This guy is insane!
ОтветитьJerry could be smoking a meth pipe while shooting heroin and I'd still be stoked on him
ОтветитьNo way he's gonna talk about each trick in the entire video...oh snap....this is great
ОтветитьGood shit!
ОтветитьCan’t forget Ed Templeton when it comes to art and skating. Dudes been doing it for years
ОтветитьArto is a better comparison for Hsu photography wise
ОтветитьProbably a heavy request. But you talking about creative personalities and creative skating was interesting. Would love to see a video about that mainly focused on creative/unique skating. I.E. Jerry Hsu, Eric Koston, Gonz, Gou Miyagi, and the fancy lad crew. Love seeing how people can take skateboarding anywhere. Great videos love the hard work.
ОтветитьThe thing about Jerry is that he's way better then you think he is.
ОтветитьThis guy worries about smoking while he loves street skateboarding. Some of the most absuive acvitvity for your body lol
ОтветитьCory Sheppard was also another great skater who was a phenomenal artist! Loved his Blind What If part
Ответить@ dumb data post a clip of you skating doing either a nollie kickflip or a treflip and ill let you live your life. I need proof in this pudding.
Ответитьfuck you the sw olie over the rail wasn't sketchy i feel like you never skated a day in your life. You live for the haters calll me a hater but your page is a the ultimate memepage. Gd post a video of you doing a treflip dumb fucking data
ОтветитьJerry was doing Suciu more than a decade before Suciu was doing Suciu
ОтветитьDidn't age well?
I don't smoke and I never will... BUT
Watching them smoke makes me wish I did.
I got one of them enjoi boards and it looks like it's about 10 plies thick. Like riding a log
Ответитьkim kardashian wearing one of ya hats would be considered a low point
ОтветитьFakie nose slide down Quimby not fakie back tail.
ОтветитьYou're right Dixon landing is boarder of Milpitas and Fremont so yeah north of San Jose
ОтветитьLol this is so wildly in-depth, Fire.. Great work
ОтветитьI really wanna see Jerry back in batb lol
ОтветитьIt was a fakie front tail at the end of the line not fakie backtail
ОтветитьWait is this really what the entire channel is about? Just breaking skateboarding down into numbers? Why are we watching this?
ОтветитьGreat Vid. Jerry was my favorite skater growing up.
ОтветитьKooler. Idk. Steve Olson is the coolest That mofo invented skateboarding imo. The father of Alex Olson . So cool probably the father of jack Olson and I bet the father of the Olson twins and there’s more probably.
Those who know know. Even my mom knows.
Need to do a video on “Baker 3” or “Birdhouse-The End” or “Transworld” or “ éS – Menikmati”
Ответитьpivot spot has literally no bust chance. its a reservoir in sf on ocean & 22nd
Ответитьliterally the coolest skater ever wow
ОтветитьKinda surprising that a guy who is so into skating is constantly getting the names for things incorrect.
ОтветитьWhat was the drama on the Nollie back heel? Someone help me
ОтветитьBro you have no idea what’s going on
ОтветитьThat front side nose grind on that blue ledge where he used a street sign to roll up is in Madison Wisconsin its right next to the skatepark
ОтветитьSkateboarding in the 2000s was hardcore AF.
Ответитьjerrys depressed af and he hates himself. like andre 3000 except andres much nicer as a person
Ответитьits funny to make a detailed picture of a person when you only know him through lens. People show on camera only what they want you to see.
ОтветитьSmokimgs destroys many skaters
ОтветитьFem boy
ОтветитьId say Brent achtley is equivalent. Prodigy, tech-gnar unique selection, style, feel based sponsor moves, leaving on top, meaningful post career life
ОтветитьSmoking a cigarette didn’t “age well” ? Who the fuck are you dude? 😂
ОтветитьThey smoked cigs. What do you mean it didn’t age well? People smoke.
ОтветитьFirst skate part I ever watched. Introduced me to Sonic Youth, Cass Mccombs, and what it meant to have style on a board. For a while Enjoi WAS Jerry. He's always gonna be one of my favorite skaters of all time. So bummed that Enjoi is history now. They had the best ads in all of the mags, and had a fucking panda as their main logo. Creative rippers the lot of em, but especially Jerry.
ОтветитьCigarettes age fine. Why does it matter?
Ответитьdude the cig transish into the 2nd song is sick af wym