the WORST origin 2

the WORST origin 2


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@oddtomato1049 - 05.06.2022 03:33

When i used it for the first time, it was actually really helpful.
And since i don't play with guaranteed habitable planets most of the time, it's still a better pick than absolutely nothing.

@sirmoneygrabber - 05.06.2022 04:00

I found a unique strategy to use with this start, due to the cheaper influence costs of taking a system you can literally yeet yourself around at the start with science ships and then construction ships and colonise distant habitable worlds. If played like an ordinary civilisation I found that the origin seemed extremely underwhelming and redundant given u have access to the catapult later on in the game. But by yeeting myself around space at the beginning searching for habitable worlds seemed to work out.

@Fluffybunz779 - 05.06.2022 06:16

This was basically one of the stupidest ideas Paradox has come up with in ages. Fucking ignorant and not even close to what the community needed.

@arphaxadbasilona1871 - 05.06.2022 09:35

I am a pacifistic empire...I use this origin together with Expansion tradition tree to get those chokepoints on the cheap...don't use the shitty catalpult...''nuff said...

@DerFreiegedanke - 05.06.2022 10:25

The catapult does not work well with how fleet combat in space and the whole "move stack to attack" "big stack wins" works.

@ccgonzales4986 - 05.06.2022 12:24

Actually it can be a viable, though gimmicky, origin if you use barbaric despoilers. You get the plunder casus beli and are able to set up a merc enclave. Just go straight alloys and rush/ally your neighbors with plunder casus beli and then raid empires far away that won’t be able to reach you. Sure when using plunder they can just surrender but they get a -20% energy and mineral output debuff and you get some of their energy/minerals.

@sayhitothelittlegonk1310 - 05.06.2022 12:24

Say what you will about the Quantum Catapult.

But you can't convince me to stop yeeting my fleets like a madman.

@SiveenO - 05.06.2022 16:52

I've had good experiences playing this as a Megacorp creating my own vassals by releasing one planet sectors. For normal play it's pretty standard, but I wouldn't rate it worse than Gateway start.

@luggy9256 - 05.06.2022 17:03

But it only takes away 1 of your planets, other origins take both lol

@Eidako - 05.06.2022 19:14

The reason the catapult is abandoned and in ruins is because the civilization that built it found out the hard way how much it sucks. It's like finding a burnt out Ford Pinto in a ravine next to a desert highway and rebuilding it so you can drive it.

@Magmakojote - 05.06.2022 23:51

It's only bad if you actually play with guaranteed planets enabled. Even then the influence reduction for expanding is pretty good

@homefront1999 - 06.06.2022 05:31

I haven't played Stellaris since Megacorps. But is this new? Cause I don't remember anything new like the starting scenario's or catapult.

@pikpikgamer1012 - 06.06.2022 05:49

I haven’t played with that origin but I don’t think is garbage 🗑 just unreliable

@iriux_irdelix3479 - 06.06.2022 06:56

Feudal Lord it up. I have an ongoing game where I simply rushed everywhere finding habitable planets, colonized tons of them, made them vassals and had them in turn expand. That remote start system influence cost reduction is amazing

@Task32 - 06.06.2022 07:52

I know this is very random but I really like your voice

@loveluclins - 06.06.2022 11:54

What about the distance influence cost reduction bonus though? Doesn't this mean that as long as it isn't connected to your hyperlanes already, you have to pay 75% less influence for new systems?

@chaosthelegend6338 - 07.06.2022 01:17

Oh boy, not to mention that time I accidentally catapulted my fleet into the dragon

@Zilentification - 07.06.2022 15:32

Is it strong? No.
Is it fun? Well I enjoyed yeeting fleets around the galaxy.

@archangel3076 - 07.06.2022 17:46

did yoü now in sıtalaris

@Gingerboi2010 - 08.06.2022 09:21

Can I build my own instead that sound like a good thing if you use it right

@Bradley_UA - 08.06.2022 10:56

NEITHER range nor accuracy

but yeah this is basically galactic doorstep with extra steps

@somerando6243 - 08.06.2022 11:31

Ok that’s kinda fair.

Offspring hive leader xp is crazy though

@asaco343 - 08.06.2022 13:18

Quantum Catapult announcement

Stellaris devs: I call it "bold and brash"

Players: more like "belongs in the trash"

@Tradedark - 08.06.2022 16:21

This channel is basically Nurse but instead of a zombie survival game its about a grand-strategy game

@troybrice4531 - 09.06.2022 01:55

Yup. I just tried this origin a couple times and I've got to say I'm not at all impressed. It's a real shame too because it's such an awesome concept.

@wafflesdadog1234 - 09.06.2022 22:10

I thought about using this origin to explore the galaxy and set up vassal states but nope, you have to go to systems you know about. This origin is useless

@flexabramovich4557 - 10.06.2022 14:07

New types of movement suck the bolt. Why are they needed if the gate is both better and cheaper ?

@Lord-Coscoglio - 11.06.2022 10:14

I actually love it for the reduced influence cost of claiming far away systems, which allows for rapid expansion of my empire

@QuestionableObject - 11.06.2022 18:18

I tried this with barbaric despoilers hoping to be able to raid distant empires.
Then I saw the range.
What's even the point.

@MatthewChenault - 12.06.2022 00:36

Everyone was trashing Galactic Doorstep for being “bad,” even though it guaranteed the option to research gateways before getting mega-engineering.

Now, they have a new origin to despise.

@RedSunUnderParadise - 12.06.2022 10:07


Ah yes, Masochistic Thespians.

@N0TYALC - 13.06.2022 01:54

People like to hate on gateway to the stars and this origin (and they should), but I doubt any origin will ever be more of a detriment to your empire than Life Seeded.

@Shane2020xxx - 15.06.2022 20:20

I have never in any of several games had the slightest cause to build a Quantum Catapult.

@gm_turtle2355 - 16.06.2022 06:26

Honestly, I don’t think it’s that bad. The quantum catapult kinda sucks in general, but the massive effect on influence when claiming far systems makes it really easy to play wide. I had a multiplayer game where I got access to 1/4th of the galaxy because I just went for choke points with feudal empire science ships. Not to mention if you’re stuck playing tall, If you can get the timing right you can easily win an early war. I had a perfect game where I timed the dig site for when I could immediately build the catapult, spent the like 5 years making a big fleet, and conquered another empire. Seems pretty situational to me tbh, but hey I don’t play grand admiral

@GreenDAS05 - 16.06.2022 07:10

You forgot the 75% reduction in Starbase influence for not building next to your empire. This allows you to find choke points way the heck out there, servey them, and build an outpost there which will allow you to take a huge chunk of the galexy.

Pairs nicely with fanatic xenophobe and going expansion tradition. I beat grand admiral AI with this by turning all other empires to vassels.

My empire was fanatic xenophobe authoritarian dictatorship with the civics masterful crafters and feudal society civics. I went crisis and picked up the miner guilds civic.

@michaelzaiser8088 - 16.06.2022 22:05

Say what you want about galactic doorstep, at least gateways don't scatter your fleet.

@rufdaddyable - 17.07.2022 17:23

It’s definitely really bad, really really bad compared to the rest but I have to admit it’s one of my favorites. I rush chokepoints with the reduced influence and close my borders. As I’m filling in my borders I shoot my fleets all over with the slingshot to vassalize empires I otherwise couldn’t reach

@HeckaLives - 17.07.2022 18:38

Quantum catapults are most useful as a one way range extender to gateways. Where the purpose is to traverse your own Empire slightly faster. Which sort of defeats the purpose in the original concept.

@CrysolasChymera2117 - 20.07.2022 15:29

Guys, guys, guys. Let's f*ck the catapult and just jump to the selected destination. XD

@karwszpl5117 - 29.07.2022 02:55

I can't agree Sir, i colonize whole galaxy using this origin. Also a little trolling is possible, by invading whole enemy empire at once

@attika3145 - 30.07.2022 16:26

There’s a reason it’s abandoned and in ruins

@svenkleinplarre9461 - 03.10.2022 04:34

It's incredible how paradox managed to make something that paints a giant target in the galaxy so bad.

@theholyemu3716 - 18.10.2022 06:19

Every one says galactic door step sucks but I opened the gateway and was able to save an ally because a gate way gave me a path when all other borders where closed

@misterseventyseven4122 - 21.12.2022 06:07

That nope caught me off guard

@shoumuto1668 - 17.01.2023 06:55

The new catapult origin is actually pretty good with a mega corp empire since you can claim systems right next to the capital of an ai empire and have an extreme reduction on the influence you need to build branch offices literally in the first 20 years I got 15-20 branch offices.

@xxmattopsxx3931 - 18.01.2023 08:48

What if I just wanna be the USA and randomly attack small empires from afar?

@srdjan455 - 29.01.2023 17:24

How much would this origin improve if you could repair it to full capacity AND get mega engineering as s bonus.

@fine1298 - 02.02.2023 05:09

i like it for the -75% influence

@seanneder5475 - 04.02.2023 21:11

It's not that bad, I successfully rushed it and used it in war the time I tried it out

@HunterSmith-c2f - 21.12.2023 05:52

This is my favorite origin. I consider it broken.

I don't care what anyone says. This is one of my favorite origins, I don't care if anyone has something to say about this comment.

Well, the only thing i use this origin for is the -75% influence for new Starbases.
