Sega CD II in 2022  - The Affordable Way To Play & Collect ?

Sega CD II in 2022 - The Affordable Way To Play & Collect ?

Wicked Gamer & Collector

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@jerry526-n7r - 03.02.2022 06:10

Easy exchange some electronic component , maybe it can be used several decades . I think these are good quality and classic type.

@jerry526-n7r - 03.02.2022 06:18

Cheaply sale me please , hahaha . I just have collected japanese version.

@stevensole1909 - 03.02.2022 09:12

Why do you play in stretched widescreen instead of 4x3?

@mattparr3038 - 03.02.2022 10:19

Eternal champions on sega cd is awesome, was hoping youred review that..

@johnbarnaul4959 - 03.02.2022 15:39

Мегалохотрон.Капитализм одним словом.Давно на Планете Земля надо иметь единую систему эмуляции всех выпущенных цифровых деяний.Но мы платим за воздух.Была Сатурн ,подарил брату в Германию,он её обменял.

@Subninja2012 - 03.02.2022 16:27

The “Mega SD” is the modern way to play the past.

@דניאלגבאי-כ4ס - 03.02.2022 16:45

Please can you answer?
I saw on some amazon page that the PS2 TO HDMI will not work on SCPH 9001 MODEL. Is it true for all of the PS2 TO HDMI?

@عمروالشرقاوي-ب2ط - 03.02.2022 17:09

It is important to Sega Company to devope mega cd to put a dick of Play Station 4 on mega cd
Where I can buy mega cd
I want to play all games on sega

@gsxracer1977 - 03.02.2022 20:17

wait dude, i have also a Sonic mug and most of that Sega collection i have also!!

@robertpintaric7354 - 03.02.2022 21:30

Is there a link to some sales website from your country we can buy sega megadrive 2 cd set cheap like you said?

@shroomologist - 04.02.2022 06:45

I had that sega classics arcade collection back in the day and got a ton of mileage out of it quite honestly. I can see why you would be disappointed if you owned the games on cartridge already but, since I didn't have any of them, it was more than a welcome addition to my collection. Unless I am mistaken Golden Axe uses the music from the arcade version although I wasn't aware of this at the time. In hindsight it probably wasn't the best use of a CD but I'm glad they didn't mess with the Streets Of Rage music at least.

Imo that Jaguar XJ220 game is a little underrated. It was a little dull but it had some great music which I still put on when playing modern racing games, not to mention the scaling, 2 player modes and a very fleshed out track editor. Worth a go if it's your thing.

@j.goggels9115 - 04.02.2022 16:39

On Road Avenger, I strongly disagree (unless price) : 1) because it is a piece of history, a remeniscence of the video-disc technology of the early 80s, something unique to the Mega-CD ; 2) whereas Dragon's Lair was barely playable, Road Avenger is easy to grab and pick for a bit of arcade excitement, you'd be surprised how easy you get engrossed into it ; 3) the 80s anime have crafted the Mega Drive aesthetics, take Golden Axe for example, it's hard not to make the connection with He-Man ; if you grew up in the 80s, with Fist of the Northern Star, Grandizer, Albatross, Cat's Eyes, Heathcliff, Masks and of course Pole Position, I guarantee Road Avenger will pull a sensitive string in your heart.

@dykodesigns - 05.02.2022 13:48

I got a Mega-CD 2 about two years ago and I love it! I have it hooked up to a Megadrive 1 (although a Megadrive 2 was included) but I simply like the Megadrive 1 better as it has a headphone jack. My unit has the same CD-door issues, it doesn't always want to close the first time. Some of my favorites are Wolfchild, NBA JAM, Final Fight CD, Batman Returns, Thunderhawk, Sonic CD and Ecco THe Dolphin. The CD version of Ecco has great atmospheric music. The games on the Sega Classics arcade collections have some minor improvements, Streets of Rage and Golden Axe have improve voice samples and the soundtrack in Golden Axe is replaced by the arcade music playing as audio from the CD. Sadly a lot developers under used the hardware, Thunderhawk and the driving stages of Batman Returns are a great example of what the hardware is capable of, sadly it didn't get used enough. Prince Of Persia on the CD has worse looking in-game graphics then the cartridge version, but it's a fine port nonetheless. Oddly enough, I never saw the Mega-CD 1 in stores in the netherlands back in the day, only remember seeing the MEGA-CD 2 at intertoys.

@Funrunner008 - 05.02.2022 19:10

I hate systems now that I'm older, I have a like 6 systems and 200 games I have collected from like 2007 to 2015 just sitting in a tub in my garage , most games I have only played a few hours if that, It's just too much of a hassle and takes up too much room to keep everything hooked up, All my gaming now is emulation on a portable system

@3DJapan - 05.02.2022 20:38

I had the Genesis 1 and CD 2. I actually thought the CD looked better that way.

@larrysmith5991 - 05.02.2022 21:40

i think some sd carts offer sega cd and 32x now ...another option

@sonixthatsme - 05.02.2022 21:45

No mention of the CDX or multimega? Or great games like Night trap and Double switch.

@c431inf - 05.02.2022 23:02

One of the moments in life to remember , being 12 and turning on my Sega CD 1 the first time , Third world war best rts / turn based military game ever

@yourrudeyoutubewatcher - 06.02.2022 00:06

Seeing you stretching this games to a 16:9 aspect ratio makes me sad.

@retrotony4119 - 06.02.2022 01:32

I still own all of my sega cartridges. All the Sonics and even Altered Beast.

@johngorman7337 - 06.02.2022 04:09

Why does your final fight game seem to run slow?

@joaoclodoaudo5385 - 06.02.2022 07:07

I find it real funny that a lot of people consider altered beast a hard game...

@joaoclodoaudo5385 - 06.02.2022 07:12

Don't you dare complain about Road Avenger!!!(I like it ;)

@ravagingwolverine - 06.02.2022 07:52

I'm more familiar with the US revisions of the system, so I don't know if the same applies to Europe, but the later model 2s fixed the sound issues. To complicate things further, the very last revision of the model 1 also had the bad sound. But it is good advice to go for the model 1, as the odds are better. I really like both models, so I wanted to get a good model 2, which is why I looked into it. For those who don't know, the good model 2s have smaller boards which you can see through the vents underneath. Looking through the vents, if the shielding doesn't extend from one end of the case to the other, then it's one of the good ones. It's worth keeping an eye out for those since they're better than most of them. The funny thing is, the model 2 had at least two different audio problems before they finally got it right.

@ZonicMirage - 06.02.2022 09:57

The Mega CD 2 is MUCH more common in the US, as the original launched only a year earlier and was taken off the market pretty quickly, in favor of the revision. Really, the CD 2 is much more reliable and I think the reliability is what makes it superior overall. The original is much more aesthetically pleasing, though.
I had an MD2 bundled with Sonic 2. Even kid me realized it had horrible sound. I had 10 games overall while it was on the market.

@riohenji8742 - 06.02.2022 17:18

Road avenger very cool soundtrack!

@gregdixon9443 - 06.02.2022 19:42

I had gen 1 Genesis with the Sega CD 2. The red button throws me off. US has all black consoles.

@gregdixon9443 - 06.02.2022 19:49

You can burn Sega CD games with Nero 6.

@jamesbarker5535 - 06.02.2022 23:22

Ah the memories. I owned the Mega Drive 1 and really wanted the Mega CD but my parents refused to pay the price - over £300 from memory. Eventually the Mega CD 2 came out which was much cheaper and I finally got it. So happy!

Didn't own many games but it came with Road Avenger, which I absolutely loved and played to death. It might have only been a quick time event game but the music and anime style graphics were awesome.

Also owned Final Fight CD, Batman Returns - primarily for the driving stages - Sensible Soccer and Night Trap. Rest of the games were demo's which included Thunderhawk, Silpheed, Lawn Mower Man, Pugsy and many other titles which I can't remember.

I rented a few games and also had Cannon Fodder on pre-order. Loved that game on my mates Amiga and was hoping the Mega CD version would have the awesome intro music but sadly Sensible Software never released it on the system so my order got cancelled. Nonetheless I spent many happy hours on the Mega CD and was pleased to have owned one.

@shivasthong4924 - 07.02.2022 01:23

Easy peasy.
Analogue's Mega SG + (Terraonions Mega SD or Krikkz's Mega EverDrive PRO)

@DukeDudeston - 07.02.2022 12:05

"games like Road Avenger is why the MegaCD failed"

1. The MegaCD was actually more successful than you probably think. It was indeed one of the best selling add-ons of its time.

2. Road Avenger was so bad... Which is why it got ported over to mobile phones? Maybe it was just ahead of its time.

@thehumbleone1983 - 07.02.2022 16:00

Me too I love Mega CD Final Fight and Sonic Cd ❤️🕹👍

@jessejones1783 - 07.02.2022 23:01

I can't get a Sega Cd because it is expensive on Ebay for the US good thing I can just emulate it on anything

@MrLazenby007 - 08.02.2022 14:40

Aspect ratio

@laynestrong4933 - 09.02.2022 11:44

Sega Mega drive must have carts.. Kid Chameleon, Mega Lo Mania (Tyrants through time in USA), Comix Zone and of course... Streets of rage.

@jimmothy79 - 09.02.2022 22:20

I love the Genesis and SegaCD , still have both (model 2 version). Best games on SegaCD imo are the Lunar series

@JQANTS - 10.02.2022 00:37

great video , i just found a sega gen model 1 with sega cd for 5 dollars & was missing the wires so i got it now with 1 plug power the whole system , got it on ebay and now im trying to collect some sega cd games

@KayoMichiels - 14.02.2022 12:07

I got myself a Sega multi mega (CDX ) and have been collecting sega cd games for a while now, there are some jewels in it... but not all...

@xboxgamerJ16 - 23.05.2022 21:56

Now play on a stereo with a subwoofer and the sol feace soundtrack will sound amazing!

@capybararctic9627 - 30.10.2022 17:26

Which country do you live in? Here in the UK it's getting over £100 for sometimes even faulty units!

@Shantae-June22002 - 03.11.2022 01:26

Around 2016 I got one of those SEGA Genesis consoles by AtGames for Christmas it was amazing but the sound quality was bad but it played cartridges so I got Sonic Spinball for the console and then around 2018 I got the Original Sonic the Hedgehog for the console but the sound emulation of the console was still bad.
I’ve wanted to get a original Sega Genesis specifically the Model 1 of the console

@Shantae-June22002 - 03.11.2022 03:01

I love Sonic CD it’s really fun and both the JP/EU versions and the US Release have a great soundtrack.

@OGkush69x - 06.11.2022 08:59

Just got one of these genesis 2 with cd. but no cables or games. So bought genesis power cable and av. And a genesis game. Plugged it up. And nothing. Just a faint blinking red light. Does the sega cd need to be plugged in with power supply for the genesis side to turn on ??

@mknightstalkerx - 03.12.2022 05:42

I play my sega cd games on my, sega cd x combo system. It's great. I'll never part with it.

@jamiepaulcreech - 08.02.2023 20:34

I have a mint condition terminator game for Mega CD if your interested!

@brokegirl1452 - 21.02.2023 05:14

I loved sega Cd jurassic park was 10xs better on cd

@VaughnEBrown - 03.04.2023 17:54

You can burn a lot of the Sega cd games and play them on model 2.

@muddfoot69 - 27.05.2023 18:18

I’m actually surprised there’s not more recent type releases of Sega cd

@JamesWilliams-t2u - 31.03.2024 23:48

Had the mega cd and nighttrap on release, only one in school, I felt like a super star :)
Just the ability to play FMV games with cd quality music back at that time was huge, there were obvious flaws, but it shut the amiga and snes fan boys up which was worth it :)

@random_an0n - 05.05.2024 02:26

road avenger was based back in the day,its cause you are spoilt by modern games.
