Do you ever feel like something or someone is draining your spiritual & mental energy even when you’re not around them?
If so, then perhaps a cord-cutting ceremony is what you need.
What is cord-cutting?
Cord-cutting is a healing technique to help “unhook” you from draining or unhealthy emotional dynamics, freeing you from relational patterns that squander your mental and spiritual energy.
It is a ceremony that you can use with places, people, and sometimes even memories.
This technique can even allow relationships to grow into more healthy states; for example, it enables you to free yourself from unhealthy patterns within the relationship and redefine it entirely.
And it’s the topic of this week’s podcast episode.
I’ll be giving you the full rundown of when and where cord-cutting can come in useful, and I’ll be teaching you how to safely do it yourself.
As always, there are lots of tips, tricks and journey ideas to help you on your path of Shamanic self-discovery
#what_is_cord_cutting #cord_cutting #how_to_cut_cords #cord_cutting_for_beginners #how_to_cut_cords_spiritually #cord_cutting_ritual #cord_cutting_ceremony #Shamantalk_podcast #Rhonda_McCrimmon #cord_cutting_guide