How To Make A Multiplayer Game In Unity - Client-Server - Mirror Networking

How To Make A Multiplayer Game In Unity - Client-Server - Mirror Networking

Dapper Dino

5 лет назад

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@mehmethayricakir - 21.03.2021 00:27

I was horrified when my school project instructor says me to do an online turn-based strategy game when I was halfway through a single-player version. You explained everything so well that I am not concerned anymore, thanks a lot!

@jayantbarthwal4470 - 23.03.2021 17:35

Hi can you create a tutorial showing us how to host this on google cloud

@brucescott7156 - 23.03.2021 18:21

Im getting an error saying PlayerLoop not found

@__Rizzler__ - 27.03.2021 18:29

Dapper dino my saviour

@saadanees7989 - 28.03.2021 11:07

Will it work in webgl? on mobile?

@davidempson215 - 06.04.2021 05:38

How can i encrease the amount of people that can conect to server, i did sone research and saw that there is a 600 player limit, how can i encrase it

@craiggreenway1551 - 06.04.2021 21:42

Thanks for this, but it's missing the most important bit i.e. starting the game itself. Once 2 players are matched, I was expecting a follow-up video to show how to start the PlayFab game instance, is that coming or am I just missing it in the playlist?

@sudheersharma8774 - 13.04.2021 15:07

can we use mirror networking for android?

@chrisharden7033 - 20.04.2021 19:59

Nice and simple intro, thank you DD!

@realmadwolf - 28.04.2021 13:57

Can you make a video on how to migrate host so when the host leaves game it doesn't disconnect everyone, thank you for the wonderful tutorials.

@AnimilesYT - 11.05.2021 16:59

It is still confusing to me how I can start with something myself. Like, where do I start? What functions do I need to use?
This video is more of an overview than a tutorial. You show how Mirror Networking works in Unity, but you don't show how to make a multiplayer game in Unity.
I think I may be able to figure it out now, but I would've preferred it if you set up a multiplayer prototype from scratch :)

@刘生建 - 30.05.2021 12:42

Good Job!

@Anthony-op7xz - 01.06.2021 21:24

Does mirror work for iOS games??

@akarsh9407 - 02.06.2021 13:35

My sister is like 3 years she thinks your channel is dipper dino lmao 😂. Dont mind my comment if u felt bad

@millopodia - 06.06.2021 23:08

I Subscribed Because this video was great and helpful for me and my friends to play together 😀 So Thank You Very Much!

@BinaryVectorJr - 23.06.2021 01:28

Great video, very insightful! Also choosing Pong was a good choice, because I think you touched upon the basic fundamentals of what is happening in the background. Thanks a lot!

@bitmammothOG - 09.07.2021 12:08

Does this work with webgl?

@TonyVirili - 25.07.2021 05:46

I love your tutorials, Nathan. Very thorough and terrific explanations. I also purchased your Unity Multiplayer Udemy course that you co-authored with Rick Davidson. Starting here and then jumping over to that. Great work!

@haachamachama7 - 25.07.2021 13:01

I heard Photon is easier than mirror, but after watching this it seems like Mirror is a lot easier?! I've used Photon for awhile and never used Mirror, but am I correct in assuming this? Photon seems to have more limitations...

@121Gamerscom - 05.08.2021 21:21

i thought this was going to be a tut not you explaining mirror and advertising them thanks for wasting my time I can read all this my self and have this will

@dan-mechanics2014 - 07.08.2021 07:29


@tipsymage9083 - 08.08.2021 21:54

why i have such bad lag on client even on local host?

@motorparadise - 15.08.2021 11:40

is it free?

@Vector2 - 12.09.2021 01:57

thanks dino. i have a question: Mirror works in android?

@rekhajain9044 - 25.09.2021 08:19

Really Great Work In Multiplayer Games Industry and now MLAPI is even out there this guy is a god send Multiplayer Game making Teacher.

@calcumalations1235 - 25.09.2021 23:09

explaining it as a minecraft server made it so much more easy to get

@CaptainCrazy013 - 03.10.2021 00:06

Thank you SO much for making this playlist. I was looking for a way to make a authoritative server MP game!

@quebirt - 26.10.2021 21:26

Great video, thank you. Mirror is really nice. However, multiplayer development on Unity is clunky as *. Have to actually build and launch each client, which gets slower and slower as the project grows, and then closing those clients bugs out more often than not, so the process has to be killed. In Unreal Engine, regardless if you want to test as a dedicated server or p2p, you just set how many clients you want and click "Play" and it launches all of those clients. Then, by default, hitting ESC closes all of those clients. Not to mention the launch is near instant. Probably seems like a small difference until you've worked with each of them for hours.

@niltoncostajunior9508 - 27.10.2021 01:33

Your Undemy course covers how to make a dedicated mirror server? Or just host player and client player?

@danilbalabanov6490 - 01.12.2021 01:30

I was looking for video like this for hours. Thank you

@SacWebDeveloper - 11.12.2021 23:42

Cost of running dedicated Mirror servers on AWS? Which EC2 machines and any networking gotchas?

@WojciechGlapa - 26.01.2022 03:28

Thank You brother. Good job, appreciate. Love from Poland.

@john2377 - 26.01.2022 19:52

How can I do a client built on a phone and connect it to a server created on the PC with mirror?

@balajivirat418 - 27.01.2022 16:13

Can't connect server on android devices but works on pc . Why ??????????????????

@Zihenroy - 15.02.2022 16:18

Mirror looks like its much easier than photon. Also checked your steam connection video. You only have to change Transport in network manager to a steam connect instead of telepathy transport... I cant believe its so easy, thanks.

@MonsterTeaching-SD - 21.03.2022 12:11

Is this playlist , cant i creat a game of line mulltiplayer looklike minimelitya or bom scowad , you anderstand me 😅😅

@jondyason336 - 28.06.2022 09:00

Thanks, helped a lot.

@lokeshgoyal1208 - 01.10.2022 17:08

Am i the only one who got these error and can't utitlize it.
Assets\Mirror\Runtime\NetworkReaderExtensions.cs(157,17): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ReadOnlySpan<>' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

@DumpstarFireDev - 02.11.2022 03:11

This is a very nice introduction to mirror! Also did anyone else accidentally push the ball out of bounds on the pong game? Lol

@eshanverma1496 - 13.01.2023 16:50


Can we join the server locally using mobile ?

@whitefang8329 - 05.03.2023 09:45

So what was video about ?

@lora6938 - 12.03.2023 20:39

HELLO! As I understand it, the mirror is only for a local connection? Have you tried connecting to other computers?

@Xblade-Dev - 04.07.2023 07:31

:turns volume up 8x higher than the avg YT vid:

@ioslmlaut7414 - 05.09.2023 20:30

very gud

@TheCurious36 - 26.01.2024 06:49

you're the goat thank you for helping me understand all this

@div1558 - 11.08.2024 02:01

Thanks brother this video is still revelent in 2024. It help me understand basics a lot. Thanks agan.

@AnimeTablet - 26.08.2024 08:11

Good Tutorial
