04 How To: Swap Comcast Modem With 3rd Party Modem And Activation

04 How To: Swap Comcast Modem With 3rd Party Modem And Activation

LE Technology

4 года назад

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@lifechangeshere8350 - 13.06.2021 06:27

Very help full thank you
What modem is that if I may ask

@princessaxel - 26.06.2021 08:08

hello, i have a question, do i need to have an ethernet cord connected to something in order to activate my 3rd party modem? I only have a laptop and a phone.

@princessaxel - 27.06.2021 05:38

hello its me again :) So im thinking of buying the Nighthawk® DOCSIS® 3.1 2.7Gbps Two-in-One Cable Modem + WiFi 6 Router and Im using this modem to connect to Xfinity, then I wanted to connect a NETGEAR Nighthawk Pro Gaming AC2600 WiFi Router (XR500) to it. Does the modem I connect with Xfinity need to be just a cable modem to connect to my gaming router or can I use the Nighthawk® DOCSIS® 3.1 2.7Gbps Two-in-One Cable Modem + WiFi 6 Router with my gaming router?

@cyclingfurball7447 - 09.07.2021 16:48

an actual tutorial that is helpful and gets to the point thank you

@Eric78DX - 13.07.2021 07:52

Do you need to hard wire a computer with ethernet? My coax connection is in the living room and our wireless desktops are in other rooms. We would have an Xfinity cable box in the living room next to the modem/router.

@bigshot6333 - 29.07.2021 12:34

does it matter what coax port you plug it into or what kind of ethernet cable you use to setup the modem

@ChrisMendoza34 - 26.08.2021 09:11

Great job! Awesome video! Very helpful!

@jancis_ - 30.08.2021 17:27

do you need to have a computer with ethernet capabilities for this? what if I just have the xfinity app?

@Jedicake - 03.09.2021 09:22

Great video! For some reason I thought the activation would be more complicated but that's incredibly straight forward.

@smithconnie07 - 28.09.2021 02:34

Great job, thanks for the demonstration.

@bernard00g - 13.10.2021 06:13

Thank you!

@maryglover8894 - 17.10.2021 01:11

Thanks for the info after dealing with trying to set up my modem with Xfinity for a couple of hours this got me up and running right away in 10 mins Good Job !!!!!

@heatheralisa8658 - 02.11.2021 06:16

Thank you!! This is exactly the video I am looking for because I wanted to replace my modem/router combo with my own while keeping the phone service

@sue8001 - 04.11.2021 04:35

Thank you! Very helpful to see all the steps.

@letechnology1774 - 04.11.2021 09:48

ATTENTION ALL: New video is coming soon with another modem upgrade plus activation via mobile app!!

@ArtLenLa - 23.11.2021 23:35

So should I understand that the modem/router will work before you report what you're doing to Xfinity? I thought they had to push a button or something.

@es26426 - 27.11.2021 00:03

great video! Thanks

@MrKenstar2 - 08.12.2021 05:20

Telephone 1?

@dennisd3701 - 15.12.2021 15:17

Very helpful, thank you

@w11dmanf11x - 27.12.2021 21:02

Most helpful.....Thank you !

@DammaChakku - 09.01.2022 03:10

Thank you.🙏🏽 It was really helpful.

@drewman5740 - 22.01.2022 09:57

Thanks for sharing! … certainly better than calling them these Days! … Comcast should hire you to do their Installation Videos

@DuelioTheFoolio - 27.01.2022 18:46

What if the router I bought does not have a port for the co ax cable my xfinity router does tho? Is this a problem?

@johnguerriere291 - 28.01.2022 00:53

Very nice. Just one thing, though. Why didn't you say what brand and model of modem you were installing? I have the very same service, and it would've been great to know.

@GoBroncos9 - 07.03.2022 18:19

You're the best. You've saved me $14 per month!

@bobnunn6507 - 14.03.2022 21:14

Nice straight forward video on the modem change task. Was having trouble doing so with new MG7700. Will start over after watching your video.
Thank you.

@gracec7758 - 20.03.2022 22:21

If I can't get this to work, I will be calling you directly. LOL

@janicebrigman3678 - 06.06.2022 23:10

What if my computer isn't near my modem?

@JuanSanchez-ik7wx - 16.06.2022 23:15

We dont have a cell phone and they dont offer a call back. Xfinity=Xinternetprovider

@lrj3000 - 17.06.2022 22:29

Can i call you to comment?

@69Dartman - 19.06.2022 23:11

I just swapped my self owned Arris 862 to a Netgear CM2050V. I was hoping it would just swap over and be done with some clicks. I ended up having to use my cellphone, which I recently registered with Comcast, and do the activation that way. It didn't just automatically open the web page and go. I also have a wifi router that complicated things. Once I finally got the modem activated and on line it wasn't connecting to the internet. I had to reboot the modem connected to my computer directly and it went online, then I had to figure out why the wifi router wasn't passing through the internet to my network for a while. I think I had to reset the automatic dns settings and then everything finally started working. If you're just going from the modem directly to the main computer it's a bit easier. Once the network was happy again the phone started working too but nothing just worked at first.
I think you're directions on the video are fine but remember that stuff doesn't always play nice even when it claims to be on line and connected. You might have to reboot your computer and things a few times and double check or change some settings.
For that you will need a cell phone that works with out your cable modem so you can get online and get it started like you did, then be able to search out solutions to the problems you might encounter if it doesn't work first try. For most users the first try like you showed works and nothing else will need to be done 👍

@JuanSanchez-ik7wx - 05.07.2022 20:38

So, actually I was able to use xfinity box on each end of the coax. It worked slick. No activation. Set the second box to bridge mode from admin login 10.0.01 LAN. You will have to change your ethernet adaptor temporarily to make the change. Once that was done, vuola. Internet via 5g wifi. Superfast...too fast. My buddy's galaxy cell phone (J7) apparently has a limit of 55 gbs. My phone connected and downloaded at 140gbs in the same room as his. So I took it out, and put in my actiontec 3000 something or other. I only paid 20 bucks for the actiontec using FB marketplace. Have to say, it was my first time purchasing on marketplace and really worked well. At the end of the day, MoCA saved the day. Can't believe I never heard of it before. Save your xfinity box for moca connecting to a room with poor wifi and no ethernet cable. 1-2-3 and you are hard wired where you never thought you would be. It seems that when I was connecting I got the message that wi-fi connected buy no internet. I was impatient. Waiting 30-45 seconds eventually gave me the internet connection. If you dont know about MoCA, then you need to watch the videos here. Who knew that you could use coax as ethernet? Not me. Every home is USA with coax wall jacks now can have ethernet without going up in the attic or under the house. I have talked to network engineers, and they never heard of MoCA. Best kept secret in the world of networking.

@thinkertoo2995 - 13.07.2022 14:48

Thank you for this video. I just bought a third party modem router for xfinity. This really will come in handy when the modem router arrives. Thank You.

@troy8736 - 17.07.2022 17:18

I tried for hours to set up a new cable modem/ router to save money from Comca$t and they said it wasn't working...It must be Microsoft...! This modem was advertised for Comca$t!
So we had to go back to the rental.....!

@judytrigg751 - 30.07.2022 04:17

Thank you for going through the steps one by one. I just bought a new modem and a new router, and I’ve been procrastinating because I didn’t know how to begin. Your explanation was the clearest one I’ve seen, and now I think I’m ready to give it a try. Thanks again.

@bat5917 - 31.07.2022 03:45

Thanks for the demo. It’s the same instructions that came with my new modem, but now seeing it performed eases my mind and I know what to look for.

@ianrobinson222 - 29.10.2022 03:57

Great video. Straightforward, no bullshit. Thanks

@robertmirolo3755 - 16.11.2022 10:15

Does your new modem also operate as a router?

@taoshyr - 21.12.2022 03:19

Very cool step by step. any videos on the Night Hawk RAX 120 router?

@judyb1438 - 28.12.2022 22:41

Thank you for your user friendly video on how to install a third party modem. Something we should have done years ago.

@Thorinf - 16.01.2023 00:43

You Rock.

@Kamala1962 - 15.02.2023 22:10

After connecting with the online portal with your PC desktop, did you have to call Comcast with the MAC address and serial number? Thanks.

@edwardgraham2566 - 28.04.2023 22:31

Thank you ... now, suppose you have a purchased XFINITY modem/router from ebay ... any thoughts ... suggestions ???

@CRUSADER_50 - 28.07.2023 21:52

so, if i don't have a smart phone i can't get internet??

@JAYZIGGY5 - 09.01.2024 00:38

I knew you were from the Chicago area by how you talk and then I saw the 708 area code and yep! I used to be 312 then 708 now 630. Out of curiosity, did anyone call you? 😂

@michaelchianese379 - 09.01.2024 09:52

I tried this but it never went through to xfinity setup. It says I'm connected to wifi but it won't let me go through the internet to activate my new modem.

@petervonbleichert9688 - 24.01.2024 08:28

Good vid, thanks

@mm-tc3kt - 01.02.2024 13:00

You deserve a prize for not assuming that the viewer knows anything about the subject. That's the way to create a COMPLETE tutorial : assume the viewer knows NOTHING. Nice work, man !

@snoopycookies - 29.09.2024 19:47

fellow southside chicago friend

@timlewis8780 - 15.12.2024 09:38

Does this work if you buy a modem and router separately? Do I just plug the router into the modem? Or do I have to activate the router as well?
