Everything Wrong With Jack Doherty

Everything Wrong With Jack Doherty


1 год назад

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@HShoshana - 08.03.2025 06:08

Why grow out of the behavior when it has never been punished and, in fact, been repeatedly rewarded? He needs legal and financial consequences for his behavior.

@petem.3719 - 23.01.2025 18:49

He's in a SYG state and pew pew sticks are super easy to get with virtually no restirctions. Anyone who totes around a 400 pound beast to scare people should remember that.

@petem.3719 - 23.01.2025 18:35

I got permanent injuries for which I got nothing but a $100k bill cuz the perp wasn't worth suing. I'd take a beatdown from Jack's thig for a multi-million $ payday any time.

@queenofarkham0054 - 14.01.2025 06:43

Just another entitled brat

@maryfaithfey - 30.12.2024 14:57

kindof mad and jealous that sometimes wealth can be given or create the worse types of people. i would know many people including myself who would've done much better things with his wealth than he could even care about like donating, helping others, not mindlessly spending..etc

@danaparsons760 - 30.12.2024 13:34

Jack Doherty's parents are responsible for the way he turned out. I can't stand neither one of them they're both assholes.

@carljohnson8133 - 30.12.2024 05:35

I love how despite Jack’s degenerate behavior, you still find a way to call him out on his ridiculous antics in the most polite way possible with words like coward and kid etc. Most content creators just rip into him with a bunch of swearing and straight up dehumanizes him lol

@Haroldspookycat86 - 26.12.2024 00:32

It rhymes with HUNT

@Drunk_spooder_man - 22.12.2024 10:44

Gee I listen to this while Roleplaying in a game and i love it.

@ninjamasterbuilder8675 - 27.11.2024 17:50

Once Onlyfans is gone Jack will fade into irrelevance like what he deserves and his ring will be eradicated

@tylererlich427 - 23.11.2024 03:41

To quote grunkle Stan, “Is it wrong to punch a child?” And if that child is jack it’s a resounding yes

@kingdom-dude - 20.11.2024 22:53

What I hate the most is that his parents try to act like they hate what he does and try to be concerning and responsible parents when they put him on Dr. Phil, but they supported and enabled him before being on Dr. Phil and even after. Dr. Phil, who I don’t like anyway, didn’t even look like he addressed the parents enabling Jack’s shenanigans. In this world, parents need to be blamed for enabling their kids’ behaviors

@mangafreak942 - 11.11.2024 21:15

He’s not just lucky he has enablers for parents… he’s lucky he’s a white male because in no way would our brother and sisters in the BIPOC/AAPI community would get away with this behavior

@natrixxvision6997 - 11.11.2024 00:10

Unfortunately this was made before he crashed his car and got kicked off a cruise ship.

@Penguin407-o8c - 07.11.2024 23:32

Poor doggie Jack doesn’t deserve a dog

@Penguin407-o8c - 07.11.2024 23:03

It’s amazing to see someone who is the definition of someone who thinks he is hot shit

@KingNoah231 - 03.11.2024 10:53

I wonder how many restraining orders people have on this POS

@Pleasetiemyshoes - 03.11.2024 01:35

Didnt he get shot?

@craignourie8853 - 29.10.2024 02:03

when jack and his security meet their match jack wont be laughing his security is just a stupid thug anyway no brains between either one of them

@craignourie8853 - 29.10.2024 01:37

he cant drive thats for sure what a moron

@minenitex8646 - 28.10.2024 11:04

Bro my dyslexia is crazy. I read the title as "Everything IS wrong with Jack Doherty." I was thinking, "Ain't no way tehmimi was about to full roast Jack for his antics.

Anyways, great video.

@craignourie8853 - 21.10.2024 04:35

kid prob has enough to retire but is so wrapped up in a fake manfactured world he will never know it

@nebulaM16 - 20.10.2024 19:59

Of course he can do all these shyt with no consequences, he obviously has a certified Down syndrome..I mean look at him, just look at him…isn’t it obvious?
Even in court he has privilege considering his mental state.

@mattheweubanks6163 - 20.10.2024 09:57

The most irritating thing about him in my opinion is the fact he hides behind his security when the harassed confront him

@Meepse - 20.10.2024 09:39

imagine paying $83,538 for Harvard just for this prick to come in and interrupt your lesson

@Meepse - 20.10.2024 09:30

Jack= bitch Michel=goat *sry if i spelled his name wrong

@jamesharvey8654 - 17.10.2024 23:24

The parents are so submissive and he walks all over them

@zacharysmith7397 - 17.10.2024 22:15

Jack looks like a Nintendo Wii character

@mudchair16 - 15.10.2024 23:33

Everything wrong with people who sit in their bedrooms making crappy videos and e-begging in the pinned comment.

@rayganparksmitchell - 14.10.2024 16:51

Dislike because there was a sponsored segment

@TheTrueChips - 12.10.2024 15:41

He crashed his mclaren. Hope he doesnt recover and that he has to go to jail

@scribbledoll4382 - 12.10.2024 05:39

7 months later...spoiler: he doesnt get better

@starkillerab1582 - 11.10.2024 21:43

I blame Lance Stewart for not sending Jack to jail for real when he should’ve for breaking into his house multiple times

@karlaugustmalt7266 - 11.10.2024 20:50

And that's how he plunged into the sea and drowned.

Never fly too close to the sun or in Jack's case right into it. This is what fame at an early age can do to a person and also our society seems to promote this stuff sometimes.

Still the party has to end eventually and I think Jack's fall from fame is inevitable and also well-deserved in his case as he really is being very rude and inconsiderate towards other human beings around him. He is not bringing anything positive to the table other than toxic behavior which will in turn only create more toxic behavior.

Not every fall has to be the end of course. Perhaps it will humble this young man in a good way and he hopefully learns from his mistakes.

@Phantom.Gaming64 - 11.10.2024 18:33

Let me be clear: I don't condone violence/harm on other, but Jack seems to be the type of guy who thinks he is untouchable, and will only learn his mistakes when someone puts him to a hospital for few months.

@deletedaccount2027official - 11.10.2024 01:20

bro jacks so lucky he hasnt ran into someone whos concealed carry, especially someone whos doing so illegally, or has been waiting to shoot someone

@iceman-hw7kb - 10.10.2024 08:51

he won't last in the hood

@CharlesJohnson-ui2pk - 08.10.2024 09:10

This appears to be a case of an undiagnosed sociopath. Whose behavior is encouraged and supported by his parents. A "Bad Seed". This is probably not going to end well.

@Octav2000 - 08.10.2024 08:59

He was recently in a car accident and was unfortunately found alive 😢

@julianyc422 - 08.10.2024 00:01

His Parents are wealth hoarding co conspirators.

@julianyc422 - 07.10.2024 23:47

Mom like him paying her bills, of course she is all in. Blockng the driveway is insane though.

@Sabrina_fangrill2012 - 07.10.2024 11:59

Lol iam 12 and I hate Jack
