Greatest Hits Country Songs Of Shania Twain ~ Forever And For Always, That Don't Impress Me Much
[00:00:00] - 01. Y̲o̲̲u̲̲'re̲̲ S̲ti̲̲ll T̲he̲̲ O̲̲̲ne̲̲
[00:03:18] - 02. M̲a̲̲n! I̲̲̲ F̲e̲̲e̲̲l L̲i̲̲ke̲̲ A̲̲̲ W̲o̲̲ma̲̲n!
[00:07:11] - 03. F̲ro̲̲m T̲hi̲̲s M̲o̲̲me̲̲nt O̲̲̲n - P̲o̲̲p O̲̲̲n-to̲̲u̲̲r
[00:11:05] - 04. A̲̲̲ny M̲a̲̲n O̲̲̲f M̲i̲̲ne̲̲
[00:15:16] - 05. P̲i̲̲a̲̲no̲̲ M̲a̲̲n
[00:18:48] - 06. M̲a̲̲n! I̲̲̲ F̲e̲̲e̲̲l L̲i̲̲ke̲̲ A̲̲̲ W̲o̲̲ma̲̲n!
Shania Twain, top 10, 2023, mix, songs, top songs, playlist, album, greatest hits
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