Breaking the rules of growth: Why Shopify bans KPIs, optimizes for churn, and prioritizes intuition

Breaking the rules of growth: Why Shopify bans KPIs, optimizes for churn, and prioritizes intuition

Lenny's Podcast

4 месяца назад

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@karolisprekeris - 07.11.2024 15:04

love the summary at the beginning, good job Lenny!

@maasdd - 07.11.2024 15:05

u bring such amazing guests! would be awesome to get more people from shopify & duelingo :)

@dhanashrikondap8189 - 07.11.2024 19:50

I absolutely loved this episode. So much was contrary to popular norms. Archie is passionate and the excitement of working at Shopify shows on his face. Makes me want to work for him and such a company which can create employees who are walking talking advertisements for the company.

@RussellPompea - 08.11.2024 00:11

"They keep long term holdouts for every experiment they run"

Wow this is so rare for a bigger tech company

@Khushi-Lunkad - 08.11.2024 00:51

Wow, it's been a while since any podcast episode resonated as strongly with me as this one!

Things I loved:
1. The simple insight around tweaking the focus metric from a percentage % to an absolute number # reverses how efficiently teams execute!
2. It seemed extremely financial. Everything was more driven by finance and numbers.
3. Overly optimizing dunning / involuntary churn recovery didn't have long-term revenue boost.
4. Moving big businesses is short-term but getting new companies to start with Shopify is long-term
5. OKRs and KPIs are banned.
6. 600 people on the growth team! 👀
7. When self-serve moves to sales, attribution gets tricky. You wouldn't want to reduce investment in that acquisition channel if the attribution model is separate.
8. Discounting isn't always bad. You can use it to increase the perception of value and trigger an emotional response. (In India, companies would pay taxes on the MRP so prior to discounting which made sense but now the MRP holds no value since taxes are paid at the selling price, not the listing price).
9. Cherish the time you have with your parents.

@artist-wx5my - 08.11.2024 15:15

Intresting to know how the short term lift might not have any impact in the longterm but the question is how to actually strategize for longterm when short term lifts can be entirely relied on. Also in this world where AI is changing the way businesses are done so it makes it difficult to plan for something for 20 years now

@ogopogoman4682 - 08.11.2024 18:17

I see that 4 Scrum Masters have disliked the video. I guess they're not a fan of the GSD (Get Shit Done) philosophy.

@AbouAnia - 09.11.2024 11:37

At this point and after watching hundreds of videos, I can say that I don’t understand anything. I think every startup is unique

@ahmadm.abuzaid1104 - 10.11.2024 07:02

Thank you for this - it has been a while since you brought a guest and actually the talk was about technicalities and business .. Was going to un subscribe - thank you for bringing me back to your channel because of this brilliant guy Archie Abrams - even when you deviate he brings you back on track because he only wants to speak business

@TheQuickyouknow - 10.11.2024 18:48

I need this podcast on Spotify

@bennyscriv9494 - 10.11.2024 20:53

I'm interested in the no wizard principle, What's the reasoning?

@ruchivora1190 - 11.11.2024 06:26

Thank you!

@АртемТкачев-э8и - 27.11.2024 20:24

Great, interesting, rich with details video!!! Great way of thinking about the product!!!
