Top-Ranked Competitive Eater Takes on a Devastating Chocolate Challenge

Top-Ranked Competitive Eater Takes on a Devastating Chocolate Challenge

Extreme Eaters

3 дня назад

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@bmarie216 - 10.03.2025 08:16

This is a great video. Really well put together and I like the edits.
I’m going to miss watching you twins eating all the food, but I’m glad you guys are still around doing something that you enjoy.

@nberkel - 10.03.2025 08:36

Love the concept, and of course Geoff Esper. I'm rooting for this to take off!

@emmaf_ - 10.03.2025 09:19

Wow you basically produced a TV show. Your work has always been incredible and I hope you will finally get recognition for it ! Can’t wait to see the rest of this adventure ! Much love to you friends 🤗😘

@VatoMookie - 10.03.2025 09:32

Love his channel

@tombreault1096 - 10.03.2025 09:35

Love this much deserved recognition for Geoff Esper. The man has beat Joey in many food competitions in MLE

@jillklages930 - 10.03.2025 10:35

So good to see you guys back again and I love the new format! Great first episode, it made me hungry for more. 😂 Can’t wait for the next one!

@ordina5392 - 10.03.2025 10:37

very glad that your idea actualized. great idea to combine challenge with interview. geoff definitely a goat to be the 1st challenger. it would be nice to focus how challenger take down the food and move the interview in voice over or put it in small window on the screen
well done to the new format and wish more to come

@thomasp6208 - 10.03.2025 11:36

Damn I really hope this catches on! Great job with the pilot episode :)

@NellyAlabaster - 10.03.2025 12:09

I like the new style and format! Wishing you lots of success with it🍀. It’s a shame that your previous videos weren’t as successful—I always enjoyed your food challenges and rankings. But it’s great that you’re trying new things and I will be looking forward to new uploads of these awesome new videos!

@michaelgalvin96 - 10.03.2025 13:03

great concept, hope its a success

@nickdoornbosch - 10.03.2025 13:18

Geoff Esper is the man! Great first episode! Can't wait for more!

@richardstahl7572 - 10.03.2025 13:42

This is a awesome competition great idea guys and the best first guest the legendary Geoff esper❤

@SKZ-ARI - 10.03.2025 14:16

Keep going!!!! Love the idea😋

@tec2224 - 10.03.2025 15:13

Absolutely amazing video what a great first guest love all of you guys!

@KenSalaga - 10.03.2025 16:19

this is not a top ranked comp eater lmao, matt stonie woul destroy this challenge in half the time lmao

@doyouevensmokebro2520 - 10.03.2025 16:22

God that’s a lot of chocolate

@coachtavius - 10.03.2025 16:35

I LOVE this new direction you guys are taking! What an amazing first episode, and I can't wait for more!

@scotttownsend4764 - 10.03.2025 17:47

Great content. I like being exposed to eaters that I'm not as familiar with (I'm new to the sport). I enjoy the new format, but I admit, I miss seeing the twins together. Looking forward to the next episode with a new competitor!

@louburnett6782 - 10.03.2025 19:32

I wondered what channel this was, but was not disappointed. Great first episode, but hope you guys still done some content personally too ❤

@samcook_food - 10.03.2025 19:53

Very impressed that you guys Geoff Esper on your first episode. Guess that reputation you built up as eaters and active in the pro eating community paid off. Not sure if he’ll come back after being subjected to the achocolypse, but it’s still a good start 😅

Also impressed by Geoff’s performance. He’s a legend for a reason! Loved the Q&A

Great job all!!

@OnePersonPast - 10.03.2025 21:09

Love the new format 🎉

@anapaulaaraujo830 - 10.03.2025 21:34

O quem é conheceu ele comer muito mais que o Robert Pattinson nao comer nao o ator comer muito mais sucesso com canal parabéns

@ArabianLady - 10.03.2025 21:42

Great job guys! Incredible eating! Kudos to him!

@regislopez-kaufman8542 - 10.03.2025 22:11

Great format and Geoff is the best ! Quick advice just switch the frame from small for interviews and large for eating, we are all here for the food :)

@MaxvsFood - 10.03.2025 22:25

Fantastic first episode! Having Geoff has really set the tone and the bar very very high. I loved the interview and the challenge concept. Cannot wait for episode 2!! 👏👏👏

@hilelsikorin17 - 10.03.2025 23:30

The first episode was amazing! I can't wait to see the next one and the rest of the series

@die_rabbit - 11.03.2025 00:08

I love chocolate man

@robstn4640 - 11.03.2025 01:29

Enjoy watching Jeff!

@SincertyPatrick - 11.03.2025 04:50

I hope other eaters reach out to you guys🎉

@SarCastleDoesntExist - 11.03.2025 06:15

This video was awesome! I can’t wait for the next one!

@Phenikkusu - 11.03.2025 07:03

Love this series! I want to see Matt Stonie take this on!

@nonsensicalsentiments - 11.03.2025 07:17

So excited to see future episodes. This is quality content, as per usual with you two! Stoked to see how this series plays out. Thanks for the time, effort, and creativity spent making such stellar entertainment for us! 🤍

@BeethovenGus - 11.03.2025 10:52

Whats with the ai profile pic 💔🥀

@ginad.8114 - 11.03.2025 12:27

Love, love, LOVE the personality of Geoff Esper. He seems so respectful and humble of his audience. Consistent, not flashy. Just quietly getting it DONE. More people should be like that.

@kyliesee4288 - 11.03.2025 14:26

love this new concept! i didnt know who Geoff Esper was until now! time to watch his previous eats.

@alexanderberbey8724 - 11.03.2025 17:57

Great stuff boys 👌🏽

@300IQPUG - 11.03.2025 18:42

wheres the hot twin?

@Jackeddoughboy - 11.03.2025 19:14

Need more tips from the eaters on keeping weight down while still doing the challenges. Even the dark secrets.

@Jackeddoughboy - 11.03.2025 19:15

Absolutely loved this!!!!

@dudethatscool - 11.03.2025 19:44

This looks great, I like the format and the editing, great show - keep up with this guys you'll have a massive page!

@MuseFoxs - 11.03.2025 21:02

Such a sick setup, a great story, and a challenge! 🔥 Can't wait so see more 👏

@Juunnny - 11.03.2025 21:09

Dudes!! Stoked for a new series, excited for what’s to come! Great first challenge

@chamathalion - 11.03.2025 22:33

great concept guys. really good job. glad to see you again

@miniangel619 - 12.03.2025 06:05

BRO!!!!! I was missing you guys! And now ya'll came up with this NEW content!!! I'm digging it!! DO BEARD MEET FOODS NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@frowningdragon - 12.03.2025 07:31

Oh god, this is your new channel? Can anyone say Hot Ones rip off?

@ayrtonsilva5817 - 12.03.2025 15:33

Love the new content , great production🎉

@BeamingBuddha - 12.03.2025 16:37

New content, same top level standard. What a great start!!!

@brittanymichel4718 - 12.03.2025 17:29

I'd come back for Geoff's mass accent. I'm about it.

@JL16061980 - 13.03.2025 01:21

Love Geoff ❤ great channel concept. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

@raquelhulce9314 - 13.03.2025 07:27

Heavy D told me about this channel as Geoff was the first guest, I will follow for more eaters that I follow to try the challenges. Hopefully you all do well.
