Full Kittl + Printify + Etsy Tutorial: How To Find A Niche, Make A Design, and List Your Product

Full Kittl + Printify + Etsy Tutorial: How To Find A Niche, Make A Design, and List Your Product


1 год назад

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@Avo84 - 21.12.2023 19:03

Looking to start an etsy store!

@rachelwise5193 - 24.12.2023 02:16

can these niches be researched on Everbee?

@Amari_900 - 10.01.2024 17:58

The Tutorials are Extremely helpful and Eye Opening....

Thanks to YOU and the Team.....

Kittl is WICkeD OFcourse AM SubSribeD

@JainabaFatty-z8p - 10.01.2024 21:43

Your video touched my heart deeply. As a struggling single mom, your design and ecommerce tutorial inspired me. Currently facing financial challenges, I'm determined to find a way to start small and dream big. Thank you for being my source of inspiration in pursuing financial independence.

@kimberlyvera2449 - 18.01.2024 06:19

just started

@jeweljewel9070 - 03.02.2024 10:14

Just started, 8 practice products up, now trying to learn how to create trending products… thanks for your help

@kimberlyhusch6600 - 06.02.2024 22:35

Oh boy...again I feel so stupid! Are we allowed to use the mockups (Kittl and/or Printify) as photos in our ETSY shop listings, or are we to order a sample of every single item we ever create so we can submit our own real photos?? (To me, that totally defeats the purpose of why folks go into POD in the first place) After reading the ETSY terms, it seems that the latter is the case. You've also intimated the latter in this video. You've ordered the sweatshirt, and will now make photos, etc. Who do I need to email for these specific questions?

@pftaharahzepeto6583 - 12.02.2024 06:53

What if you don't want to use this method for Etsy but Shopify instead and to have it shipped out to customer's directly?

@sakis7667 - 22.02.2024 13:16

Thanks for the video tutorial! :-) I think the letters on your design are kinda small ...

@jeweljewel9070 - 25.02.2024 09:32

I loved your tutorial, I took notes and was all ready to start researching, but eRank doesn’t appear to be free and seems to need a subscription now. Maybe different from when you made the video? Is there another program that would allow beginners to start product analysis no cost?

@soundcandy1 - 06.03.2024 22:16

I'm a disabled vet and can't work outside my house. I work in the music industy primarily doing music critiques and creating guidebooks for musicians. But, I'm not even covering the cost of living. I'm so desperately excited to try this. I feel like crying.

@sarakasper2269 - 05.04.2024 18:15

Hi! Great video. I'm looking at erank and I think I found the Top Listing section which is now in Rank Checker. But I'm not seeing where you can view estimated sales or listing age. Did they take this feature down?

@trooandco - 24.04.2024 19:55

How are returns or refunds handled? If your Etsy customer wants to return the item is that done through the Etsy seller/shop or directly through Printify?

@KarimasPlanet - 07.05.2024 01:22

Thanks Drew. this is very informative and step by step understandable. I am a beginner.
I am exactly following your steps and using Printify.
In Printify under "My Products" there is an option "Allow automated order routing". "Enable Automated Routing"
In case your print provider is temporarily unavailable due to stock issues or your selected print provider is experiencing significant delays, we can automatically route the affected items to a different print provider, so your orders can arrive on time.
I this they have mentioned there is an extra cost of $2.
Do you have any detail video on Printify or can you make it?
What if we select "Enable Automated Routing", the Retail Price of a product is $16 and Profit is $2.41.
After this there is an additional $2 due to "Automated Routing print provider". So what would be the Profit.
I might not be right but it would be great if you answer the right price calculation.

@Stacey-eb4nv - 12.05.2024 07:31

Hello! I'm so thankful I found this video. I am creating my first design and new listing. This is exactly what I needed as a beginner.

@Matt-wl5zv - 15.05.2024 20:41

This is a great video…! Thank You, this is a massive help for Me as I’m just starting out on My POD journey. I’ve attempted POD before but always hit a wall and can never figure out what I’m doing. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated ✌🏻💯

@bballer1991 - 21.05.2024 14:03

The google searches are not in the free plan anymore :( any suggestions for another free tool?

@leaderdreams128 - 21.05.2024 21:50

May be dumb ? If you have a store that is connected to Printify, you can upload it to both your store and Etsy? Just to have on multiple

@leaderdreams128 - 22.05.2024 00:59

What plan do your recommend? What can you create with only 30 AI credits a day?

@GrahamPope-z7o - 29.05.2024 00:34

Hey mate, enjoying this video. I am really new and trying to "get" the complete process from design to my Etsy shop. I will keep looking at all relevant videos that help me with this process. Cheers!!

@loriannburnett3891 - 11.06.2024 00:12

im in the infancy stage

@WhyNotTryandSeewithUs-ni1bt - 22.06.2024 22:51

I am Just starting today.

@mro1384 - 06.07.2024 21:50

Moves fast through tutorials which is great. Rather pause then sit and wait for a slow boring video. Excellent information, Thanks!

@SerephimLife - 07.07.2024 02:35

On kittl are the model images with tshirt designs considered stock images and do they abide by the Esty terms of agreement? I put up images from Kittl and got a message from Esty.

@urmymotivation-fp6rw - 08.07.2024 19:28

like the video very much - but I still need to get started. More videos to motivate please.

@as-pn910 - 25.07.2024 18:05

Which printing type it was? DTG?

@יהאבטלכורה - 31.07.2024 10:17

It is legal to use a kittl design to sell on Etsy?

@875daily - 06.08.2024 05:04

The same concept will work with Printful right? Great video.. thanks... My first Kittl vid

@taaron5595 - 06.08.2024 17:10

Im a total novice. Stay at home mom, looking for a creative side hustle. I just started designing with printify yesterday and got an ad for kittl, didn’t know what it was, but looked interesting. This video was super helpful to understand what I can do with Kittl and how to make it work with the printify and Etsy services I’m already using. Thanks!

@person4164 - 27.08.2024 02:14

Question-how do you change colours on specific items that are uploaded from files?

@nikitakumi3697 - 26.09.2024 19:20

Hi, I noticed that Canva doesnt have an option for DPI and Kittl particularly doesn't have a DPI up to 300 but that's what Printify requires for the print-design on my shirt. Now I'm worried, may i ask how did you manage with that?

@KoutousArt - 03.10.2024 18:01

Thank you, right on point ! you got a new suscriber and new customer. I spend sooooo much time trying to choose between adobe express, canva and kittl; I used Affinity Designer and Canva in the past but Kittl is much simplier 😇
Just starting on Etsy so look for more videos

@butdaddyllovezee - 12.11.2024 04:48

Good video for beginners! Def will try it out!
I hit Suscribe and the thymbs up botton! Thanks! :)

@AIVectorLabs - 14.11.2024 22:20

I just subscribed with erank, did a little research, and was surprised to see many completely different keyword searches have exactly 4400 Google searches around the same point that you have highlighted! Doesnt inspire confidence!

@virgil-g9h - 16.11.2024 23:21

I'm just starting out with Etsy and Printify and this video has helped a lot. Thanks!

@desmondamada - 24.11.2024 00:26

You started calmly and explained well, but when the video was almost ending you start rushing the whole stuff and got lost. some persons are total beginners.
Nice video anyways

@s.kocapinar - 04.12.2024 22:40

I just wanna learn how to upload mocup from little to printfy for instance I don’t like printfy photos and I wanna upload where I designed tshirt from kittl

@Balasahebsamalez - 07.12.2024 14:31

I am coustomer

@agungady-dm1mu - 17.12.2024 15:27

whats the web erank

@ceritabermaknaHD - 21.12.2024 22:25

Am I really to buy the sample? It is crucial?

@annaire8491 - 03.01.2025 22:25

I'm on erank and cannot find the listing amounts

@twistedsoulcollectiverecor6711 - 05.01.2025 12:35

Just starting my journey on POD 1st video that I have come across that has a well planned out workflow from start to finish....of to my local beachside cafe and.....here we go !

@Dannypearl3603 - 07.01.2025 15:59

do u have a video explaining how to fill out Etsy step by step? i got stuck on add foto and video and digital products etc.

@veeday-50 - 20.01.2025 20:18

Just starting out, thanks for being clear and to the point

@OmarKhan-s3n - 25.01.2025 15:35

I'm Umar I'm 10 and my goal is to be successful in pod this video helped me a lot as a huge Kitll fan thanks kittl for helping

@dehooogy - 26.01.2025 04:53

Does Kittle offer white label shipping?

@MoistGlizzzy - 13.02.2025 20:04

I been downloading my designs as SVG not PNG, does that make a difference when I upload them to Printify??

@TDRacer - 19.02.2025 12:49

Verank website???

@Jojoprodigy - 20.02.2025 17:41

You're going too fast for you to be teaching somebody a tutorial what is the P and G what site was that that you picked the fabric and the shipping and I thought all I had to do was design a shirt and put it on Etsy. I designed my own two designs one on printful one on kittl And started to set up Etsy they're asking who's my product provider that's been blank for almost a week I know I'm supposed to put printful or something in there, i'm lost i'm stuck videos like yours just zip through like you're talking to people that are already pros and then if that's the case they don't need your help you went so fast what was the PNG site and what is PNG how did you pick the type of fabric that is a whole nother site lol I'm lost and confused And it ruins my excitement It makes me feel like why I even try just keep door dashing and freezing your butt off for $5 every day I don't have a lot of time with my Internet connection electricity's due, if you can go that fast, even if I was to stop it and go back Which I did by the way, the video is recorded the same way you're talking to people that are already doing the shit like zip, zip, zip, Go here, go there ooh look at this whoo look at that scroll down you know you got to pick this cause you already know about that and this and this is good and that's good and I really found out you can drag this over here and drag that and grab this now go to this site POP OVER HERE now go to that site now you already know it's over here and that's over there Then you sped up shit! wow LOL i know there are sites that show you what the sales are and traffic volume for something Just that they exist remember if we're watching your tutorial where new cuz If they do know what that is ALREADY AND CAN KEEP UP THEY DONT NEED YOU! Wouldn't you agree? Im SHUTTING DOWN my computer ,with a headache and giving up ... Teachers like you stress people tf out I have no money Car fucked off, tags expired I ain't got time for this shit lol now I gotta go search and find somebody else but your videos on the site like it's poster child smh😔VIBE KILLER Motivation destroyer I just don't know why it's there... 🤔Basic as hell as far as grab mushrooms and put them in a row then you start zipping through Different sites and settings that are abbreviated but if somebody understands all the abbreviations do you think they need help putting the mushrooms in a damn row?🤣 thats what I'm trying to say does that make sense? Absolutely not if they know And understand everything coming out your mouth and can follow along and know what you're picking and why you picked it they don't need help putting mushrooms in a row sweetheart the ones that need help putting mushrooms in a row don't know what WTF IS GOING ON!!!

@mjafg4807 - 20.02.2025 23:52

When i try to go to etsy it only goes to shopify
