Lambda Xi of Delta Sigma Theta @ UC Davis Stompfest  2007

Lambda Xi of Delta Sigma Theta @ UC Davis Stompfest 2007


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@jbu35 - 19.06.2007 11:59

Nice show, sorors. I loved it when you turned the pyramid around. Very good. I wonder what AKA is going to claim that something from this show was stolen from them.

@jbu35 - 21.06.2007 12:37

OK. Who was that talking at the beginning that said that 1913 was still during slavery? LOL. Blacks, let alone black women weren't in college during slavery. They weren't even allowed to read and write during slavery. If I misunderstood what was said, I apologize, but that's what it sounded like

@jbu35 - 22.06.2007 00:45

LOL. And she said it so serious, too--"Oh, 1913? That was still during slavery." Come on, now! LOL

@313AKA - 16.07.2007 02:54

I've seen Delta's do much better. This show was kind of whack. Especially the tribute or imitation of the Que's.

@kbartlett01 - 15.08.2007 07:22

jbu i was thinking the same thing

@kmarcol1 - 21.09.2007 02:43

Great show ladies but I would have loved to see more DST and less Omega. But ya'll were owt. The pyramid and chair sequence was awesome.

@DSTcenterpOiNtE - 19.03.2008 20:03

LOL.....but wait, you're serious.

@DSTcenterpOiNtE - 19.03.2008 20:05

I love the era's represented sorors!

@corinnmarquis - 03.06.2008 10:02

it's funny how the only people hatin' are the akas and zetas...hmmm what it must feel like to have envy in your hearts...thanks sorors and bruhz for the positivity and uplift...nothing worse than another person of color, due to their ignorance, tearing down their own people oo-oop!

@bex271 - 30.06.2008 04:43

lol @ Criss Cross

@yungd1 - 13.09.2009 02:48

I'm so slippin' on seeing this. I should have been at this stompfest.. i see you STEP 2000 in there..
