The US Push for Peace & Europe Panics - John Mearsheimer, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen

The US Push for Peace & Europe Panics - John Mearsheimer, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen

The Duran

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@johnurquhart4614 - 16.03.2025 08:24

Glenn's excellent book from last year lays out a pretty comprehensive theory. We're moving decisively away from American hegemony to a multipolar world in which there is increased anarchy at an international level and in which no new Westphalian-type balance of power system is on the horizon to establish restraints on sovereign power. That's why Alexander's prediction of a growing sense of relaxation among European populaces is very premature. There's a helluva long way to run on this and anything could happen.

@craigwillms61 - 13.03.2025 18:13

Based on this conversation I think the endless wars will become... endless

@TheRflynn - 12.03.2025 20:04

Pretty poor analysis. The Russian steamroller is decrepit. It isnt “Europe” and “America” opposing the Russians, they are providing material to Ukraine. Successful expansionary nations expanded from strength, Russia is wasting resources on a thin dream of a great slav state. Trump has shown his colours in two conflicts already - when he talks peace, he means give an aggressor what they want and he’ll take a real estate deals. Orban is interesting, he’s pursuing a state capture model which Trump is now implementing.

@patriciahoke4722 - 12.03.2025 14:10

Glenn, trumps domestic policies are decidedly NOT popular within the US!!! Don't just throw your own opinions around like they are written in stone.

@alterglobo - 12.03.2025 03:17

Mercouris sounds like a lady with hemorrhoids.

@jimfrider6778 - 12.03.2025 02:35

I think the US has more leverage than you think. Economic leverage specifically and by that I don’t mean sanctions.

@david-joeklotz9558 - 11.03.2025 22:33

Diesen seems to be a neo-Nazi

@nutk1n - 11.03.2025 06:04

I wish the Duran took a longer term view. The leaders of the various EU NATO members are not complete idiots and it does not help to present them as detached from reality. They are skilled politicians, and skilled politicians are very good at lying. A conflict in Ukraine provides excellent opportunities to launder tax payer money through military contracts, and enables the leaders to build up armies to fight each other—they all pretend that they are building up armies to save Ukraine, when in fact their biggest threat has historically been wars with their immediate dangers. The EU leaders surely realize this, but are playing us pretending to be detached from reality, and it seems to be working.

@josephsmith6762 - 11.03.2025 05:27

America is too busy addressing it's own more important issue of it's own borders, sorry guys. We are working on America first and foremost.

@howarddyer3225 - 11.03.2025 03:07

We never hear of the hundred of thousands of lifes needlessly lost. This is the saddest and most criminal aspect of any war.

@tttrrrification - 11.03.2025 02:40

Mearshimer is a fraud

@ChrisR-xs9wp - 11.03.2025 02:38

"Trump is determined" to surrender Ukraine to Putin. Mearsheimer is giddy at the prospect of Ukraine being under the boot of Putin. All 3 of you are POS.

Ukrainians have put on a masterclass in bravely standing up to a fascist global bully while you have repeatedly predicted its collapse.

Ukraine was fighting before the US got involved and it will be fighting after the US leaves.

@jeffreyericson9856 - 11.03.2025 02:20

Alexander Mercouris sounds like a drunk gay man.

@113zorba - 11.03.2025 02:19

next trump will be invading the ukraine himself. scumbag.

@bongiornobella - 11.03.2025 01:45

European leaders have only one leg left to stand on economically. Europe is completely deindustrialized. Europe is bankrupt. Europe has only military keynesianism left. It will take decades to rebuild. The bafoonish leadership is to doom Europe to a nuclear catastrophe.

@ExiledGypsy - 10.03.2025 22:54

John Mearsheimer and Jeffery Sash; the good cop and bad cop of geopolitics. Neither of them has them can see things though any other perspective other than that of the U.S.
One is so scared of conflict that he wants everyone to capitulate, and the other one is so focused on not just the inevitability of conflict but has already decided on the ultimate winner that think everything else is waste of time.
The political scientist who doesn't understand economics the economist who thinks politics is just an excuse for war.
They bore the hell out of me. Those who listen to them are either Russian intelligence assets or idiots beyond belief.

@ashishjain149 - 10.03.2025 21:21

Europe is getting nuts over the situation. They can't attack Russians, they shouldn't consider it. Russia will swallow the Ukrainian part closer to Black Sea, it doesn't need rest of Ukraine, its wastage of efforts. EU should increase their expenditure on space technology. They need to think cold strategically. Nice discussion as always where Prof Mearsheimer is.

@sergegrebenschikov1317 - 10.03.2025 21:15

OMG haven't heard JM talk in over 2 years. He is finally talking sense on America's capabilities. Glad to hear a realist!

@gautamsharma8459 - 10.03.2025 20:32

European have always taken everything for granted In the war in Ukraine Europe had not concentrated on being self sufficient and relied solely on the USA to provide military assistance but within Europe their own military support was limited to a fraction of the USA and now that they have pulled back their support hell have broken loose

@Klaus_Bahlmann - 10.03.2025 20:31

After the Cold War ended and Europe's relations with Russia normalized, the benign hegemon USA, which had always protected Europe, was no longer necessary. The USA saw its power and influence in Europe wane. The USA abandoned the ABM and INF contracts, propagated NATO eastern expansion, installed missle defense systems in Poland and Romania, threw over the Jankovich Government in Ukraine (because he didn't want Ukraine to join NATO!) in 2014, what led to the annexation of Crimea. When Putin's draft Russia-US security agreement was ignored at the end of 2021, Russia's invasion of Ukraine took place. We must always look at things from the perspective of the others. Has anyone ever thought about security guarantees for Russia?

@Stephsnonsense - 10.03.2025 20:30

Trumps 3rd time running my first time voting for him.
He promised no more wars. Why should American tax money go to support Ukraine boarders pushed by NATO when all those countries are not defending their own borders?
As a mother of 3 young men, all this hot air and little talk of the death of all these men. Heartbreaking.(Trump has 3 sons, anyone with a heart can relate)

@SusanSt.James-33 - 10.03.2025 20:13

Viva Ukraine.

@alexandervocelka9125 - 10.03.2025 19:28

Europe created and fostered a full blown Nazi state and set it on Russia and it ended as Nazi Germany ended. It is not surprising that the successor state to the Third Reich tries again to acquire cheap resources in the East.

@alexandervocelka9125 - 10.03.2025 19:04

Europe attacked Russia 3 times in 200years. Russia never. How stupid must one be to not understand such a clear and simple causal logic?🎉

@ermal446 - 10.03.2025 18:37

Thank you all three for being the voice of humanity!

@tmr3109 - 10.03.2025 17:11

A bad peace in Ukraine can have terrible effects in the whole world. Peace, yes, but a good peace, Putin cannot be rewarded for invading Ukraine.

@johannafreeburn3061 - 10.03.2025 17:02


@Hachihamza-e9u - 10.03.2025 17:00

Jhon zmar lach

@d.j.9995 - 10.03.2025 16:27

Russians should put the third and fourth gear now and take Odesa and Harkov and put their troops on Polish Ukrainian border to monitor what is left of Ukraine and that’s it.

@portableversion - 10.03.2025 16:19

Classic point of elite failure highlighting a lack of justice and double standards was the drama with delta airlines in 90s. The ceo admitted to essentially sleeping on the job and making horrible decisions, his punishment for being an incompetent leader who lacked the talent and skills and integrity was oh wait for it.. drum roll.. .. a severance paycheck of $140 million. You sir for destroying the livelyhood of thousands of people get to retreat to a fantasy paradise that is the stuff of dreams

@mariapandolfo3709 - 10.03.2025 15:53

JM used to be such a great thinker. it's to bad he sold his soul (I don't know to whom...)

@dillonhatfield7724 - 10.03.2025 15:41

Over the last 30 years Europe was given the option between preparing for war and cowardice. Europe chose cowadice, and now it will be given war.

@Greg_the_Berean - 10.03.2025 15:16

One of the best episodes, of the many, many great episodes that I’ve seen in a while by all of you gentlemen. Thank you!

@tressahowe8952 - 10.03.2025 14:55

World only seems crazy because there's a US security council and national adviser that have independent war mongering interests. Presidents are fronts for the secretive elite.

They keep the war machine going backed by arrogance for world dominance and for greed.

Have a look at who the lobbyists are, and the companies who stand to profit in arms sales. ITS SECRETIVE and the rest of us are guessing reality.
Prof SACHS explains it well

@portableversion - 10.03.2025 14:47

Absolutely the elites have failed, its too easy for them to sit back, and say oh well we made a mistake, as they retreat to their life of luxury, meanwhile the factory worker suffers and eats a sandwhich with an extra dollip of feces with a splash of urine

@portableversion - 10.03.2025 14:42

Ah bernie sanders, they put hillary in instead, she was a talking head not doing much for the little guy, yeah the little guy is pissed , weve been getting ripped off in this society

@dduarmand6972 - 10.03.2025 14:40

Sorry but the US does not push for peace: the US pushes for Ukraine's capitulation. Let's be clear about it.

@sleahcim4723 - 10.03.2025 14:40

I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump is not negotiating with the Russians. He merely brought the Russians and the Ukrainians together in the Arab state to talk about things.

@portableversion - 10.03.2025 14:33

Feel sorry for ukraine, so they just hand over the city of zaphorizhia and others

@portableversion - 10.03.2025 14:31

Yeah, dang it... really wanted ukraine to be the lands of 1990, looking impossible

@stuartpatterson1617 - 10.03.2025 14:26

Do you think the French are merely manoeuvring to secure arms sales?

@pulsar1308 - 10.03.2025 14:13

I am terrified by the scenario where the negotiations fail and Trump starts to project power in order to save the day. What will happen next?

@SkandiaAUS - 10.03.2025 14:02

The problem that Americans haven't realised yet, is they are sliding backwards on many fronts. Their standard of living, life expectancy, except for their lower and middle class. That's growing VERY quickly. Out of desperation they elect Trump because he says he will fix everything, but of course there's not much he can do. It appeases Americans, they lap it up. On the international stage they look delirious and unreliable, lashing out at allies and befriending the belligerent and victim blaming the invaded country. Honestly, it's the sad end to the America we used to know, and the start of one where America is not #1 any more.

@elmercy4968 - 10.03.2025 13:57

Yes. Reading the Russian is not difficult. You just have to read their media, it's super easy. Who said it's difficult?

@johncleary1851 - 10.03.2025 13:48

Biden blew up Nordstream 2 ..europe is toast. And fooliah

@elmercy4968 - 10.03.2025 13:46

The take that the far right parties get more votes cause the Elites are so emotional ist at least funny. 😁 Cold hearted Machiavellians to the front! Mearseheimer for president!

@johncleary1851 - 10.03.2025 13:44

Europe is a paper tiger. Useless in real life
Full of leech aliiens

And socialists

@johncleary1851 - 10.03.2025 13:39

Zelensky is a huge fool that ukraine has followed to its own perdition and mass death ..

The biden proxy war has failed and zionist neo cons have been crushed
