Adjustable Gas Blocks - School of the American Rifle

Adjustable Gas Blocks - School of the American Rifle

AR Build Junkie

4 года назад

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@4g63mark - 12.04.2020 05:09

Thanks for putting that information out there. I tell everyone I know to maintain their gas blocks, but I can only tell so many people

@marcostreet3169 - 12.04.2020 05:28

Great information to know. Thanks! What caliber were you shooting to get that carbon build up and how did you get that carbon filled gas block off the weapon?

@MexicanNinja82 - 12.04.2020 07:34

What do you think about the syrac ordnance adjustable gas block?

@gkarli1 - 12.04.2020 18:27

Great videos. What is your opinion on adjustable BCGs?

@hairydogstail - 12.04.2020 20:26

I turn my gas block adjustment screw in and out every other time I go shooting and never had any carbon block. I'll add a little penetrating oil to my regiment. Thanks for the info. I had an early SLR AJGB leaf spring break and they backed it 100% with a newer version. SLR adjustable gas blocks are my favorite, especially the titanium.

@derrelcarter9401 - 14.04.2020 08:13

Why does does it seem to leak gas everywhere?

@CallofWar5 - 14.04.2020 15:35

I love this stuff, wish i knew about it after highschool back in '12. Would have gone full hog on gunsmithing

@jccuby7771 - 05.05.2020 20:16

great vid!

@ragedashboard6374 - 02.07.2020 21:26

I don't put oil in my agb because that leads to more carbon deposition once the oil burns off. I simply break mine loose every 500 rounds, and take it apart for cleaning every 3-4k. Never once seized on me.

@ditzydoo4378 - 09.07.2020 22:51

A shinning example of a shooters gun, who does near zero maintenance... o_0 Or as is know in the industry, a very frequent repeat customer... >_<

@tactical-bucket - 06.10.2020 13:27

Not needed, get yourself some boartech eliminator and use a few drops when you get carbon lock and itll immediately break free. Youre welcome.

@datseb997 - 03.11.2020 06:05

Okay so this is not on an AR. It is a Kel Tec RFB. It is my only adjustable gas firearm so I am very new to it. The malfunction I keep running into is the spent casing failing to fully eject on medium to fast paced firing. Anyone have any ideas? I'm not sure if it is over gassed or under gassed and with ammo the price that it is, I'd rather not waste ammo via trial and error.

@abolishtheatfandrepealthen6014 - 08.01.2021 06:38

Whats your opinion of the superlative arms adjustable gas block?

@MrBoostin18 - 26.03.2021 05:02

Link to those tools. I like the screw driver style

@deanpollmann1579 - 22.10.2021 06:28

Thank you brother. ✝️🇺🇸

@dudebroski9460 - 28.11.2021 16:34

This is also how to make a work area smell like bug spray for a day or longer. I use aero kroil and made the mistake of using it inside one time.... just once.

@chipsterb4946 - 12.12.2021 08:41

I thought that you were supposed to shut off the adjustable gas block any time you clean the barrel?

@Ktjernberg11 - 19.01.2022 22:35

Hey! Nice vid my dude! What is the allen key size for the small screw holding the spring? Best

@Kyle5K - 30.08.2022 10:00


@thejpalbano - 25.11.2022 17:24

Thanks for making this video. You may want to consider wearing gloves, your skin absorbs all of those nasty things you are touching.

@DOCTUSCUMSCIENTIA - 26.12.2022 03:02

I was told that mixing oil and carbon is a recipe for gunk…

@richrich4980 - 25.02.2023 16:20

What do you think of bleed off gas blocks

@530eman - 18.04.2023 03:08

Great information thank you

@BigIronOnMyHip69 - 15.11.2023 21:06

My question is, being that I just built my first AR from a box of parts is, do the adjustable gas blocks come with a pre-tuned setting ready to shoot? Another question I have is how do you know which direction of turning the screw closes and opens the gas block? Does clockwise open it more or does counterclockwise open it more, allowing more gas flow directed to the BCG? I’d appreciate any help!

@geoffrey3289 - 26.11.2023 22:10

That kids is why you clean your gun! BuT it'S A toOL. Then you should learn how to properly take care of them.

@Serpentis666 - 09.07.2024 05:10

This isn’t the sotar channel? 🤔

@kitwalker520 - 01.08.2024 00:44


@ETHRON1 - 01.10.2024 00:34

Can you buy that tool?
Will it fit the PSA agb?

@Stab_Knifewind - 02.10.2024 10:53

I have a gen 1 slr gas block and it didn't carbon lock on 308 but did on 300 blk, had to do the same thing you did.

@johnanon658 - 13.10.2024 08:07

how far does the screw stick out in the longest positon? It moves out and in, right, when you turn it?

@Whippleflop - 20.01.2025 20:50

Whoah...I dunno about that. It's gotta gunk up & don't want any of that entering the tube.

@slavikarlov - 20.01.2025 22:39

I know this is 4yrs old, Faxon has a new one where the adjustments will not be in contact with carbon fouling. $80

@aftermath2333 - 21.02.2025 18:13

What do you think k about Superlative Arms AGBs?
