Lost Ark - End Game Guide | How To Maximize Every Second Of Every Day With Daily & Weekly Activities

Lost Ark - End Game Guide | How To Maximize Every Second Of Every Day With Daily & Weekly Activities

Legacy Gaming

2 года назад

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@bdon746 - 25.02.2022 13:31

Nobody ever mentions going back to the story to unlock further endgame. I was ilvl 520 before i went to finish shushire. Although less fun, it was pretty cool 2 shotting a dungeon boss with deadeye abilities

@patriziasaturni9379 - 25.02.2022 14:06

Thanks :D

@jsonzet2103 - 25.02.2022 17:00

There's a small misconception regarding Tower runs. If one were to do a some calculation, pushing an alt to do Tower actually cost more materials than the reward you get if you do it the 2nd time on your main. You do get back more Shards, however it costs more honing stones as well as leapstones to upgrade the alt, which I think is the biggest bottlenecked for most players.

@YC-tx3di - 25.02.2022 17:05

I would be useful to add also the item requirements for these activities:) ty

@patrikpape5768 - 25.02.2022 17:07

"Slot" Ark

@jetli3333 - 26.02.2022 01:40

Thanks for all the videos. Coming from Asmongolds stream and saw your vids there it was awesome to find all your content,

@xJayhawkFANx - 26.02.2022 17:01

For someone who can play maybe 10 hours a week. This is all way too much to keep up with >.<

@vett1635 - 27.02.2022 05:51

Besides the 6 char gold limit, there’s also a gold penalty if you very high ilvl for those older abyss dungeons. The devs failed to acknowledge this in the guides or any LA tutorials. I found out the hard way and went straight to 1000 ilvl from 600 and lost out on gold rewards I could of repeated if I stayed and relaxed at 960. Gotta take your time!!!

@MichaelAaronBerger - 27.02.2022 13:39

your guide sucks... theres no explaination on why you even do some of these things what the hell? Khalthertz? You didnt even credit your info.

@officialkirin7219 - 27.02.2022 17:23

I dont think its true that the 600F and 900M have the best chance on the box.
The best chance seems to be the higher the price.
BUT the 600F and 900M give you Pirate coins back so you don't really lose coins doing this.

@xasanth6318 - 28.02.2022 18:11

the content you should do: what ever you enjoy most - otherwise you don't enjoy the game and waste your time

@struwah8576 - 28.02.2022 18:30

Good stuff as usual!

@arrow2555 - 28.02.2022 20:08

It's a shame not everyone has Codiak's mentality about casual gamers being part of a community, and that you need to do things to learn from them and that's ok. Apparently to one person in a plat fields matchmaking with randoms I was the one who screwed it up since I only got 2 trade in items by the end of the instance

@F8isRIPPIN - 01.03.2022 03:04

Everyone says to do Kalthertz but never explain why. 1.) Unas multitasking 2.) Island Heart 3.) Unas Reputation 4.) You might make some pirate coins back

@ninjadinosaur8676 - 01.03.2022 04:39

theres pvp too!

@ylmazcandelen3121 - 01.03.2022 18:36

there is no link below for rapport priority or am I blind

@CindyMiller67 - 01.03.2022 22:41

Never a dull video. thanks

@TheXxdarkangel10xx - 02.03.2022 14:09

I have 7 characters it takes too dam long to run all dailies, I only run raids and tasks on main. But chaos on all. If I want to run everything in every single alt it takes like 45mins per alt, running only chaos still take long but not as long.

@nobeliefisok9174 - 02.03.2022 15:34

Doing all of the standard dailies and weeklies + stronghold is more time than most players have to play.
Chaos Dungeons x2
Guardian Raids x2
Una Tasks x3
These all have high bang for the buck for progressing characters, but also completing all of these take at least an hour on a good day, and more than 2 hours on a bad one.
Now add in going to Khalthertz Island, stronghold, and guild for another 30 minutes (along with lumping in various random minor things like swapping equipment, exchanging currency, etc)

This is per-character, and many content creators encourage everyone to play multiple alts, and at a minimum one alt. You are looking at an average over time of 1.5 hours per day per character.

Then add in these activities once per account, 1 to 1 1/2 hours to do all three:
Island adventure
Field Boss
Chaos Gate

Most players will want to dabble in all the other activities available to them (i.e. "play the game") because new content is generally fun content. But if they focus on these normal tasks, they may never have time per day to do them. So I recommend all players instead of focusing on progressing characters to max gear/engravings/etc. to instead focus on activities you enjoy playing the most, but still try to do the daily chaos & guardian raids on your main, and the available una's tasks. If you don't have the couple hours per day to do these, no problem just skip it and do them when you do.

If you decide you really want to go explore an island, don't make the mistake of feeling you MUST do the dailies every single day.

@anthonylin5641 - 03.03.2022 03:10

I don't think pirate ship can be done peer week per character, it's per acompte

@malicetennebris4714 - 03.03.2022 07:51

some island are better than others...why not giving some exemples? In general I like how you present stuff and how clear you are though.

@casecold1864 - 03.03.2022 08:24

Imagine, this guy is doing that AND making this video.

@hedition9346 - 03.03.2022 16:54

Wow this game is heavier than my actual job.

@jadeprinces - 03.03.2022 23:51

you mean those chaos gates that drop map but only for bid and then ppl that swipe card get single map for around 2500 and 4000g right that is awesome

@earnestbennett7203 - 04.03.2022 04:45


@alexanderxyz6146 - 04.03.2022 23:29

Be shut up pls. Yet another telling me how I am supposed to play a game.
All this stress about "be efficient", not all people played this game before and find it boring to enjoy stuff in it.
Where do you get your time from? Do you know that you are playing a game?!?
How do you expect the people - except the loud ones lurking forums and chat - to enjoy the game, when you just tell them they HAVE to do this or that, and "be efficient" like in a job?! What is even efficient, in a GAME? Who are you to say it? Yea tell me: How can I have my best efficient fun?? Lmao. This is extremely personal. If I wanted to be more "efficient" I'd not watch a movie in the evening, or not have xxx, cause I could grind instead! so Shut up pls with your telling me how I am supposed to have fun!

And this is nothing personal at all. Instead this is ongoing phenomenon before relase, like you were paid to stress people. Contrary to what the developers have in mind which you can see at all corners, if you open your mind: Really lots of fun put in ANYWHERE, this game was not designed for progression and efficiency alone.

And don't tell me to not care about this mass of videos or comments somewhere stressing out. Or to not care how others "like" to play. YOU guys actually tell US how to play! **(There are even ppl BMing casuals for no reason, just to brag about their gear, lmao) (And of course people that prioritize the game that much are also more vocal)_ It ACTUALLY affects many casual people, because it's an MMO, and I am really surprised by how many people can't enjoy games anymore, ingame after I got to 50. Of course to the same extent I also meet many people that are jsut as new and take their time enjoy world bosses or explore isles in their own will. Also there are many new people joining each day and I notice they just want a good time without pressure, at least in their free time cause that's what free time is about. Understandable? Wonderful.
- Now I didn't even know there is stuff like chaos gates. Yet another obligation in view for the future daily login...

@Danny-Do-It - 05.03.2022 16:33

This game just looks like a grind fest - daily / weekly grind tasks... some of most tedious concepts in WoW nobody like doing these - Can you get magic find item sets like in D2? Do certain bosses drop specific loot? Or is this game literally just grind continuously on daily's in order to craft more gear... Why cant developers just make skill dungeon progression and boss engagements as the path to progression, with items you wear making the experience unique, not daily farming and grinding or "activities" as you call them which anyone with significant hours in MMO's / RPG's will tell you is soul destroying

@pemocity1450 - 07.03.2022 06:22

is it bad if this vid made me want to quit LA? Its just way too much stuff to do. U would need to have No life if you really want to play this game..... :(

@architectonthejob - 09.03.2022 07:09

I really hope they take that slave trade out.......

@AaronBowley - 09.03.2022 14:52

great video but wtf boil the ocean lol

@shards14 - 10.03.2022 00:02

And this is the reason I unistalled after reaching lvl50. Didn't find anything fun, only mindless grind

@flitzquatre - 10.03.2022 22:58

Thanks for nailing the important stuff this helps alot

@visoroverwatch3247 - 11.03.2022 12:34

4 hours doesn't seem enough to do all the dailies....

@slayerdude212 - 13.03.2022 04:56

which 3 daily are the fastest?

@andrejlavric1460 - 13.03.2022 17:27

I dont have rime for all these:(

@kazmaahr - 13.03.2022 23:39

Ah so drop my entire real life and move in the game completely, got it.

@taylorricherson1159 - 19.03.2022 12:01

I'd add anguished island to this

@Oleoay - 20.03.2022 22:18

It'd be interesting to see an estimate on how much time it takes to complete the list of everything in this video for a main and its two alts. I barely can get through all the dailys and weeklys on just my main and my first alt has been slow to spin up... but I don't play 16 hours a day either.

@resademilo - 21.03.2022 14:59

Love your guides! They are packed with great information.

@michaellloyd5167 - 21.03.2022 15:41

Looks like a slice of cheese slapped to your hand 🤣

@JohnSmith-rm5dv - 22.03.2022 22:51

600 female and 900 male are not the best/only chance for the great chest. The reason you free these two is because they are guaranteed to give you pirate coins if they dont give you a chest. Choosing these two NPCs (usually) prevents you from losing pirate coins doing this task. TBH, I had no idea this was character bound, not roster wide. I've only been doing 5 per day. Good to know I can do 60 per day if I want to hate myself. Thanks, Legacy Gaming!

@Lindsey_Lockwood - 25.03.2022 08:51

going to need materials.... for what? What are you getting them for? building stronghold statues?

@dirtyizzy8566 - 24.04.2022 23:41

YO real quick, your voice is goated for walk thru's , I just type in shit about lost ark and click on vids till I hear that Kodiak smooth jazz voice

@jadefoto9902 - 11.05.2022 11:08

I got less dailys at work then on Lost Ark

@derekrank4572 - 12.10.2022 04:36

i only play about 4 hours a night..and i can barely get through everything even on 2 characters. lots to do

@realname2158 - 14.05.2023 20:09

And one year later let's face the cold hard truth about Lost Ark. If you aren't spending $thousands on mats and other honing supplies, gold, etc you will never reach an end game level. Well maybe in 5 years because face it, honing supplies alone are hard to come by in any substantial amount and no matter how much you farm gold, it will never be enough. The game is all pay to win and the Korean whales who make YT vids or stream on whatever platforms they use are spending tons of mommy and daddy's money on a video game just for bragging rights lol. Some of them are cashing in on streaming by stupid fans who stupidly throw their own cash at these "pros" but in the end, money builds your character and nothing else will. I miss the simplistic Super Nintendo Mario games times. Good days back then.
