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@hosehead3179 - 05.10.2024 22:02

How much money did he lose to FTX

@sinakaedwards2009 - 08.07.2024 04:33

Brady has always been known for two things. Being the most mentally prepared athlete on the field, as well as being the first and last to practice. I think he will prepare for every game for 6 days unless he has to call another game in less time. He is probably the best prepared NFL player of all time. By the way, OJ is a bad comparison, Patrick Bateman is better. The difference between the two is simple. Patrick is a character in a movie, and we are the extras in Brady's life story.

@doodlebob2023 - 28.06.2024 00:33

my prediction is he's the next oj simpson except he doesnt try to escape he just kills himself at the crime scene
