Sanding with an electric drywall vacuum sander

Sanding with an electric drywall vacuum sander


7 лет назад

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@tilekkaraev3864 - 17.03.2018 17:37

Мага да ушундай аспаптар зарыл болуп жатат да.

@yhhjm - 21.03.2018 05:46

Your box work looks perfect enough not to sand, great video

@chickenfryer - 10.05.2018 02:46

That van is a disaster! How can you find stuff in there?
Ceiling drywall, 3 screws in the field! But who cares, they are up.

@604jade - 23.05.2018 07:02

Which brand do you use for the power sander?

@Woof1964 - 06.08.2018 01:25

You don't need to handsand the edges of those screws and joints? I'm thinking they will show.

@brotherdio4401 - 15.10.2018 17:14

Why so much mud over each screw?? Sanding for days there.

@kimrandall8332 - 14.12.2018 20:38

Interesting to a limited extent. Although I didn't really learn anything about use or technique. Just watching someone swing a sander around for several minutes.

@ingvarz7468 - 17.01.2019 22:10

can you tell me what carbon brushes are there in that sander?

@008overrated - 23.05.2019 03:55

I have been using my electric sander with no vacuum attached to it, I use a face mask, the problem is that I do be in bed sick for a few days after sanding, the dust is pure poison in my opinion.
Do I buy just any regular Hoover/vacuum that I see in any electrical shop and attach the long black piping to it that came with the sander?

@jasonsullivan8001 - 03.09.2019 01:42

I think you’re intro is long enough.

@akerka3 - 07.09.2019 14:06

Is he russian? The oldman.

@tomnicol1001 - 15.12.2019 01:41

If you are looking for a way to hang panels on walls by yourself check out ​ The only tool made specifically for one person to transport, lift, adjust and hold panels on walls. Never have to lift a panel again when hanging walls. Works with upper and lower panels and up to 16 foot sheets.

@marinadesantis2914 - 21.02.2020 09:42

Hi there, just a few questions please, can I hire a sanding machine & vacc......& who hires these machines??
I really don't want to buy one especially if I'm only going to use it a few times.
Thank you so much for your video, it's really helped. Cheers 😁👍

@captainadams7569 - 27.05.2020 01:33

You didn't give any techniques, grit paper used, sand paper with, or without holes. I also noticed the sandpaper you used in the vid isn't the same as the paper on the sander when you were packing the machine. Your vid intro took up what could have been detailed usage.

@jacoblookenbill7045 - 10.08.2020 22:10

Cmon man..... You're straight frontin!.. Yeah you're swinging that giraffe real quick like....but none of them screw fills are finish ready.. You should have filmed the guy who came after you and put the real work in

@rla1000 - 27.08.2020 15:31

horrible video

@mattsivert2594 - 23.01.2021 20:02

Milk coat it's the only way !

@TRIPONTHIS - 16.03.2021 20:50

Your into sucks

@ShekinaS - 26.06.2021 20:00

no wonder this video has that many dislikes the intro is the most cheap and annoying one I've ever come across

@jaysi7998 - 11.10.2021 09:27

The drywall sander with LED light? 360 degree?

@chakaoliver7835 - 11.10.2021 18:51

This intro has me ready to kick a hole in the mf drywall

@Void-gn9zm - 13.10.2021 00:23

Dumbass intro was 1/3 of the video.

@foxxiroxxi5451 - 04.11.2021 00:31

The intro to this video is absolutely ridiculous and a waste of time... I cannot even wait to watch the video I came too see... just awful 😖

@stevestikihutable - 07.11.2021 22:04

Intro is ridiculous, then flabby guy in the back of a van talking, leads into ads…wasted time

@thomastrouble - 02.03.2022 02:34

how long did that sized ceiling take to sand? tossing up from buying or renting a vaccum sander. have a entire house to sand down.

@المايسترواالعاشق-ت3ث - 03.06.2022 21:15

How can I get a machine like this in Jordan

@samroberts6138 - 23.07.2022 15:05

50 second intro...come on sort it out

@supsnap - 31.12.2022 22:59

Can I use this to remove primer off drywall and if so what grit sand paper should I start with?

@ceeceedawson2212 - 19.01.2023 10:00

I needed one of these for the mess the plasterer left me to clean up...the walls were worse and it has taken me two days so far to hand sand it all to flat....I will never ever use a "PROFESSIONAL" again.
These machines look easy, the grit sand is easy to work out according to the high spots on the walls and the fact there is limited dust so less clean up, win win.

@judahalexander2981 - 07.02.2023 23:33

that van is really clean for a decorator

@elenichanne9342 - 25.06.2024 11:25

Good job i went this material
