Car Secrets Only The Most Experienced Drivers Know

Car Secrets Only The Most Experienced Drivers Know


1 год назад

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@ChaosGamer777 - 13.12.2024 07:34

I HAVE cracked the code for getting cheaper gas. Just vote for Trump

@raymondthackray3542 - 14.12.2024 11:26

Sorry it’s too boring

@richardcranium5393 - 15.12.2024 04:01

The plastic button is a fat fuck limit.

@petecarnell - 16.12.2024 02:37

I have never been so bored while watching a video.

@spartan3294 - 16.12.2024 09:49

With the whole car colour thing, its different for me. I've had 4 different cars in the past; white then red then red then black. Both red cars were totaled but zero issues with the others..... red cars are bad luck for me......

@TheWidebody747 - 17.12.2024 19:44

White cars are pulled over more often because there are more white cars.

@franktuckwell196 - 18.12.2024 09:24

Got as far as about 6 minutes when you ignorantly quoted "COLDER TEMPERATURES", thus showing your misunderstanding of the facts5 on this planet. Temperature is a numerical measurement of available heat. Temperatures can ONLY be HIGH, or LOW, or an average between the two extremes. Conditions can be COLD, COLDER, or FREEZING, (hot, hotter or boiling) but brought about by ĺow or high temperatures. To state freezing temperatures means you have either re-written the laws of physics and thermodynamics, or you are ignorant of the FACTS. This is where, because of your misinformation and schoolboy howler, i am baling out. And unlike Arnie, I WON'T BE BACK!!

@dmetaldragon6886 - 20.12.2024 21:18

Tbh i will now watch be amazed any more 😢 something feels different

@RhavenNightwisp - 21.12.2024 22:00

The big car myth when I was growing up was that green cars are involved in more accidents than any other.

@bipqrslef - 21.12.2024 23:04

Parallax is quite the effect. Low riding sports cars feel fast at 30 MPH. At high speed most close objects are just a blur

@FreeJ4ck - 22.12.2024 14:55

Look at 1,25 speed 😉

@dahunsiyinkababalola1493 - 23.12.2024 01:31

I love this!

@aradhanaaneesh7918 - 24.12.2024 13:50


@joypalos474 - 25.12.2024 20:16

Yes, I saw a video showing you how you can move your own vehicle off the road out of traffic when it is broken down. Use drivers side seat belt strap to thread thru the hitch where door latches closed on vehicle. Then slip the belt over you shoulder farthest away from the vehicle. With that arm hold upper frame between windshield and seal of drivers door frame. Use other hand to steer. Of course (if on a level area) put vehicle into neutral. Walk slowly without pushing and you will pull vehicle by strap around your body. Then help keep the momentum by pushing with other hand on frame.

@lisareading6043 - 26.12.2024 21:38

My favorite tip was the key hiding in the key fob.

@bryan-q8v - 26.12.2024 23:04

seatbelt thing just cut it off

@tedmccauley9319 - 27.12.2024 19:12

Ran radar/laser for many years, if I saw someone driving fast and my equipment confirmed it I would stop them. I wouldn’t even know what car type or color initially. P.S. no one records the color of the cars they stop…… pretty much a bullshit conclusion.

@jamesguido9877 - 28.12.2024 00:46

It is extremely frustrating when drivers don't understand that in the United States the left lane is the "fast lane". I'm very tired of being behind somebody who is in the left lane for their entire trip. They don't care or they don't realize that there are cars behind them that are willing to go a bit faster than they are. They are selfish road hogs with no brains!

@d.s7741 - 28.12.2024 05:24

what I will never understand is why people like their jobs so much that they can't wait to get to wok in the morning.

@PLor-gt2cc - 29.12.2024 21:55

Insurance companies also rate us by our gender, age, marital situation, credit score, and where we live and park our vehicles.
We should not have to give a company all of that information unless we have chosen their company. An online inquiry asks too many private question. What do they do with it all?🤔

@sirslickrock - 30.12.2024 13:09

My father in law doesn’t speak English very well; but one day he called me for help to get my brother in law a ‘battery for the car’. So I go with him he then buys a tiny watch battery. Realizing he didn’t need a Car-battery, I ask for the keys when we get to my brother in-laws car, I pop off the bottom of the fob to reveal the key, and open the car. Honestly I was more let down/disappointed by my brother in-law for not knowing this verses my father in-law who is in his 70s

@thechister779 - 30.12.2024 20:39

To stop the metal latch from going all the wayvto the bottom. Duh!

@Scottocaster6668 - 31.12.2024 22:02

Most FOBs have this hidden feature: hold down the lock button to close your windows. Unock to open them. Itll take a few seconds, just be patient.

@markheroman8190 - 05.01.2025 04:00

Getting gas in the morning has nothing to do with temperature. You are getting gas before any daily increases in the cost.

@ravibedia7_ishayoga - 09.01.2025 22:15


@connieludtke5699 - 10.01.2025 21:20

Any person knows this

@519achilles - 14.01.2025 10:40

This got to be the most boring video I have ever clicked. Thankfully I realised it really fast

@penscruffy60 - 16.01.2025 05:06

Fun watch

@dustincongello5802 - 17.01.2025 08:41

The lane switching in traffic not getting you somewhere faster is not fully true. If you are good at seeing the quick patterns and drive aggressive (but safe of course) you can get through traffic faster. In fact me and my best friend use to bet on what we called traffic racing. Riding the shoulder is not allowed for obvious reasons. But I use to pride myself on being able to get through traffic fast and once beat my friend to the exit we were racing to by 35 minutes .once you switch into the lane that is moving faster at the moment you have to watch the pattern and switch back to the lane you just switched from before the lane you are in stops moving because a lot of the time when one lane stops moving another starts moving .so as long as you watch the pattern and are good and aggressive enough to push your way in and out of lanes, you can get through traffic faster. Not a lot faster but the further your going in traffic the more time you save. And it also gives you somthing to do to keep you entertained while in traffic. Also it's a race at low speed so chances of getting really hurt if you gave a accident are slim to none

@dustincongello5802 - 17.01.2025 08:49

I don't know how much materials cost but maybe it would be cheaper when making a scaled model of a car thcould 3d print a base and then put clay making the inner skeleton lighter but still strong but like I said I don't know how much if they bought a big enough 3d printer, how much the material use to do the 3d print costs . If it would be cheaper then the foam they form the clay around. But with the 3d print they can basically print the entire car and use the clay for 1 layer to smooth it out and add whatever details

@animemaster547 - 20.01.2025 16:52

Then theoretically if if use the car key near water bottle it's enough to increase the range of signal right

@Jessica-ul6me - 23.01.2025 14:43

Red is for wreck and maroon is for repairs- all red cars are bad luck 😜

@MarkCorbin-y2c - 23.01.2025 16:56

Clay models were used by kids who entered the Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild. It was a scholarship program once run by GM's body division for the purpose of promoting the talents of future car designers. I was in it in the1960's and built models for several years contests. It was both fun and educational.

@TurfyAgate-z5r - 24.01.2025 04:49

This seatbelt thing I always thought that it was a finger hole😂🤣

@SNOHAWK - 27.01.2025 05:55

This is the reason cars have body designs. It’s extremely essential for many reasons. It makes airflow easier to control and makes less drag.

@theduder2617 - 07.02.2025 14:04

Jesus drug out christ. Can we possibly repeat already known information any slower? 35 minute explanation of paint when it has always been the driver's behavior which attracts attention.
Already known facts, actively drug out far longer than necessary. "Don't recommend channel"

@fairygoth-mother7341 - 10.02.2025 23:07

Car insurance is also determined by your credit score. If you have a lower score, your insurance rates will be higher. Same goes for your homeowner's insurance.

@Easton-kd8vg - 15.02.2025 08:04

Yes the fart joke

@johnnicolas5086 - 16.02.2025 21:04

i thought RFID is a toll station name

@juco4682 - 21.02.2025 02:00

This guy Casey Casem impression........jeez.

@CurtisCook-c8s - 26.02.2025 09:35

I live in Louisiana and it may not be the case in other states, but here in Louisiana a red vehicle absolutely does raise your insurance price a lot.

@joemorella9892 - 26.02.2025 16:04

I don’t think my mom is gonna need that she just has a phone to unlock it

@Dragonblaster1 - 02.03.2025 12:16

My Skoda Octavia SE has the umbrella and ice scraper, but also a small tab on the inside of the windscreen on the driver's side(on the right here in the UK). It's for showing your car park ticket.

@tobiaskaiser927 - 02.03.2025 17:19

Why secrets?😂
This video is just a click bait
