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What could you do to improve your or your client’s product strategy?
• Identify customer wants, even the unspoken ones.
• Use a method for mapping out clear opportunities for product and service development.
• Leverage a strategy development process for uniting product development, marketing, and sales to solve a task or a problem for the customer.
With this framework based in Jobs to Be Done theory (JTBD), you gain valuable insights into your (potential) customer and can use it in your strategy development to create better products or services. Optimize your marketing activities and communication to address the customer's pains and gains or wants and needs.
Who is this for?
• Decision makers
• Innovation and strategy experts in corporations and consulting
• Product managers
• Customer research experts
• Marketing professionals
What you will learn in this session
• The 5-steps of a customer-centric strategy development method
• How we use The Wheel of Progress and related tools to create data
• The Mural template that covers the entire process
• Surprising findings and out-of-the-box solution ideas
• How to get certified and use this method commercially
Based on the customer work Eckhart has done, he has created specific solutions to find out what customers really need. He promises you predictable results that you can use in your business. Learn more here:
Need help with your Customer-Centric Strategy Development?
With an expert at your side? For all the participants Eckhart makes a special limited offer. See details of his standardized offer here:
Keep your ideas moving,
Stattys and Mikko Mannila