I would love to see you do a WORST Promo/Segment 2025 for next year
ОтветитьJey vs Jimmy was absolute garbage. But AEW has had so many worse matches. You all praise AEW way too much--especially Ospreay.
ОтветитьMercedes mone ruins wrestling
ОтветитьTempest is so annoying on these videos...talks like he knows everything about what every fan likes. Honestly, I don't think that him and I agree on anything from a wrestling fan perspective.
ОтветитьTBH, I’m shocked that Damian Priest Vs Seth Rollins from Money In The Bank isn’t on here. It had several botches, some of the strikes looked no where near them, and don’t even get me started on the fake 2 count.
ОтветитьThe K.O. and Logan Paul finish was awesome.
Ответитьoh yay more Tempest charm...🙄
ОтветитьMy partner is a brand new wrestling fan who got really into Bobby Lashley, then that Mania match made them upset, because it was just so bad
ОтветитьI agree with tempest about Rhea v Liv at Bad Blood being #1. My partner only cared about that match when we went to that show and was so confused and angry not even Cody could cheer them up
Ответитьcan't beloeve how any channel can be this aew biased wwe had a good raw this week with literally the promo of the year they put on a show but no mention of it but when it comes to dynamite and aew content ya all don't miss lol it's a pity to see what this channel has become
ОтветитьI probably would’ve voted for Cody/Solo at SummerSlam. Solo looked lost (especially during the heat segments) and neither Cody nor Roman could save him. If the plan was to recreate WrestleMania, then the match should’ve been a balls to wall Attitude Era-style brawl before the run-ins instead of extended Solo heat segments
ОтветитьSee, I disagree with Tempest. I think an MMA style match in wrestling can be good if not great. But that match between Bazsler and Rousey just wasn't it.
ОтветитьThe action in Rhea vs Liv at Bad Blood was solid, I thought. The shark cage stuff was dumb, Rhea asking the ref essentially for a timeout was REALLY dumb, and the Raquel return botch causing the unintentional DQ was the cherry on top lol. Everything up to Rhea asking to beat up Dom was good imo. Everything after was so bad that it drags it all down.
ОтветитьTempest head exploding because his bigotry against Jericho isn't shared by the general audience will never not be hilarious.
ОтветитьLuke Owen being your apologist might be the biggest indictment.
ОтветитьAmong so many other reasons, this is why I refuse to watch the Saudi blood jewel shows. They mean nothing and they always are in the discussion of worst “ple” of the year if you can even call them that.
ОтветитьMan, the thing that got me about White vs Gunn was that I went in hoping (foolishly, perhaps) we'd get a brutal Win for White.
Something genuinely uncomfortable, like break that old man. Vampiro vs Pentagôn Jr. Vibes.
They make a point to bring up that Bobby Lashley did not compete on Mania 39 and say "he should have competed at 40" but then end that segment with "he shouldn't have competed at Mania 40. Not every match was designed to be a "barn burner". Sometimes they are just there to pop a crowd for the rest of the show and I think the Pride/Final Testament did that.
ОтветитьWhere is Chris jericho vs ishii, im sorry that was legitimately one of the worst wrestling matches ever.
ОтветитьThe best comment I saw about the Usos match was
"Jey vs Jimmy made Matt vs Jeff look like Brett vs Owen".
Some of these are a little harsh don't y'all think? Final Testament vs. Pride? Really?
ОтветитьYall trippin on this rumble hate. Wah wah wah.
ОтветитьI was there. General consensus was that the Usos match was the most disappointing match of the weekend. So many people at NXT Stand and Deliver were looking forward to this match.
ОтветитьMissing AAA
ОтветитьKota/Marafuji is harsh, Kota broke both his ankles in that match didnt he?
ОтветитьMy thing about the Jey Vs Jimmy USO WM match is that they are the same wrestler. They have the same moveset and the only difference is that Jey is Over. I know the Jeff Vs Matt Hardy WM wasn't good either but at least they were/are very different wrestlers
ОтветитьNo TNA bad matches yesss
ОтветитьYou’re welcome, tempest. We went so hard against Jericho that it was almost sad. His eyes were telling a tragedy
ОтветитьSo glad Gunn vs White was so high, The most confusing booking option possible this year
ОтветитьSoooooooo TNA didn't have a bad match? Cool.
ОтветитьWrestletalk = I hate everything WWE SMH
ОтветитьI don't know what's more surprising seeing Pride vs Final Testament at 2 or not seeing Naito vs Mox on here.
ОтветитьDumb, that the Pride vs Final Testament is number 2. The match was fine, pretty fun even.
ОтветитьJericho vs Hook at Dynasty is WAY too low
ОтветитьLol Chris Jericho has ALREADY started stuff with the Costco guys. Nice prediction Luke
ОтветитьOli is super-biased - defending the horrible WWE matches while gleefully sh-tting on the horrible AEW matches (Ok, Jericho vs Hook was the stuff of nightmares).
ОтветитьInsane that Final Testament vs The Pride is in the list and not Marufuji vs Ibushi, Williams vs Holland, Naito vs Moxley (FD), Jericho vs Cardona, Jericho vs Mistico, GOK vs Tanga Loa
ОтветитьWhoever voted for Bryan vs Nigel at Grand Slam, I just wanna talk.
(I actually liked most of the Women's War Games match and I'd have put that Jericho vs Ishii match on the list over it.)
Not sure how everyone forgot about the women's WarGames match!!! it was terrible.
ОтветитьWrestletalk gives the worst match of the year a No Yeet
ОтветитьI really hope that the womens booking doesn't revolve around fighting over dominik bloody mysterio in wwe next year, its a fun feud but its gone on for far far too long and should not involve a title whatsoever
ОтветитьTelling that all 5 worst PPVs were from WWE.
ОтветитьHere's my reason Billy Gunn vs Jay White should be worst match of 2024. At the time of that match, Jay White was the most recent wrestler to have a singles win over Jon Moxley.
ОтветитьThe real worst match of the year was Ibushi vs Marufuji, 33 minutes long with one of the worst main events of the year (it was in Jan. 2nd) and Ibushi got injured early on
Ответить2024 Swerve vs prime 2008 honest man suit Jericho would have been incredible at least.
ОтветитьNia jax v bayley at bad blood was a good match in my opinion
ОтветитьWell done boys. Well done.