TV-Live-Interview: Dr. Reza Kazemi on TV NewsOne

TV-Live-Interview: Dr. Reza Kazemi on TV NewsOne

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Live-Interview with Dr. rer. pol. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Reza Kazemi

Dr. Reza Kazemi is an international Spin-Doctor, Political Consultant and Founder of the German-based company "CAMPAIGNS & TECHNOLOGY".

CAMPAIGNS & TECHNOLOGY is a company which is specialized on campaign psychology and campaign technology. This company gained international recognition for bringing it's famous "TalkTOO" technology to European Countries - an instrument where VIPs, deciders and Top-Leading Politicians can simultanously speak on the Telephone, running live-polls and interact with thousands of people all at the same time.

Here you can see Dr. Reza Kazemi in an Live interview at PrimeTime with TV Moderator Oleg Voloshin.

This is the Russian Version. The English Version will be updated soon.


#Dr._Reza_Kazemi #Wahlkampfberater #Spindoktor #Spin-doctor #Political_Consultant #Politischer_Berater #Wahlsiegberater #Campaigns_&_Technology #TalkTOO #TeleTownHall
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