It's 2024 and I'm still here
Ответить2024 anyone?
ОтветитьYeah hey
ОтветитьFunny..for a bit I was like corpse is a girl. Was a girl. Born a girl etc lol...
Agoraphobia. Definitely relate
I can relate to this I hate how I look as well❤❤❤
ОтветитьThe fact it's been four years is something else 🥲🥲
Ответитьits already been 4 years but still the most realtable song i have heard
Ответитьthis just randomly popped out when I just opened yt and this just hits the same the first time I listened to it
ОтветитьIm gonna make a paper flower for you :) I love all your songs and I think you're really cool!
ОтветитьThis song is such a banger. I’ve been really feeling it these days and I find this song so comforting
ОтветитьWe miss you 🖤 im super happy you're taking care of your personal health. The real fans understand... take as long as you need Corpse 🖤
ОтветитьI hope you're okay Corpse. I love your music.
Ответитьhere in 2025 cant believe i listened to this shit
ОтветитьDead set awesome
ОтветитьSave me
ОтветитьAs a teenager I used to think depression was feeling sad all the time. To an extent it is. But then it gets to the point of apathy. It’s bad when you can’t even leave the bed to drink a beer.
Ответить2025 anyone?
ОтветитьYou know a song is good when it makes you can imagine being in that situation even if it’s completely different from your life
ОтветитьCorpse I hope you are doing well and I hope you find peace in this crazy messed up world you definitely deserve it
Ответитьis this copyright free?
ОтветитьSobbing to this song. Like properly sobbing. I’ve always loved it buts is hit way too hard rn. Just relapsed on sh and almost on painkillers.
Hope Corpse is doing well, I’m gonna blast his wonderful music on repeat in the meantime till he feels comfortable to come back, even if he never wants to. Which is understandably fine with a crazed fan base like his
It has been years but the song is still chill to listen to xD
ОтветитьFirst time I heard this was October 24 in 2020
ОтветитьThis song just hits home for me. This is like my everyday life. I know this is majorly unhealthy but I tend bury my emotions and put on an emotionless mask everywhere I go. Even at home, I don't feel safe enough to take it off. I deal with depression, anxiety on a whole other level. My mental health is definitely not okay either. So thank you Corpse for making this. ❤️🩹
ОтветитьThis feels me and is baically my thoughts when alone and in a whiteish room
ОтветитьThis song is amazing keep up the good work buddy
Ответитьit sure was another fucking thousand days before i knew it
ОтветитьWe miss you dude
ОтветитьPlease don’t be depressed. You are amazing. Your songs are very cool. I think you are the best.❤
ОтветитьThis is like my life. I have so much wrong going on with my life that I wish to curl up into a ball and hide away from the world. My mental health is shit at this point. This song just helps the healing process.
ОтветитьHe's so real and I love it
ОтветитьAhhh by what the hecck
Ответитьchefs kiss 👌
ОтветитьSpeed this up to 1.5 and then search up sza - bmf
ОтветитьI still love you. I can relate to being afraid of people. especially when you're famous. I'd hate to be famous. but I bet you are more handsome than you think you are. the greatest tragedy is that you will live life, not knowing how much you are loved. Read up on Alan. he knows example what you need to hear
ОтветитьCorpse istfg i just need to hug you, to make you feel better. I want to see you smile. I just want to make you happy, ong i fucking love you so much, fuck, everyone here loves you. I just wish you knew that. I love you so much. ❤❤❤
ОтветитьI hope youre doing okay man :(
ОтветитьKnowing this song has 48 million views cuz i wrote Corpse a letter and sent him a painting and told him i miss his deep stuff like this from 2016 feels good. Every time i listen i think its because of me he released this and it feels good
Ответитьat this point I don't think he's ugly, literally my thinks she's ugly god she's gorgeous
ОтветитьThis is probably my favorite song of yours
Ответить4 years since this was released? In my 3rd year in collegee, its been awhile since i left a comment here and your music really helps calm the chains. I still have panic attacks but its not frequent noww. I miss your vids, i hope you're doing well just like i ammm🫶🫶
ОтветитьAgorophobic here... just love any excuse to stay inside and seem normal. This song is my guilty pleasure because fam and friends can't relate. I feel kind of seen which is rare. At least a little bit anyway. Props to my local mini grocer for giving me life that and delivery sevrvices without both i'd be dead for sure.
ОтветитьThis hits different a thousand ish days later.
It really did go by before i knew it, and im still not okay somehow
ОтветитьI'm not agoraphobic, but living with several social anxiety and selective mutism can put me in this place of self isolation and fear of the outside world. I love this song with a passion