There’s a haste helm in the middle of the Gob camp in chest
ОтветитьFun fact, the leader Ogre doesn't "wear" the headpiece, its in his stomach
ОтветитьForce conduit + barb rage does not make you immune to physical damage
ОтветитьWhat about sword of the astral plane from kitrak voss
ОтветитьFor the haliberd and in general. Resistances do NOT stack additives. For example being a barb and having the halberd does NOT make you immune to slashing, piercing and bludgeoning.
They stack MULTIPLICATIVELY. So in that example, raging is -50%, the haliberd halves the REMAINING 59% leaving you to take 25% of the damage. All resistances work this way as far as I'm aware
Still use the returning pike intellect headband into act 3
ОтветитьJust a note, the Dex Gloves are Amazing on Gale with a build of Wizard 1 Sorcerer on with a storm build
ОтветитьThis game is so vast that is better dont know any of this, otherwise you will see yourself starting a new game after hours playing, again and again.
ОтветитьWhat accent is this?
ОтветитьJust so you know you can use the horn in act 2 and they will show up in the final boss fight super useful
ОтветитьGloves if the Underdog are pretty powerful for all the GWM builds. Found in the goblin stronghold stash
ОтветитьI'm following a "all secrets, items and PS trophies in act 1" guide and I'm blown away by just how much I missed first time playing through.
ОтветитьIn the Gith Inquis chamber in a mundane chest near the entrance are the Gloves of Belligerent Skies, which actually does stay good for most the game, especially if you're doing a radiant damage build or you're using a missile build... they have excellent synergy with the Callous Glow Ring, which basically turns all of your damage into 2 stacks of reverberation if you're using a glowing weapon of any sort, or the light spell on yourself
Using these two items with Destructive Wave (rad + thunder dmg) and possibly with the sparkling staff, you really start to do massive reverberation... on a high spell save DC wizard, you're basically a walking flash bang
The problem with most of the unique weapons in the game is that they become obsolete as soon as you get a weapon with a better enchantment.
There is simply no use for Returning Pike if you have a couple +1 spears in your inventory.
A conditional + 4d damage on a weapon is almost never as good as a simple +1 enchantment.
Same for +1 weapons with unique effects, once +2 weapons become available.
But other equipment, especially the rings are really great and stay relevant the entire game.
One Item you missed is the Idol of Silvanus.
No need to equip just have it in the inventory for a permanent proficiency buff in nature and animal handling.
I find that you can buy items from them after i kill all inside crèche…..nice😤
ОтветитьBlood of lethander??
ОтветитьHow does the ogre scene in front of the ruins trigger? For me, they never appeared.
ОтветитьWhat was the piece of druid equipment?
ОтветитьThanks :)
ОтветитьI cannot recommend enough the Gloves of the Growling Underdog.
It's best in slot for so many melee builds for a very long time. The reason it's so great is that the distance at which an enemy can be do to you that the gloves still count as "surrounded" is HUGE. You can be directly adjacent to one enemy with a second enemy about 2 meters behind him--not even withing striking distance of you--and the glove effect will be active, giving you advantage on the first enemy.
You can count on one hand the number of notably difficult encounters that you will be fighting only one enemy so these gloves will be active almost all of the time.
If I remember correctly you also get boots that makes you immune to enwebbing from the spider's nest, this means you can have 2 melee characters + ranger's spider spamming infinite web
ОтветитьSursur weapon
ОтветитьGood vid. Despite knowing the majority of the items already, I've probably missed the Smuggler's ring many times.
ОтветитьI'm sad I gave gale the archery gloves by accident 😢
Ответитьso many people have so much troublefinding the smugglers ring
if you have the jump spell, just go to where you find the dog scratch and jump across the river
its directly across from there in the bushes
What, No mention of Corellons Grace? 1 of the best monk staffs in the game :D
Sold by the friendly granny it's a staff that increases your damage and gives you +2 TO ALL SAVING THROWS. ALL OF THEM.
Surprised not to see the Ring of Protection on this list! Not only is it available when 8 GOOD rings are hard to come by to fill your slots, there's a good chance you'll have it on at least 1 character until the end of the game!
ОтветитьAnother insane Gloves is the Sparkle ones. They give an advantage on armored targets when you have lighting charges and its super easy to get those with the Boots that give you lighting from Dash and many other items. its insane in throwing builds because at a certain point you do damage with that lighting! I found the item on the over powered side. as a range Throwing building with pikes etc. It felt SO GOOD! Thanks for video!
ОтветитьLuminous Armor should 100% be on this list… blood of lathander as well
ОтветитьOne honourable mention for post combat healing is Periapt of Close Wounds (or some name like that), sold by a lady at the beginning of the mountain road before reaching the monastery.
It's effects are quite useful, first one being that if you're downed while wearing this necklace, you'll automatically become stable at the start of the next turn without any risk of failing death saving throws. KIND of useful for low HP characters, but at this point of the game you're likely to have better items to use that have sinergy with your class.
Second effect is where it shines, since by the time you get this necklace, you have more than modest amount of potions stashed for a rainy day (especially if you've changed Shadowheart's Domain to Life Domain). It makes the character who's wearing it always get the maximum amount of hit points when healed, which means if you drink a greater potion of healing you'll get the full 20 hit points it can provide. Excellent to enter you next battle at maximum health without spending spell slots to heal or spending potions at the risk of getting the lowest amount of hit points.
"Not planning to have Shadowheart in the party"??? BLASPHEMY!
ОтветитьCorrection, you don't get the Hellrider's Pride gloves from just finishing the tiefling quests (I assume you mean rescuing the grove by beating the goblin leaders), you have to complete the Investigate Kagha mission and then speak to Zevlor afterwards. He gives you the gloves as a reward for basically buying the refugees time and not forcing them out of the grove before the goblins are beaten
ОтветитьThe Gloves of Belligerent Skies in the creche where the Inquisitor boss fight is are really fucking good, but they're stored in a chest that's for some reason marked as empty. It's by the front wall closest to the door. I believe they add on reverberation to enemies hit with lightning/thunder/radiant damage and they're cracked for a tempest or light cleric build
Also from the creche vendor, I'm a fan of the Daredevil Gloves that allow you to cast spells while being threatened without receiving a disadvantage penalty. Really good for melee wizards since I'm a fan of going 1 fighter/11 wizard or 2 fighter/10 wizard for heavy armor/shield proficiency plus action surge. It's really helpful for your wizard to be able to stand in the middle of a crowd drawing fire while still being able to spellcast effectively
Great advises! Thank you so much ♥
ОтветитьMake sure you make a deal with the Ogres to get their horn. You can blow the horn during a tough fight and they'll come help you. Some will probably die during the fight, I only had to finish the leader and like 16 HP off after fight with Gith patrol at level 4. That double attack they had was wiping my entire party in 2 turns. Until I reloaded, set up an ambush and called in the Ogres. That horn is only good for Act 1 and Under-Dark. I've gotta get that returning Pike for my Javelin throwing Shadowheart. Haha.
ОтветитьNot really "magic items" per say but the necromancy tome of thay, and the summon quasit scroll you can learn on wizards.
ОтветитьThe Flaming Greatsword that you get for killing (or disarming) the Cambion on the Nautiloid?
I thought you couldn't kill him and there's no default character with command/disarming strike, but you CAN actually kill him (kinda easily too tbh, since he focuses the mindflayer) or have your first level be a class that comes with Command or Disarming Strike.
Or you can have Shadowheart shield and heal the Mindflayers while you surround him with Lae'zel and the Intelect Devourer and go to town on him.
Two tap the Mindflayer who then turns on you, or just have one character near the console to dip as soon as you pick up the OP sword.
Gloves of dexterity are fire! They allowed me to turn my storm sorcerer into a spell sword. Gotta have decent AC when he’s gonna be on the front line. Combine that with a strength elixir and bam!
Also! How could you miss the glaive from the grove? I still have it in Act 3 despite finding weapons with much higher damage because being able to cast sorrowful lash as a bonus action is invaluable! I use it almost every turn.
I couldn’t even begin to tell you how many enemies I’ve finished off with it.
:( I gave my int hat to Halsin... Then I screwed up and lost him at the end of act 2 because I didn't do the thing he wanted thinking it more important than it was... So it was skipped and made no longer completable.
ОтветитьThank you!! I missed the Smuggler's Ring
ОтветитьI feel like one could honorable mention mintharas armor whether you knock her out or kill her because even tho it’s light armor and it’s not that great it has advantage on constitution saving throws so it’s very good for caster to concentrate on spells like the war caster feat and I don’t think many items in the game have that besides the first version of the dark justicar half plate and the amulet from house of hope
ОтветитьResistance doesn't stack.
Ответить"This gentleman" Hahahaha I know his name is so odd
ОтветитьZevlor doesn't give the gloves for completing the Tiefling quest; he gives it for completing the kagha quest.
ОтветитьThe smugglers ring is going to be down down down by the river