SWTOR Players Are Leaving In Droves

SWTOR Players Are Leaving In Droves

Birdface Gaming

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@KingNazaru - 22.03.2025 00:57

I’m apathetic to this. I mean empathize with your frustrations, but since my laptop has been unable to play SWTOR after Showdown on Rhunik, and them taking player’s characters names if they didn’t show up for 7.6’s update. I couldn’t care less.

@SniperSwordsmen - 21.03.2025 22:47

You give bongie too much credit. First of all they have not and will not listen to there community. Content is always trash or broken, and is never fixed in a timely manner. The best we get is a "I'm sorry well fix it" and they don't fix it, and when they do THEY BREAK SOMETHING ELSE!

@mdsaxc02 - 21.03.2025 16:04

I believe there is no development of story content and at this point they sent the game to broadsword to die and squeeze as much money from subscribers as the can. They know we know they full of s**t that's why they have turned against the community.

@PepicWalrus - 21.03.2025 14:57

The truth is the game is on life support while a new star wars MMO is being developed.

@sergeiponomarev1611 - 21.03.2025 09:00

There are tons of players on Darth Malgus rn - everybody plays dynamic encounters, farm xp, gets progress on galactic seasons track, etc.
Both republic and empire sides are quite populated. What downhill are you talking about? All this videos are just parasitic content on like already dead game - so what are you crying about constantly if it's true state of the game? People are getting their cartel market stuff, jumping to PvP every minute like.
Huge crowd of players in the game every day.

@dragonscoils8149 - 21.03.2025 01:42

Over at Star Trek Online we have a new developer and things are....sketchy. Some similar complaints at the moment.

@crewofthedemarcosrevenge3293 - 20.03.2025 18:26

I really hope this game doesn't die out because of lack of content, it's truly a gem and underrated

@kilowhiskyforge4337 - 20.03.2025 09:32

Gods above what a shitshow, I'm sorry y'all gotta deal with this absolute circus. I dig the way you talk and put across your opinions and information btw, keep at it brotha

@derrickmehok9465 - 20.03.2025 07:05

Swtor has been mostly dead to me since it went ftp. Ive come back a few times and even subbed(because even being preferred is terrible).

...I wosh Star Wars Galaxies was still a thing.

@jackdiamond5340 - 20.03.2025 01:48

Fine. We don’t need bitter players that hate the game.

Tons of people still love SWTOR, let them enjoy it rather than complaining about it endlessly.

@sethterwilliger9434 - 20.03.2025 00:54

I stopped playing years ago after they nuked the difficulty and made it so u can just stand thier and let your companion kill everything. Figured it would go downhill fast after broadsword took over

@torbenkristiansen2742 - 19.03.2025 22:48

7.0 was the "maintenance mode ready" downgrade for SWOTOR. They might not have used those exact words. But they made it more compliant for easy management. By turning off or abandoning certain features. Not getting fonder of online content over time. Because the time investment can quite simply be nullified or made meaningless. Time is a limited resource, and thus precious!

@nicholasgreen1423 - 19.03.2025 21:42

Nobody asked for an mmo.

@DisasterMaggot - 19.03.2025 16:13

I use to run one of the most dangerous PVP guilds on my server. I left because it was clear that not only did the developers did not care about the game; they cared even less about the players.

@YourMomMyBed8000 - 17.03.2025 18:29

I loved this game so much. The day I realized I was done, hurt significantly. But this game has been mis-managed ever since it's inception.

@justinchristenson8201 - 17.03.2025 07:24

This game sucked when it when it started to be pay to win

@goingrey9529 - 17.03.2025 06:41

Theres alway's 'Star wars galaxy;s" SWG has many fan run servers to choose. look around to find a new home.. each has their own little adds and thrills.. all are very welcoming to new and old players alike. hope to see you in the Galaxy. did i mention free.some do require cds to play.

@vaazon - 17.03.2025 02:16

I quitted in 2017 but I am still viewing recommended videos to me. Guys, do yourself a favor and quit to cut the sunk cost fallacy as soon as possible. The game was going downhill for years. Now it is in a true maintenance mode.

@Havoc10K - 16.03.2025 17:06

If you want the developers to notice the playerbase doesn't like the direction the game is going, stop playing the game, entirely.
If you keep playing the game, even unsubbed, you are still playing the game you don't like the direction of. That's a signal you are still interested in the game.
I topped playing many MMOs that changed the direction to worse because I felt like what I loved, stopped being unique and fun.
Ragnarok Online

I stopped playing those games because they stopped being fun, it became a grindfest for SWTOR, GW2, WOW became excruciating grindfest with timegating, RO just became something else entirely after certain story update, and FF14 doesn't have content worth the sub, emotes and cosmetics are locked behind paywall and not events, there actually are no seasonal events anymore, it's just "talk to 3 NPCs" event story done. New content each patch cycle is less content you can do in 2 hours instead of 2-3 months.

People are leaving those games and so should you, if you think the game is going in the wrong direction, show it to them by not playing at all. They see active player accounts numbers and they see it falling, that is when they see the direction is wrong. Not because you cancel the sub, they see you playing, it's a F2P game with Pay2Win.

@a0groovy - 16.03.2025 09:21

goooo! i just want click to run. wow uped there models years ago, looks pretty good to me but not being close enough bugs me just vendoring haha

@fullturbo1984 - 16.03.2025 05:53

Man Im really sick of everyone being no negative on this game.. every SWTOR video I see is this.... HOWEVER every issue you have with this game and the community manager/devs is RIGHT ON. They obviously don't care and are the reason this game is rough... I really hope they make some inhouse changes and we can get some good story like the old days :) And yes ALWAYS SAVE THE BLUE TWILEKS :P

@powerlifting85 - 16.03.2025 05:41

I haven't subscribed since they made beards available for female characters. Too much faggy woke crap

@DavidGray-i4s - 16.03.2025 02:34

Darth Jackie, the 19th empress of the sith, has taken this game cherrished by so many and drove it into the ground faster than a gungan going down on a dewback....

And they did so happily, because this wasn't about us, it's about them, it's about what THEY wanted this game to be, what THEY envisioned, what THEY desired....and they are shocked to find themselves on the minority side of favor.

Sadly, even when the game fails they won't take ownership, they'll blame it on 'hate groups' and other labels like those heffers are used to then the parasites will move on to another title and rinse and repeat.....they are literally following the behavior of the sith.

@TheStrayWarrior - 15.03.2025 23:15


@Ron.Maccready - 15.03.2025 22:58

Man I just want more pvp maps been playing the same like 5 for years

@andrewcook5211 - 15.03.2025 21:17

Fully agreed, I let my sub run out and not going back till something changes,and story update will not be enough, cause we all know that will be a joke.😢

@Bjorn_uk - 15.03.2025 16:24

other things..... bhahahaha yeah that game was fraked too heres a thought hire new people fresh ideas maybe .... eh! could work seems to more of the same an predictable

@darknessflynn2169 - 14.03.2025 16:11

It's the sad truth of Star wars the Old Republic they only care about making money not the actual story of the game.

@duffno1 - 14.03.2025 15:32

I love swtor, but I recently started putting more time back into GW2 and loving it. Mind you that GW2 is about the same age and continues to put out new content. I wish swtor was ran by a studio like that.

@typhlosion4223 - 14.03.2025 12:54

Can you please reupholster this video after making changes to the audio. It’s completely too loud.

@warriorlord9407 - 14.03.2025 10:34

This is such a shame to see. I really like SWTOR and it sucks to see it fall.

@SerKawlin - 14.03.2025 09:03

I feel like in general the entire mmo space is slowly dying, not just swtor, though that's the fastest dying of the bigger ones . Seems like we're kinda shifting into a re emergence of single player/co op based pve games these days which is actually a refreshing taste of air with so much competitive grinding and toxic player bases these days

@Ventus2497 - 14.03.2025 03:44

Played from 2011 up until 2023, thousands of hours. After being a Star Wars fanatic my whole life, I finally gave up on the franchise after Kenobi came out and the new content for SWTOR just hasn't been interesting me. Sad to see this game fall, but I was there for the fall of Star Wars Galaxies too, so I can't say this is too unfamiliar.

@chaz9808 - 14.03.2025 02:49

I remember playing the beta of this game it was so cool but it went downhill as soon as the doctors left

@randomcenturion7264 - 14.03.2025 00:53

Folks, it's been five years of constant led downs, content drips and this Godforsaken, overstayed Mando plot.

When the best thing I can think of in half a decade is the Fucking Vette Date Night (which was nice....until I remembered we COULD have had this more regularly if they didn't ditch class stories!) then we're beyond Fucked.

We're just waiting for this to die.

@buzzyboy6505 - 13.03.2025 23:59

Fine go play something else who cares

@BorgWolf359 - 13.03.2025 21:55

I will be happy if it gets shutdown! Broadsword ruined the game!

@daniellester8944 - 13.03.2025 21:05

I mean in fairness, I don't think Broadsword is a development studio as much as it is a game version of a retirement home. I played TOR since beta and as soon as the announcement came up that it was moving over, the game was done effectively. I came back recently just to see what the new "content" was, and it was just general fetch quests, to push a half baked, wildly underdeveloped story forward. Not worth $15 a month

@EyesOfGehenna - 13.03.2025 20:25

tbh, they've been deaf to customer feedback since before the game released. I mean it's Broadsword now but there are still many familiar names there. And I do believe it's because of the strikes that story is delayed but they probably can't say that out loud. I'm subscribed still but I stopped spending cartel coins, which is a much bigger hit for them than just my sub. Always pay for a game for what it is... not what the potential is or what it's supposed to be.

@beskararmor7966 - 13.03.2025 18:32

This game lasted longer than it had any right to considering it's a single player driven game at its core. Just release an offline mode to get players ready for retirement mode.

@doomandew - 13.03.2025 08:02

Man videos like this are hard to watch because your all just as bad as the developers. This is going to be a lengthy post, but hopefully you'll take the time to actually read it and engage in good faith.

Like I've talked to a couple hundred players in game, I've had heated discussions on this channel, Boomy's channel, and SW Central, and all 3 of you fall into this trope, that the developers don't have a pattern in which they release content. Which isn't true. YOU ALL MAY NOT LIKE THE SCHEDULE IN WHICH THEY RELEASE CONTENT, but they do in fact have a schedule. You can go back to Boomy's video(s) from May of 2024, I went through going back to I believe 6.0 and I broke down their release schedule. Now the voice-actor strike has played a bit of a headache regarding when story will be released again, however with every subsequent update I've posted this same thing on Boomy's channel, to which NO PUSHBACK, so I bring this to your channel, and challenge you or anyone of your subscribers to demonstrate that there is NOT a schedule they follow. Not that you don't like the schedule they have as that is a completely different notion.

May/June of 2024: 7.5 (and the start of PVP season which will run for 4 months, ending roughly September 17th), was already released but used as a starting point 
Late June/Early July: Q2 Executive Newsletter, and will preview through September (Q3) and mention a little tease for the end of the year
July: Galactic Season 6 Ends Prediction: Livestream for 7.5.1 either August 7th or August 14th. <-- (no exact date announced, but the quarterly letter states late July/Early August, prediction August 7th).
Late August/Early September: 7.5.1 (Date is dependent on livestream, could fall on August 20th (22 days), August 27th (29 days), September 4th (37 days)) start of Galactic Season 7 
-- Note: in the United States Labor Day could affect that potential update as offices would be closed (similar to how 7.5 is releasing on a Wednesday with Memorial Day on Monday)
 -- Three caveats to this, the first being the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event starting July 9th, they may hold off until after that event, and potentially the Feast of Prosperity event, can't remember if that event is tied into the release of a number change and lastly PVP season.
Late September/Early October: Executive Newsletter, and will preview the rest rest of 2024 (Q4), a little tease for 2025 <-- earlier than predicted
Late October/November: Feast of Prosperity Event 
Early November: Livestream for 7.6 (prediction date: November 6th)
-- Prediction: They will announce a 7.6.1 for Early 2025, and give you a broad view as to what 2025 will bring. (was off by a week)December: Game Update 7.6 releases (projection being December 10th or 17th) 
-- Note a new PVP season would start here as well (ending either April 1st or April 8th, 2025) 
-- Devs would be on their holiday break through early January. 
-- End of the Year letter from Keith giving a look back at 2024, and what to expect in 2025 (7.6.1, probably a 7.7, and a 7.7.1 with a slight possibly of 8.0)
 -- Critical to note as of Late November the Voice Actors Strike is still ongoing, delaying the release of any new story in SWTOR.

From here it gets a bit harder to predict (again following the schedule)
Nothing in January as the devs get back into the swing of things. Galactic Season 7 ends <-- Note they have already announced an extension to the season due to the holiday season
Note: With the extension of GS7 everything else below could slightly shift on dates (this was not included in any of my initial posts, I still stand by the projections below) 
February: Potential Livestream to preview 7.6.1 (tease 7.7)  <-- as of 1/23/25 no date announced, but Jackie (Dev) did state a livestream would occur in February (Prediction February 11th or 12th)-- Livestream occurred on February 26th
Late March: Game Update 7.6.1 Galactic Season 8 starts (Prediction Date: March 18th, would end August 5th 2025), announced to be releasing March 11th
-- Followed by a Q1 letter (Prediction: March 28th or 29th, this is a new addition due to the date)
April 2025: PVP Season Ends 
-- Potential Livesteam as well to cover Game Update 7.7 (Prediction April 16th) 

Now is where we stretch it (but again following the schedule) 
Late May/June 2025: Game Update 7.7 (Prediction May 28th) 
End of June: Q2 Letter 
July: Nar Shaddaa Nighlife Event 
August: Galactic Season 8 ends
Late August/Early September: Livestream to cover 7.7.1 and to finally announce Game Update 8.0 (first real opportunity), end of PVP season 
Late September: Game Update 7.7.1 launched, Q3 letter 
October: Livestream to talk about 8.0 
Late: October: Opening of PTS November: Feast of Prosperity 
December of 2025: Launch of 8.0

Now look, I seriously don't understand why you all need this validation that the reason there is NO story content is because of this voice-actors strike. You all complained (rightfully so) when they tried to move heavy to the KOTOR style cutscenes. You really think this player base who will literally harass players in game because they aren't good at a,b,c, (just the other day there as one guy demanding that people have full 344 gear aug'd for a SM op) will be "accept" the developers coming out and saying "Hey guys we currently don't know when the voice-actors strike is going to end, therefore we can't tell you when story content will be released".

At the end of the day I support the fight in trying to get change, but you need to be consistent in your position across the board, and NOT cater to a specific subsect of audience.

I'll end by saying, I lay this challenge to you, to boomy and to sw central (although I won't hold my breath that any of you 3 will accept this challenge). Make a 30-45 minute video, where EA has granted you power to make changes to this game effective immediately, however you have to take into account everything that has occurred, or is currently happening (you can't retcon anything). And lay out your "vision" for this game where EVERY player is happy, since that's what you all push.

@BNOBLE981 - 13.03.2025 01:46

I initially left when they started the whole Mandalorian story line with the spirit of vengeance flash point back in 2020, then in 2023 I came back for update 7.3, subscribed for 60 days, played through the new story content on my main.

Attempted to do the same on my other Imperial classes that I am less skilled at but that nerf to companions killed that desire made it even more of a slog for no good reason IMO, combine that with very few differences in the story and I left again, haven't seen anything since to make me want to come back.

@AlaskanHillbilly77 - 13.03.2025 01:33

It looks like you’re in SWTOR. I love it 😂

@NeonAtari - 13.03.2025 00:45

turn up the music I can almost hear you

@Arbyfig - 13.03.2025 00:40

So I am someone who has always been interested in SWTOR, always liked the way SWTOR was voiced and how the different jobs worked in the story, I tried it and I have to say its crazy they make f2p players go through so much, and just hearing how they treat the community also has me uncomfortable with spending money on memberships let alone the store since it seems like the game can die soon-ish

@NoblePlays - 13.03.2025 00:40

Get out now while you have the chance lol

@Von_Luck - 13.03.2025 00:36

I love SWTOR but I unsub'd a couple weeks ago once I heard they were adding in Sponge Bob Square Pants outfits.

@PeggyMarchese-sz1uk - 13.03.2025 00:20

the live stream was a joke, just terrible.

@N55demonz - 12.03.2025 23:36

That stream was the cringiest thing I have ever watched…. Legit two dudes flirting Jackie well yea idk Star Wars in general is just on a downward spiral
