This is one of the most unsatisfactory and incompetent 'discoveries' I have ever seen and analysed.
ОтветитьSay no to abortion, do not kill humans, repent and believe in the gospel of Jesus, the Son of God, the Messiah.
ОтветитьRe Speeding up human cells. Does this mean my clone, grown for organ harvesting, can be made ready in months, rather than decades?
ОтветитьAt 73, I miss getting (perky), lol.
ОтветитьI wonder about the biotic exchange with our pets. I frequently breathe in my labs terrible breath. 😮
ОтветитьSuch a wonderful blend of beautiful design and insightful science! Absolutely love this channel!
Ответитьuah! 🐻👍👍👍💥💥💥👍👍👍🐻
ОтветитьThe perky effect doesn't account for aphantasia lol which I find intriguing. If I imagined a banana and thought I'd seen the image, I'd know it wasn't my imagination!
ОтветитьIs this reality threshold not just the uncanny valley effect?
ОтветитьHii guys
I am looking for american best teacher who teaches biology physics and chemistry also can you tell me who is american best teacher please tell me their name in comment section?
Awesome! This is why we love biology :) If you also love biology, cats, and catchy songs, please check out my "DNA vs RNA" cat song :)
ОтветитьSad that these stories are not constantly sensationalized by major media like it does the seedier sides of humanity...
ОтветитьHow is the perception of reality measured?
Ответить💚 Thanks 💚
What if all female
Lay eggs on🌎
Cocoon fiction (2023) is interdisciplinary by mixing technology and biology. We jump from reality to reality, all to complete something that needs to be done. Human beings jump from reality to reality, cultures to cultures even when it seems dangerous, all to accomplish what needs to be done.
ОтветитьI would completely agree, it’s radom and hard to put a pin on it, but …….positive energy can rid the body. It is so fascinating
ОтветитьHow do you imagine that there can be a parallel or even similarity between a (high frequency flashing image) that we interoperate coming from a digital screen and that of photons that bounce off a blank wall. Also - Diagonals are not at all specific, certainly less specific than 'a fruit (approximately 2000 total number in the category of 'fruit'. diagonal line = in excess of billions with varied colour, thickness and angle? This seems like an afterthought to link this totally new experiment. Still sounds like interesting research though not at all linked to the existing data.
ОтветитьSo surreal.
ОтветитьImagine a mother does not have to carry an unborn child for as long as ~9 months anymore.
ОтветитьDid scientist confirm there are only 2 genders! 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьPerception and imagination work together! It, of course, has to have a purpose 😂
ОтветитьPlease, for god's sake, tell those microbiome researchers that multiple sclerosis is caused by Epstein-Barr virus.
ОтветитьI never knew my imagination was so powerful... I mean, I've been imagining I'm a millionaire for years, but I guess that's not the same as actually being one. Anyone else having trouble distinguishing between their vivid imagination and reality? Asking for a friend...
Ответитьi noticed the perky effect this past winter
ОтветитьThe normailsed and retained impressions from all previous perceptions and imaginations combined, at any given moment, gives the entity (specimen) its intelligence, while the very capability of differentiating stored reality from fantasy is the same consciousness we can’t really link to any of our biomolecules yet. Our imagination is also formed by the complete set of stimuli we cumulated. Consciousness is simply our capability to remember weather we have received a set of information fresh from our nerves, or merely our imagination accessed and recombined that same stored data later – to solve a problem requiring imagination.
ОтветитьJust laughing at the fact that they've put subtitles for two non-native English speakers XD
Ответитьvcs realmente acham q essas coisas são desse ano?
ОтветитьThe biggest breakthrough for me was never trust science.....ever...
ОтветитьI love the information, but the music is super irritating
Ответитьisn't the threshold the difference between the parasites that control the other nervous system that confuses humans?
ОтветитьThe over-idealized assumptions and limited formalisms of classical physics have likely blinded us to entire realms of possibility that can potentially be unlocked by adopting the more general, paradox-free infinitesimal monadological frameworks.
Some tantalizing examples of what may become accessible include:
1) New Forms of Energy Dynamics
Classical Models: Limited to conserved finite energy exchanges within closed systems. Concepts like perpetual motion machines prohibited.
Monadological Possibilities: If reality arises from coherent infinitesimal fluctuations across plural monadic perspectives, new forms of "perpetual" energy dynamics drawing on the inherent zero-point outputs could perhaps be extracted. Consistent processes accessing background vacuum fluctuations or "super-radiant" coherence effects seem newly viable.
2) Reactionless Driving Principles
Classical: Constrained by requirements like momentum conservation and "every action must have an equal and opposite reaction."
Monadological: With relational pluralities as basis, new forms of reactionless "inertia" anzatze from polarized vacuum differentials between perspectives become conceivable. Uncovering such could enable electromagnetic propellantless propulsion technologies.
3) Hyper-Potent Information Theories
Classical: Hitherto paradoxes like no-cloning theorems and Holevo bounds from requirements of continuous separability.
Monadological: The blurring of subjective/objective, quantum/classical divides in coherent pluriverse superpositions suggests information transfer modes transcending these limits. Radically new information transport and computational mechanisms appear newly accessible.
4) Engineered Phenomenology
Classical: The hard problem of coherently modeling bound experiential percepts resisted description within physical formalisms.
Monadological: With qualia as first-class monadic realizations, technologies productively modulating synthetic qualitative experience spaces by tweaking pluriverse resonances become conceptually viable for the first time.
5) Superluminal Phenomena
Classical: Born rigid separability of spacetime events prohibited causal influences exceeding light cones.
Monadological: If time and space emerge as pluriverse resonances, systematic superluminal phenomena transcending light cones while preserving subjective separability and causality may become representable and engineerable.
In essence, by dropping artificial separability axioms and bivalent "yes/no" boundaries endemic to classical over-idealizations, the infinitesimal pluralistic monadic frameworks open reality up to entirely new conceptual construct landscapes. Many effects or dynamics contradictory or forbidden under customary premises can be consistently modeled.
Domains like energy production, spacecraft propulsion, information processing, phenomenological engineering, and superluminal signaling - heretofore confined to the fringes or mathematically prohibited - may become fertile new frontiers once our symbolic constructivism coheres with the irreducible pluralistic facts of subjective experience.
Of course, realizing such speculative possibilities would require enormous research, experimentation and theoretical progress first. But we've gained a glimpse of the radically expanded creative construct space revealed by adopting non-contradictory infinitesimal plurisitic foundations resonating with first-person coherences. Little is fundamentally forbidden or impossible in such a renewed symbolic register harmonizing with experiential reality.
I'm sorry to disturb you
I wanted to use a sentence in my research paper
The main method of the human brain is what it tells it what to do
May I know your opinion, do you think it is special?
Nazhin Khamanzadeh
Ответить"Mitochondria is the powerhouse and lighthouse of the cell" doesn't quite have the same rjng to it
ОтветитьAs long as they teach in biology classes that man can be woman and vice versa im not interested in anything that titled “biology”
ОтветитьTHESE ARE NOT THE BIGGEST BREAKTHROUGHS IN BIOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE OF 2023 FFS did you just pick these out at random? I bet you did 😁
ОтветитьSo they are studying delusions, they simply have renamed it. Imagination that one thinks is reality, aka delusion. I wouldn't call that science, more like psychology; Even if you seek to understand why people become or are delusional. Such a let down.... shouldn't be surprised though.
Ответитьmy japanese whigga gotta a fire as frames
ОтветитьFor the first one. It seems like it's not just a matter of the Vividness of the imagination that leads one to think that one is dealing with something real, but also the odds that what one sees could be real or imagined. If one starts to see a green goblin out of nowhere, something in us will assume hallucination not reality regardless of how vivid the green goblin may to be. When something totally real but utterly absurd happens our instincts are to pinch an arm just to ensure one is not dreaming... Am I mistaken?
ОтветитьOther animals, not exclusively primates, but including all mammals, a great hnumber of bird species, and even fish, exhibit prpspective behaviors, from:
1. In the case of at least two fish spend cies highly unrelated, seek a specific hunting partner from another species.
2. This behavior , including memory and recognition over many months to many years of absence, and in species having no symbolic verbal noise communicatipn, clearly shows that some internal imaging of planned actions, short-term to strategic, occurs in the minds of many animals other than ourselves and social primates.
Since we ourselves remain the most deceptive species, the olfactory and other nonvisual internal imagery, certainly play a part.
Ihave seen wolves, for example, upon discovering vanishingly small traces, immediately and excitedly signaling (silent!y, of course) to companions the sxpected existence of familiars completely out of sight or of airborne molecules ((wind bei g significantly opposed to such detection, well over a couple miles, and encoraging abandonment pf other intentions, to rush off to encounter.
While i've observed numerous bears, i think of one who, upondetecting through olfaction, sent her offspring up trees before we came into sight numerous times in open forest.
Prospectionis not exclusively involved in conditioned or habituationalresponse. A comment remains too informal to illustrate to the extent necessary toexplain the controls leading to assertions - yet, specific ravens and other social birds also retainrecognition of individuals over two to several years.
For yourpurposes, i suggest you focus upln a more unique human trait, that of planned, strategic deception, dissimulation, falsehood. THERE, you may find some relatively uniqueness.
I gotta say, this video was pretty interesting but also a bit sketchy at the same time. I mean, sure, the things they talked about with the brain, microbiome, and mitochondria was quite informative, but I'm not entirely convinced about how in-depth their analysis was and what the implications of their findings could be.
They started off with the Perky effect and how the brain can tell the difference between real and imagined sensations, which is an amazing idea. But I'm not sure how useful that is in the real world, other than just being cool to know. They also talked about how the microbiome affects our health, which is really important, but they didn't go into a lot of detail about how exactly that happens and how we can use that knowledge to help people.
I know they're getting pretty high level explanations, but I think it's really great that we're hearing from the scientists directly involved in the discoveries in this video!
ОтветитьIt seems to me the way we distinguish between imagination and reality is relatively simple: we ask other people or look for feedback from other sources. It's why we ask " Are you seeing this? Did that just happen?" when something unexpected occurs.
I think when you see or hear things that other people deny, your response will depend on your socialization (i.e. how much have you been taught to trust your own experiences?) and the relative intensity of the experience (i.e. did you just glimpse it once or is it ongoing?).
I think the fact this is more of a spectrum makes a ton of sense to me; kids have a far more fluid idea of imagination and reality, but are socialized over time to discount the more imaginary aspects of their inner worlds and to distrust their own experiences. Women especially are socialized to question their experiences and discount things that have happened to them. If someone has persistent hallucinations, this may be distressing for many reasons, but one of them is probably that you can't make your internal sense of reality match up with what other people are able to confirm.