100 Paris Street Food Locations! (Cheap Eats & MORE)

100 Paris Street Food Locations! (Cheap Eats & MORE)

Les Frenchies

11 месяцев назад

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@같이삽시다-i2x - 07.03.2025 08:11

You know what to eat! Yummy.

@CandideStillwagon-Contant - 03.03.2025 19:40

Vous êtes incroyables! Oui, on aime la bonne chair en France. Vous aussi apparemment…🤣

@yvonneweldon9928 - 28.02.2025 20:22

So happy to have found you two and your channel. Thank you. I am American and probably will not have the chance to travel abroad personally. Your channel makes my heart sing!!!!! And your tips and hacks work in the U.S. beautifully also. Much happiness for the both of you. You two are living my dream so thanks for taking me along❤

@JakobHighRoller - 27.02.2025 04:33

Amazing video and great editing! This must of took forever

@mentche - 26.02.2025 13:54

You should apply for a research grant ... MSc for Street Food Appreciation ... just don't tell them it needs to be followed by the PhD - at least not in the first 5 minutes.

@raphaeltrinidad9423 - 24.02.2025 16:30

We just finished a short visit in Paris last week and we enjoyed watching your videos especially about scams and tips to avoid pick pockets which lessen our anxiety on taking the Paris subway 😊

@ellendeman8417 - 19.02.2025 06:14

Great great video! Can’t wait to try all the food when i am in Paris in spring. I have this video saved so i can find a nice place to eat.👍🏻 Thank you for the effort, because the tasting wasn’t a very hard job😜 but the editing must have taken forever!

@FreddieMartin-c9q - 17.02.2025 22:13

I love ice cream/sorbet ❤️ Especially mango!! 🇺🇸

@Monkeymo2010 - 15.02.2025 19:25

You guys are great!! I watch you every Saturday matin 🤭

@austincooks4u - 13.02.2025 23:40

only on second restaurant but I feel my eating is going to be covered on my trip

@henriettemaleneandrupcavli7622 - 10.02.2025 21:41

Love this❤! Thank you. We are from Denmark Copenhagen and we are going three days to Paris in December. Are the markets open in December?

@dawngreene6145 - 06.02.2025 18:45

First time viewer. But I now want to visit every spot. You both enjoy food, good food. Your critiques are perfection. 💕💕💕

@monicahaymes4361 - 04.02.2025 07:12

Just sandwiches😅😅😅

@susanpayer3472 - 26.01.2025 09:40

How current are the prices? These look SOOOO affordable!

How many days did you actually spend making this?

@BuketCicekyurt - 25.01.2025 21:23

Baklava is not Greek, its a very traditional Turkish desert.

@mikeslater8592 - 23.01.2025 02:08

Do you eat meat at every single meal? Why don’t you try some of Paris’s excellent vegetarian/
Vegan options? A lot of your fans would love to see a little side of that Paris.

@maryfurman698 - 22.01.2025 09:11

I gained 10 pounds watching this video. Yummy!

@retirement-adventures - 19.01.2025 13:11

Why do the French eat snails? They don't like fast food!

@retirement-adventures - 19.01.2025 12:37

I had to take a break after 1 hour 20 mins. I was feeling so jealous after seeing all that cheesy goodness, then the ice creams come out. How much ice cream did you eat in one day? Or was it several days?

@colleencarvalho4970 - 19.01.2025 11:11

Like a salted lassi made in India, its like a probiotic drink very good for the health

@rob6789 - 19.01.2025 05:48

So want to go back. Thanks guys. Aussie Bob. ❤❤❤

@johndsmith-gv8zh - 18.01.2025 21:35


@zeldalazino463 - 18.01.2025 05:47

When you got to the Korean dish i nearly gagged, not because of the dish itself, but the memory I had from last weekend. I ate in a Korean restaurant near Portland, Oregon (Beaverton to be exact) last weekend and had the only main course on the menu that was NOT laced with sugar, which i never eat (sugar being one of the most unhealthy and most addictive substances known to mankind). Note, both our meals included a number of tiny side dishes that were arrayed on our table, also filled with sugar. My main course was a fish dish. It was, without any doubt, the all time worst and most vile thing I ever ate in my life, literally. It was appalling, and I love fish, i cook fish deliciously, and what was on my plate was a total travesty. I should have sent it back but didn't want to embarrass my friend. It was her idea to eat there.. It not only was overcooked, it was the most atrocious tasting thing I've eaten in many decades. And worst of all, it was deeply hideous to look at it arrayed on the plate. The appearance was almost an insult to the whole notion of food presentation. The moment I got home 2 hours later after a long drive, I cooked a wonderful dinner of delicious red meat. I have a famous friend who is an internationally known chef who trained in Paris at Cordon Bleu and China or Japan. If he saw me put that crap into my mouth he would have grabbed me and shaken me by the shoulders and warned me to run out screaming!!!

@Volynyanka - 16.01.2025 23:42

Your videos are very informative.
For me it would worth it to try other national cousins if would live in France, but if I would come for the first time, I would go for French food only.
I have never visited France, but planning to do this in the future…God willing.

@edithmarjoriemartin-rf2vl - 14.01.2025 05:47

You both let me want to go to Paris right now!😊 I am a foodie I would love it!

@مهتلفطز - 06.01.2025 11:29


@WilhelmMessmann-jj6tv - 03.01.2025 03:50

Romy schneider: German/french
Born: 23rd septiembre 1938, Viena, Austria

@krawlb4walking802 - 31.12.2024 07:54

Thank you. ❤

@luxmajor7151 - 23.12.2024 00:03

Thanks ,James ,your coverage of this amazing city served as a review of my own visit there in 2012. Except that your culinary adventures exceeded my own, by far. Anyway, your video is a 5 star😊❤.Loved it.

@nativetexan6628 - 21.12.2024 04:33

I love chocolate mousse flavored with a little Amoretto and little pieces of chocolate.

@elainesalvador8011 - 19.12.2024 00:38

The, “chicken nuggets,” are ka-ra-a-ge

@Anyone4music - 15.12.2024 18:03

That young man/relative is an extremely good reviewer, very relaxed-very professional.
Best wishes from Haute-Vienne 87

@TTTitusss - 14.12.2024 22:25

Best yet,
Les Frenchies Merci.

@YASTravelsEatsWell - 14.12.2024 21:50

Super video! Missed you in Miami!😅

@annaleebeverley2763 - 14.12.2024 05:49

The best take away crepe place is on rue de Rosier In Paris.. they make a crispy cheese edge and fold it into a triangle...just delicious and the crepes you eat sitting down inside a restaurant are very different...it is like they are two different foods.

@ursulasmith6402 - 07.12.2024 14:51

Remember, people, all those foods are 💯natural. They are healthy and safe to eat.

@smimtiaz4556 - 29.11.2024 22:32


@DerekKerton - 28.11.2024 04:07

This was a very useful list for me. I watched it all, and clipped a few that suited me in places where I tend to go. I carry a digital list of good places I want to go, sorted by arrondissement, so that when we get hungry, we don't just pop into a "cool looking" place, but rather we pop into a place we KNOW is gonna be good.
The reason I liked this vid so much is that we usually prefer a quick but delicious < 20 euro meal over a slow, long 30 euro sit down. I neither like spending more money, nor more time on a meal. If I want to sit somewhere and enjoy, it's on a terrasse over a coffee or a drink.
Even better, I've already been to a lot of those places.

@saul.t.2.969 - 27.11.2024 12:34

Hey! You told us not to eat burger with our hands. And, there you are eating the duck confit burger with your hands!

@aonix732 - 24.11.2024 16:03

Hi, thanks for another interesting video. They're mostly all about foods. What about exercises, sports, public swimming pools, parks, gyms costs, music programs, language classes costs, trips, etc , etc . Please. Show the rest of thing besides foods

@MyScopeStory - 21.11.2024 17:45

Will be in Paris next month mid December. I am watching all your video's to get more information about Paris and this video is one of my favorite cant wait to try the food looks delicious, Merci

@MrUnlimitedTorque - 18.11.2024 01:33

Serious question: Are there places you DON'T recommend? Because it seems that just about any place will do in Paris.
Are there ways to spot them right away?

@regulargorgeous - 17.11.2024 01:22

This is s a TRIP TO PARIS! Thank you for this fun tasty gem of a video! PS I am only 50% thru it! I have always wanted to travel to Paris and not be a tourist! I love it! YOU 2 are so charming together!

@hime202 - 15.11.2024 22:45

Melon bread is named for just the shape, not flavor! And most Japanese bakeries in Japan are heavily influenced by French technique due to the Meiji era so it makes perfect sense to find the opposite in Paris. I’m excited to try so many of these places.

@AlyinParis - 04.11.2024 22:53

Try KUMA next time :)

@yoleneloess7906 - 31.10.2024 05:50

Shopsticks is waste of wood

@yoleneloess7906 - 31.10.2024 05:42

The plastic bottle for saulce can't be washed in a wash machine
