dress not the cardigan with it 😊

@stephaniehosie6335 - 04.03.2025 01:51

Helen any help for starting a channel. My son is so funny and I think the “world”is missing out He has recently finished a 4 year voluntary job with no permanent position being offered. Any help starting out would be appreciated. He is so lovely but never been able to showcase who he is xs ❤

@ElaineRodgers-gk2dp - 04.03.2025 01:42

Well Helen im still watching with one eye 😮 but your fringe looks pretty damn good. Love all the goodies you bought on your shimmey. Wasnt a great idea watching this so late at night with you clankin those bowls.😂❤

@caroldoyle70 - 04.03.2025 01:40

Fab vlog Helen. I loved all the nicknacks and clothes. I feel a visit to those shops coming on! You look lovely and I hope you get a chance to take it easy and get fully well soon. ❤🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿❤

@sheilam4525 - 04.03.2025 01:35

I absolutely love a bargain. I guess I had some "snobbery" years ago about the discount stores but now you cant keep me away. I think everyone should bargain hunt otherwise you just get ripped off. Lovely outfit, Helen, the cardigan looks very elegant 😊

@user-rh9nl6jz2k - 04.03.2025 01:31

Just like yourself Helen I too look for bargains in everything, hardly every pay full price always wait for things to come on sale, the markup on everything these days is so large that they are still making money on the sale price. Love the outfit, again you are so lucky to have those stores in the UK, I do miss them never mind, empty suitcase on my next visit to Blighty 😂😂. Have a wonderful week Wendy 🇨🇦

@gillmarshall7760 - 04.03.2025 01:28

Lovely video Helen, great bargains and the dress looks amazing on you .. the colour is stunning..
Must try Poundland too.. xx

@gabriellerochelle4367 - 04.03.2025 01:25

Dress good yes, really smart, classy or casual. cardigan so so but not with the dress, my opinion cardi would wow with wide leg pants, probably linen mix. Interesting those Bowles 😊😊

@willowtreecottage8233 - 04.03.2025 01:11

For you to be feeling under the weather Helen ,you look beautiful. Absolutely love the dress and I actually love the cardi with it. Something I would go for myself. Hope you feel better soon! Best wishes from N.Ireland x

@Anna-MarieDover - 04.03.2025 01:09

I'm like you, Helen. I don't like paying full price when I can help it. Places like Primark and Poundland have amazing bargains. Dressed up with quality accessories, the effect is a million dollars! You don't have to spend a fortune. Hope your sore throat is better soon. I agree. I like your hair like that. First thing I noticed!😄 Cowes weekend for a fabulous 90th birthday party. Heading back to Devon tomorrow. Anna-Marie x

@louisesmith2035 - 04.03.2025 01:00

Lovely buys Helen. I wanted to smell your candle 😂. Loved the dress and cardigan ❤

@carolynhopkinson8642 - 04.03.2025 00:57

I must try the candle, and love the dress too! X

@dianefturner4166 - 04.03.2025 00:51

Have you lost weight ,you really do look slimmer 😊

@nancycronin601 - 04.03.2025 00:51

Love the dress. Looks so fabulous on you. 😊

@BIRGITTAQF - 04.03.2025 00:48

Hope you feel even better soon. That dress and cardigan with the belt really suited you. And then the rest that at least i didnt know i needed. Love it. Thanks Helen ❤

@wildwolf2567 - 04.03.2025 00:41

Glad you're feeling better Helen. Those bowls are great. I get excited about all sorts of purchases. I recently purchased a new electric can opener and was really excited about that arriving, ha ha. All the products were a good purchase and I loved the dress, belt and the cardigan. Very nice. Dolly does make me smile. A treat always works to distract a pooch. Thank you Helen .

@soniaclarke1171 - 04.03.2025 00:37

Helen that outfit was stunning on you.

@JuneBraham-nu8uj - 04.03.2025 00:35

The dress is lovely. Not too keen on the cardigan x

@helenparker3165 - 04.03.2025 00:31

Lovef this video. Get well soon.xx

@christine3358 - 04.03.2025 00:29

Oh I love that whole outfit. Looks great on you. And I’m 100% with you…I NEVER buy clothes, especially, without a coupon or it’s on sale. I just can’t do it. Housewares too.

@myoung6204 - 04.03.2025 00:29

Helen I really love your hair like that. So flattering. I had a similar cut back in the day but it got shorter over the years for easy management. Loved your clever bowls (where did you get them?) but they must have been close to the microphone or it's just my delicate eardrums but I found myself almost saying, Helen do you want a hammer 🔨 !! 😂 Dress and cardigan lovely. Look after your throat. Hope it's better soon. 🎉 xx

@ireneflaxman9373 - 04.03.2025 00:27

Hi Helen, you look stunning.❤
