3 Types of Chaga Mushroom, 3 Different Uses

3 Types of Chaga Mushroom, 3 Different Uses


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@tinaheslip7853 - 12.01.2022 05:09

Just found you. Most intriguing ideas! Was out hiking in the snow 2 weeks ago and found Chaga on a beech tree! For real! In all my mindful chaga harvesting experience I have never seen or heard of that before. There were many neighboring birch trees around that I inspected first which did not show signs of fruiting. Thoughts? Much thanks. Stay peaceful. :)

@charlesfredrick4789 - 17.01.2022 00:19

Thank you for a very informative video I enjoyed it very much.

@K3Flyguy - 22.01.2022 05:45

Excellent video. I liked and subscribed! Thank you!

@kimhohlmayer7018 - 23.01.2022 10:17

I’m sure you are great at your thing but why does you program keep coming up on my feed. No offense but I can’t get rid of your channel from me feed. I’m not subscribed!

@StarDarkAshes - 25.01.2022 07:20

Obviously it would be better to have the skills to find your own perfect spindle without paying for one but I think they sell them somewhere and if anyone knows a reputable seller that sells perfect or near perfect fire spindles I’d appreciate it. Thanks

@Tipi_Dan - 28.01.2022 02:13

Fascinating and informative. I've never seen it, never used it. No birches in California, so no amadou either. Chris cloth rules here, but I bought some processed amadou from Romania.

@adamroman4426 - 07.02.2022 05:37

Thanks !!!!

@nathanielanderson4898 - 12.02.2022 02:49

If I do find some chaga, I am going to use all of it for tea and tincture.

@truthministries77 - 12.02.2022 04:04

Amazing share of knowledge!. Wonderful. Mulen can make a great spindle

@goognamgoognw6637 - 19.03.2022 19:52

One of the best video on the subject. A very decent and good man. Best voice.

@AdianGess - 29.03.2022 23:23

Thanks, we found some

@skylovecraft2491 - 01.04.2022 20:54

When foraging anything rule of thumb is to never take more than 1/3 of a plant of fungi so that other animals can eat it and so that the plant or fungi stays healthy and can reproduce.

@jeepersmason7813 - 14.05.2022 01:17

I just learned a valuable lesson today….

@standaffern6595 - 18.05.2022 17:29

Glad this video popped up on my feed. Looks like am amazing technique that i plan on working with and adding to my toolbox. I resubscribed, as somehow my subscription had been dropped. I always learn something useful from your videos.

@Kimberly-xq2ry - 02.06.2022 21:40

🔝🔝Look up that handle
They are my sure plug for all kinds of Shrooms, LSD, DMT, Ayahuasca, MDMA & more.. Ships to all locations discreetly°°

@melodyfleck9368 - 03.07.2022 00:45

Why would you burn it up as fuel if it is so good for health??

@vericaz3894 - 27.07.2022 08:23

I just learned and/or heard about Chaga yesterday and I'm trying to research now there's 3 different kinds for 3 different uses so it's gonna be even more complicated Lord have mercy help me I need to reopen my panel gland my 3rd eye it's blocked definitely and now I don't know what to do I gotta watch your video but where am I gonna find good quality the real deal where should I order can someone help me out please.. oh and if I order from a reputable company when I receive the chaga do they sell all layers of the chaga or just the dark layer because I want to use it to open up my third eye my pineal gland so I'm really lost and I'm wondering if you can help me please thank you

@compassionandwisdom4311 - 10.10.2022 23:44

I found a Chaga on an Oak tree here where I live near Berlin. How often does this happen are there other species?

@JG-do6eb - 22.10.2022 03:00

Very interesting..I really like your thinking...great job

@josephlbrociousjr3951 - 01.01.2023 04:05

That was awesome to me as a couch adventurer I have never had to build a fire in the woods even when I was hunting , my energecy was a soup can and a bic lighter . I have never been that far into wilderness that I needed to learn anything. I gues I am just a hillbilly city slicker. Rock on man.

@HiddenBlessingsHomestead - 01.01.2023 04:16

Thank you my husband harvests his own for coffee substitute but I never knew what a great survival tool it was.

@fredmatuszewski8051 - 05.02.2023 20:16

I enjoyed your presentation.

@artjaazz1 - 04.03.2023 18:18

I like to use chaga first for tea, and use the second time for making fire. I crush chaga to prepare for making tea, but there are always bigger pieces - that's what I use later for fire making.
Great tip about different densities of chaga - now I understood why I failed when my spindle just went too deep)) I'm glad I've found your channel, great and quite unique stuff!

@apikmin - 05.03.2023 01:21

💚 thank you for sharing your wisdom

@Lisboooa - 10.03.2023 03:48

Amazing but I only think of how expensive chaga is in my country and that I wouldn’t waste a crumb of it 😅

@Hartwig870 - 11.03.2023 03:08

"take only what you need". Proceeds to use as tinder.

If you're not using this stuff in a duel extraction, and getting everything you can from it, leave it for someone who know what the hell they're doing.

@simonclutterbuck6697 - 21.04.2023 15:16

Thanks for the info, another vid I watched said, to scrape off the black outside as it was of no use and very bitter. I have a couple of birch trees on my property with similar size lumps of chaga growing on them to the tree in your vid. I only take enough for a months use at a time alternating between the 2 trees. I get tired of scraping the hard black outer skin off as suggested by the other video, so now I will just grind it all up for tea, and I will keep a lump for fire making as well, cheers 😊

@johno140 - 04.05.2023 09:44

I'm just recently familiar with the Chaga Mushroom. I learned that it's an immune booster, and its inert ingredients can have a soothing effect on the nervous system reducing stress; which is pretty cool in itself right? It's also nutrient dense , has all B-complex vitamins, (B12 included,) and amino acids. (B vitamins, and proteins work together. ) It's also rich in copper, manganese, magnesium, and other important minerals ; as well has having a substantial amount of vitamin D in that , haha, charcoal colored mess too. Cool man, good stuff.

@DSesignD - 11.06.2023 10:50

Boss level uses of chaga

@AwoooOga3503 - 14.06.2023 20:11

I found some today!
I was so happy and my little sister was just so done and wanted to go home😂

@caydancebloom - 03.09.2023 23:40

Thank you for sharing your perspective on chaga! I appreciate your message about practicing things different ways… not ideal ways. Very good reminder and great examples of thinking outside the box.

@margareta402 - 02.10.2023 23:24

I’m Finnish and love chaga tea! I have taught all my children the magic of chaga!

@justice4all719 - 11.10.2023 06:49

Nice video! I'm using it all for dual extraction, I didn't know it could be used as a fire starter. I'd prefer using hoof fungus' amadou for this though since it's mor frequent than chaga

@LinseyGirl - 17.11.2023 14:08

Thank you. What a great video. Your “spindle”…can you use any type of wood or are some kinds better than others?

@tonnywulffeld9289 - 23.12.2023 00:07

Was lookibg fir chaga and finally i found it in my own garden. Drank some chaga tea and it has a good taste, so not the last time I have it.

@cellerfeller1474 - 18.01.2024 22:30

Great job - I just finished a cup of Chaga tea. As the water gets down in the pot I will add a bit more - simmer on the wood stove. It is amazing how many cups of dark tea you can get from a small handful of pieces. When I eventually have leftovers I will put them in a bucket with bits and pieces I get from processing and make a tea water for my wife for the garden. I have been using Amadou for tinder but I am going to try your method with the Chaga - thanks from Nova Scotia!

@angelatoly7576 - 06.03.2024 04:10

I noticed bird peck holes in the chaga.probably wood peckers

@jaystheone1 - 25.05.2024 12:07

Awsome information, really thank you!

@kubakubak1693 - 22.07.2024 18:15

On which side of the birch tree does chaga grow in line with the cardinal directions? Does it matter?

@Politifood - 09.09.2024 17:41

you didn't quite said why you burn that mushroom. Are you an arsonist?

@jackl8133 - 19.09.2024 04:30

Never knew about this feature of chaga!👍thank u sir for sharing

@Jonasbonus22 - 19.09.2024 14:38

That was friggin cool

@JoeCryptola-b1m - 11.10.2024 02:26

You got a great attitude thanks bro

@heldersantos6295 - 03.11.2024 23:16


@matthewhaley-xy1ui - 13.12.2024 13:52

I read tou can plant chaga in birch with 3/8 inch slices of the soft cork, and a small chainsaw cut about one half inch deep, pound chaga cork in slit, with rubber mallet, flush with tree and seal with paraffin wax.

@peterpisani4749 - 24.01.2025 06:36

I have chunks of chaga and a bow drill . I am going to try this. Thank you.
