How To Make Coding Fun

How To Make Coding Fun


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@rein556 - 25.08.2023 17:32

I am glad i found this video, I started with game development, and really liked it, but i had to move forward to learn web dev, learning this, from a course, day by day is extinguishing my passion and love for programming, i dived into this, thinking that after all this, i would be capable, to find new ideas, that are challenging to create, and will stay awake all night, figuring out how to build it, and building it,maybe even with a friend, that imagination was so fun to visualize. Because of your video, my dying energy for programming is restored and now even more than ever!

@projecttitanium-slowishdriver - 26.08.2023 16:26

Thanks for dude. Your videos helps to relax

@GoatifiedPosts - 01.09.2023 19:47

Love it!!

@lzy_chnx - 18.09.2023 08:08

i was a professional chef for 6 years after now thinking of changing career is it for it?

@veselin4504 - 02.10.2023 16:26

"Program what you love and you will love programming" - bigboxSWE

@ayushsrivastava2318 - 29.10.2023 20:39


@moolsdogYT - 02.11.2023 09:19

Programming was fun until I learnt C++ As much as I love doing it in the moment, the language is heavily demanding and projects get very confusing quickly. I wish I could've learnt something else tbh :(

@cecileandrianov6541 - 02.11.2023 14:41

What do you think about programming schools for children or in general? Should I also stop going to programming schools?

@lemonstrangler - 05.11.2023 13:04

after quitting i.t and going into another course, im interested in coding more than before lol .

@Artificialintelligence20024 - 05.01.2024 16:43

hello, can i copy this video ill give crdit

@accountrarysi2776 - 05.01.2024 19:05

I first started to code out of boredom. But now I code because I just want another hobby other than drawing

@NewBIE-xz5jm - 26.01.2024 18:09

"Program what you love, until you love programming" is the best way to describe it!

@MAKSlU - 07.02.2024 10:59

This video is really good for the ones who have a negative mindset about coding. It is really time consuming and you will be having a lot of struggeling. But keep it mind, you can always get better with time. Also think about it, technology is just evolving more and more every year. My main motivation is that i know that my future me will thank me for not giving up on coding. I see it as a hobby and i know that it will be really usefull for the future to have the knowledge i have. My first year learning C++ was a living hell cause i just couldnt understand why i didnt learn fast enough. But then i realised after giving up for over 1 year that if i do it for fun instead of trying to become an expert the first monrh i will learn even quicker since it is something i find fun to do. A lot of writing here but hope this made someone rethinking giving up on programming 💀

@ВадимХамлй - 12.02.2024 12:46

cool video)

@Turnpost2552 - 16.02.2024 02:49


@starplatinum3305 - 22.02.2024 08:48

I thought bro is Fireship bruh

@龍宮﨑 - 04.03.2024 19:04

Been starting to lose interest in coding recently because I've been feeling down with having no progress in my personal project. I started programming as a hobby and it started to feel like something I had to be good in or else I would be a failure. This video helped reminded me on why I even started this hobby in the first place. Thanks, random stranger on the internet!

@_thiago_vieira_ - 17.03.2024 01:14

Program what you love... Okay, I'll try right now.

@yanovoyair5129 - 22.03.2024 03:02


@mistaowickkuh6249 - 25.03.2024 17:31

Tech used to be fun before bullshit job occupiers started sitting at high places dictating well, bullshit.

@JavierGuerra_g - 01.04.2024 19:04

duh. having fun is funny. coding is fun.

@wildmemes2530 - 07.04.2024 13:21

I am literally here I get so much anxiety, I just end up doing something else to avoid that feeling 😭

@Hexspa - 16.04.2024 20:06

Meme mastery

@AdamLeis - 13.05.2024 21:21

Programming is an excellent skill/topic for life-long learners. So many facets - you'll never be short of topics, only interest or time.

@GfoxSim - 31.05.2024 17:23

The thing about the mind is that it tends to think it can handle multiple things at once. Teach it how to do one thing at a time and you'll master programming. The challenge is that the mind always wanders, so focus, and logic is key.

@DraxTheDestroyer - 14.06.2024 17:26

That's definitely not a healthy approach, you do not need to code at work and off work all the time day and night.

Everything in moderation.

@jmvr - 16.06.2024 21:27

man I'm so lucky I got into programming as a wee lad, because now I'm just stuck on drawing

@kiarrapoynter7140 - 21.06.2024 06:40

"Programming is a creative craft" <3 exactly why I am learning to program :)

@somtras2781 - 27.06.2024 05:27

Is there any way I can find what I wanna code?

@zzinuecode - 18.07.2024 06:29

great video thank you so much

@Skyler-ld1su - 06.08.2024 13:04

I am a beginner, but thx bro i got a great idea from your viedio ,

@PrinceVegeta2710 - 13.08.2024 20:03

I am learning Python from BroCode. Getting some things and not getting things. I get frustrated because despite not getting things, I have to learn before my college starts

@noidsuper - 24.08.2024 16:38

You can't just brute force yourself into liking something. If you grew to love it that means you were always going to like it.

@davidberryhill6764 - 29.09.2024 04:03

Trying to learn to code so i typed in "how to actually code good" and i didnt read the titles (error)

@zawadhyaa - 29.09.2024 16:19

From cod to react this was fun

@AmanDhumal-e4u - 27.10.2024 16:56

The problem with programming now is collages and universities make rules that you have to program this or else you will not get grades, and their are very few solo programming challenges even hackathon requires a team, i like coading my own projects but collage always reject those they want something like a disaster predictior or a school system with database which no one will use : (

@Hamzazitawi-q6z - 10.11.2024 07:12

Some i become happy when i code and sometimes no😂😢

@metaullica - 21.11.2024 00:00

your videos are just perfect

@psilocyborg125 - 04.12.2024 02:00

Thank you sweet angel

@schofer1556 - 06.12.2024 00:58

The worst thing I did in my programming caree is going to programming high school, it drained me from all the fun I had creating my first projects (they weren't perfect but I had so much fun doing them)

@FatimaRiaz-o5u - 14.12.2024 13:32

This is so real. I'm starting med school soon. And since I was free, I started to learn coding. Man! it is the most fun thing ever. I literally cancelled my netflix subscription because I no longer need it for fun. Coding is more than enough. Since I don't have to worry about grades, it just feels like home. Competition actually sucks the fun out of things.

@zypeLLas - 17.12.2024 10:21

Manipulate this as ur hobby

@legendary_chicken - 17.12.2024 16:46

I'm sorry but I disagree. Programming is just a means to an end. You shouldn't like programming for programming. You should like it because it allows you to create values and solve problems for yourself or for other people.

But I guess it's a good first step. I essentially tricked myself that I liked programming for programming. But as I gain more exp, I realized programming is just writing a bunch of gibberish and the real value or fun is in making something actually useful for other people and seeing the positive change it brought to those people.

@therisingsun4828 - 02.01.2025 05:06

How to make coding fun: don’t develop any lower back pain issues.

@Heyprotips - 20.01.2025 17:59

Am I watching a fireship video

@asad-suri - 31.01.2025 13:31

That ToDoMatic app is from MDN web docs React tutorial 🤟😉

@beijingbrandon6220 - 22.02.2025 06:12

This guy is definitely on adhd stimulants talking like this.

@ryansorenson4831 - 24.02.2025 05:58

Great advice!

@belstar1128 - 26.02.2025 21:25

I remember when i was a kid i had some books from when the first personal computers came out and they tried to make programming look like something fun you can do as a hobby similar to how some people do woodworking or sports or other hard things for fun. but i only started trying to learn it recently and what i noticed is that most people are all about the grind i have a lot of other hobbies like learning languages (the types you speak) .and you got people like that in that hobby too telling people to not learn Japanese because Chinese has more speakers and anime wont make you rich .but with programming its most people that are like that. maybe i am wrong since i only just got started with this and i will get sick of it in a few months
