Beijing declares it's prepared to go to war with America | 9 News Australia

Beijing declares it's prepared to go to war with America | 9 News Australia

9 News Australia

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@FMinus-m4b - 06.03.2025 10:59

Well America did start the war

@77789-u - 06.03.2025 10:58

The tariffs to China is a reciprocal tariff , right ???

@StevenKeery - 06.03.2025 10:57

Emboldened by Trump's attitude towards Putin. Who would have thought this could happen?

@mariohabjan967 - 06.03.2025 10:56

What about pathetic New Zealand at only 1.1GDP Australia should put tariffs on NZ imports

@superai9376 - 06.03.2025 10:56

Even with 7.2% increase, China's military defence buget is still below average.lower than 1.5% of GDP

@SCP-117 - 06.03.2025 10:56

Fake news.

@dfor50 - 06.03.2025 10:55

Increase defence spending with steel mills on life support?

@alenb1 - 06.03.2025 10:54

Only on Murdoch media can you find shyt like this. let me guess Dutton is the only one who can save us,. does anyone at 9 feel embarrassed about their job at all?

@davidlane5349 - 06.03.2025 10:53

Australia policy should be - as I have advocated for more than 10 years - be neutral - the Switzerland of the Pacific charity to All malice to none. Quit wasting your money on arms programs. You can’t afford the joint strike fighter, the submarines. All that money could be put into infrastructure hospitals, schools - it’s the guns versus butter argument.

@wiggmanoriginal - 06.03.2025 10:53

China is not the enemy skips

@Oil_and_Natural_Gas - 06.03.2025 10:52

China has more agricultural/industrial/commercial robots than the rest of the world combined, 10 times the US does. It's leading in many other critical technologies too. The only real things the US has left is advanced chip design (not even manufacturing without Taiwan) and some of the pharmaceuticals. It’s not even leading in the research and application of nuclear technology (not quantity but quality) and genetic engineering on many degrees compared to China. In non-critical areas China is also at the forefront, highways, bridges, tunnels, car making, ship building, the construction and manufacturing of many other types of projects. While California may be still struggling in their high speed rail to be hopefully completed sooner than later anyway, China's two-thirds of the world's trains most operating at 250~380km/h (155~236 mph) are the safest in the world and almost never late since more than a decade ago. Just an example, a very QUICK AND SIMPLE EXAMPLE.

@matthewbarbour122 - 06.03.2025 10:51

Come on Channel 9.

Tell the full story!

This is nothing but taking small % of dialog and reporting your selected different bits and pieces to the uninformed public.

For example, the first part of the same Chinese speech you refer to was saying they want nothing but peace! They just won’t be bullied or intimidated.

Lastly, Trump has only “Paused” support as a typical Trump negotiation process.

Why didn’t you mention the Supreme Court has ordered full support from the US must resume?

Absolute scare tactics and typical mainstream fake news!

@InfinityIsland2203 - 06.03.2025 10:50

Mate, trade war is not a hot war. Stop scaring people.

@kuruppu - 06.03.2025 10:49

Bravo China

@m.e.zz.e.m6546 - 06.03.2025 10:48

Economic need for the hype.

@xiaotan7037 - 06.03.2025 10:48


@debtequity - 06.03.2025 10:47

More media fear mongering to show our current “leadership” is as weak as CCP require it to be. We need Jesus and his instrument, DONALD J TRUMP, Amen

@newrussianempire5 - 06.03.2025 10:47


@peterward9446 - 06.03.2025 10:46

The ENTIRE Free World urgently needs to start disengaging from the TOXIC UNHINGED & IMPLODING CCP-Party-State ,,, it was imbecilic to have engaged with the CCP-DICTATORSHIP in the first place.....

@thedonaldtimes - 06.03.2025 10:44

Pete Hegseth is shitting his pants.

@dawidzhu - 06.03.2025 10:43

Trump:”Fake news “

@Taxonome - 06.03.2025 10:42

The NPC , non player characters talking like bots on the world stage, boring

@adittypublications4141 - 06.03.2025 10:39

Australia cannot Match China, so better talk to them and be friendly with them as they are our biggest trading partner. No need to increase defence spending and spend it on our domestic development. Don't fall for deep state's arms business
