SCARPA Phantom Tech HD Comparison (New & Old)

SCARPA Phantom Tech HD Comparison (New & Old)

Kellen Erickson

11 месяцев назад

3,484 Просмотров

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@jirihaban380 - 06.04.2024 12:50

I went for the newer version because I feel like they have a slightly different fit around the heel, the new ones feel more snug.

@alpineis - 10.04.2024 08:48

Hello, thank you for this comparison! You forgot the zipper which was changed and the addition of gaiter hook ;)

@cubehole666 - 26.05.2024 20:39

Hey man. Love your dedication and hustle to making lots of content. But can you get to the point quicker. You said the boot is heavier. Then took 2 minutes to keep saying the same thing, until you actually told us what was making the

Keep up the good work mate. You've got my full support!!!!

@tachbkr_4317 - 28.12.2024 18:25

Great videos, you clearly have tested them all out well and seem to know your stuff. In a previous video showed how much you love the Boa tightening system. What is your thought or opinions on the Mammut Nordwand 6000? It seems like it might be best of both worlds. After hearing how the La Sportiva’s would break, the sole construction on the Mammut gives me pause. Would love to hear your thoughts.
