ОтветитьA Pirates fan happy that the baseball season is starting? Wonders never cease.
Ответитьwow the jak 3 review was taken down
ОтветитьI'm happy that Derek ACTUALLY TALKS ABOUT THE GAME that he's reviewing. Thanks Derek! :)
ОтветитьI wish my baseball stadium had a billboard that just said "Sonic" and had a picture of him all the time...
Ответить2:41 Sonic! What are you doing in this game?! (P.S. I know this game was made by Sega)
ОтветитьTime out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. Time out. XD
ОтветитьThis game was a classic. Julio Franco had a ridiculous stance in this game. Also Derek, you wish you left this game at the bottom of the box...FUCK YOU !!!
Ответитьgot this game 7 years ago along with a genesis /sega cd and it seems more focus was put on the novelty of voice over, field play is pretty sloppy. Theres much better baseball games on the genesis
ОтветитьThis game is real talk.
Ответить@2007pepsilover wait what was the jak 3 review?
Ответить@atlantaaintbraver oh derek made what alot of people considered an immature one, and people were piss off, so now it is gone
ОтветитьThis review sucks. This game along with the World Series Baseball games are the best Baseball games of the 16-Bit generation. Set fielding to auto which fixes any problem you could have in the field. Still allowing you to make diving catches and climb the wall to save home runs.
ОтветитьGod i miss the Expos :(
Ответить@armyschweitzer @armyschweitzer Very mature. 'He hates the bad game that I like...wah!' You sound like a sad fanboy.
ОтветитьIf you just press C without pressing a direction the ball is thrown to first base. Then you can't complain about throwing to second on a routine grounder.
Ответитьhahaha yesss!!!! well said
ОтветитьInfield back. Infield in. Infield normal. Infield back. Infield in. Infield normal. Infield back. Infield in. Infield normal. Infield back. Infield in. Infield normal. Infield back. Infield in. Infield normal. Infield back. Infield in. Infield normal. Infield back. Infield in. Infield normal. Infield back. Infield in. Infield normal. Infield back. Infield in. Infi...well, you get the point.
ОтветитьI absolutely love this game, just for the cheesy outdated commentary. ("Hit to short! NO: HE DROPS IT! I Can't be-lieve it!") Also, I do have to disagree about the fielding bit; I don't find throwing to bases that tough myself, direction button + C seems simple enough IMO. Controlling your fielders is a pain though, I will admit.
ОтветитьOh, dear goodness this game is hilarious. And by that, if it's okay, I mean in the best possible ways
Ответитьis there anyway possible to convert or play these games on today's systems?
ОтветитьFielding is not that hard in this game...
Ответитьwhen i was younger i thought this was a great game and id always mess around with the announcer by throwing the ball consistantly back and forth between bases and did it so much that it kept repeating itself over and over again and i thought it was hiliarious
ОтветитьHow could you wanna leave this game in the box? This was one of the best Baseball games ever. And frankly, better than a lot of the shit baseball games today in the fun and leaving you entertained department!
ОтветитьPlz stfu & go fuck yourself. Ur voice is audible diarrhea
ОтветитьI think your review really shows your young age. Having a talking announcer doing play by play & announcing players names for the very first time was revolutionary. Also it's not surprising a game made in 1991 does not hold up in 2012 because it was 21 years ago!!!
ОтветитьI agree with some of the insight on this review but not all.. the fielding being cluncky? not!! this was an awesome game for its time. I don't remember which team was best. maybe Toronto?
ОтветитьI could swear the announcer on sports talk baseball said loser gives the winner a rim job oh my!!! LOL
ОтветитьFor its time, this was the best baseball game ever made. It’s still fun as hell to play today.. especially with two players.
ОтветитьI just recently bought this on ebay after remembering which one it was we played as kids. Holy shit some of these controls are jenky. Terribly.
ОтветитьKids should never do reviews on things that were out before they were born or when they were toddlers. It's rediculous. They dont understand evolution and how things were ground breaking in their day. This game was ahead of it's time. The gameplay is so smooth even for today.
ОтветитьSet fielding to auto, that takes a lot of the guess work out of balls where you can’t see your players. Learn how to throw a curve. And the trick to throwing guys out. If he’s on first, you run the 1st baseman to the edge of the dirt at first and throw to 3rd, the runner will go to second. Throw to 2nd, he’ll run back to 1st and you can throw to first and run him down from there. If the runner is on 2nd, you throw the ball from 2nd to first, again, running just to the edge of the dirt, the runner will take off for 3rd, and you can throw him out from 1st. This will not working against a Ricky Henderson or Vince Coleman, and sometimes, they’ll get the bag. But you’ll win 85% of these plays. And won’t get mercied anymore. This guy really encapsulates today’s generation. Plug a game in, play, lose and bitch that the game sucks and “doesn’t hold up” This kid’s never had to take the time to get good at anything. These games you actually had to play to get better. And if not, you get mercied.
ОтветитьShows how bad you'd be beatin'
Not the game. Just you
This game is a cheating little bastard
ОтветитьMe and my buddies in middle school played the hell out of this game. Love how you can create your own All Star lineup and the graphics are solid.
ОтветитьYou just don't know how to play the game I just beat Philadelphia with Pittsburgh 2-1