Xiaomi Mijia Mi Sphere Review: 4K 2018 Update

Xiaomi Mijia Mi Sphere Review: 4K 2018 Update

The 360 Guy

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@smitthone - 14.03.2018 10:41

the 4k is interpolated? So how can be better??

@raaah - 14.03.2018 12:00

No where is this camera near $200 it's on amazon for $300 and your own link is $300 plus

@MikeBoening - 14.03.2018 15:37

Good re-review. I couldn’t agree more. The changes they have made are really well done and with the price it’s a home run.

@stiversfamily - 18.03.2018 15:51

What mini tripod do you have in this video?

@tempesttraveltime - 19.03.2018 00:26

I used the Xiaomi Sphere in my last Vacation (Skiing) and had a few problems:
It seems I had a firmware issue: (At first I still believed it was an issue with the cold)
* Videorecording stop sometimes suddenly and restarted after a few seconds.
* Sometimes the camera turned itself of completely while recording.
* The restarted videos often had a skewed horizon.
* Firmware update finaly work after doing it manually. (Since that update I have not had any further issues, but I am still testing.)

While skiing it was a real ordeal to get the phone,out gloves off, to connect to the camera and start/stop recordings. In the End I started the camera without the phone and cut the begining and end phase from the result.
Stabilization is not perfect. Sudden Movements still show up prominently. I used Cyberlinks Powerdirector for secondary stabilization but that often reduces details and sharpness (and sadly the software does not support horizon leveling).
That said, I was still pleased with the results, it was just more work than expected and it was annoying that very few runs were without issues. In hindsight I just had bad luck that the firmware issue happened while I was on vacation. The camera seems to operate normaly now.

@xarismedia - 22.03.2018 16:47

In gearbest product page there is nothing about raw files and bracketing!!!!

@ronanrogers4127 - 01.04.2018 03:25

Would that tripod mount (because the camera is so thin) be strong enough to enable attachment to a tube clamp, so that it can be used on a motorcycle at 100kmh or so?

@surytx - 01.04.2018 21:09

what about the battery, is it wasteful?

@drstew1 - 07.04.2018 20:20

If I hadn’t seen the GoPro Fusion, I would love this , but I have.

@EverydayRoadster - 07.04.2018 22:05

Not quite sure about differences in the markets, but when I look it up here, the Xiaomi Mijia 360 in Gearbest it cost 1.5x that of Amazon and 2.5x that of Aliexpress. So I really wonder what makes you say that this stuff is usually the best buy at Gearbest?

@alexreay4164 - 13.04.2018 17:56

Really interested in this camera. If I wanted to photograph a room, can the app be used to control and shoot bracketed shots remotely? So I'd set the camera up in the middle of the room, hide out sight and then use the app to shoot 3 brackets?

@kerosene4751 - 21.04.2018 13:45

How long can a single clip be? I'm interested in leaving this recording for about an hour... would it handle that?

@richardlawson8599 - 22.04.2018 10:19

Hi would you rate the Ricoh Theta V over the Xiaomi miija sphere. Views seem to mixed

@zacharybishop - 29.04.2018 19:56

With stabilization on, does the camera always face the starting direction (east / west / etc...)? Or can you make it always face forward by default, or focus on an object (face the handlebars)? I want an action cam for mountain biking but don't want the added complexity / weight of a gimbal. However I'd rather not go back through each video and tell the video where to aim in post production...

@divinejakiro3656 - 30.04.2018 21:12

Hi, regarding to your software update, is it just APK update? or you need to use USB connect to PC, use software to update the firmware within the Mi Sphere?

@Misio3384 - 25.05.2018 19:33

Hi Do I have to pay duty fee if I order this camera from your link?

@yangguan4070 - 04.06.2018 04:59

Can it do time-lapse video at 1s intervals?

@gocolago33 - 08.07.2018 01:36

"Si ow mi" not jiaomi !

@garygiles63 - 16.07.2018 03:33

Help, keep getting error, "couldn't download" using android app, can anyone help?

@dcelestialthought7503 - 19.07.2018 16:28

Does is work while charging

@mayamina1931 - 21.07.2018 16:06

I would like to know how you treat your Xiaomi images to make them out in a beautiful quality? Thank you for your attention thank you, full of success.

@MrOryfek - 25.07.2018 10:43

Does it has follow object function like rylo or insta 360??

@khadijazulfiqar123 - 05.08.2018 01:51

Hi can you tell me if the camera can be used with all type of phones?
I have an huawei

@manishkumarSanotra - 12.08.2018 14:39

Is it better than recoh theta v ??

@TheMhankel - 14.08.2018 12:34

GREAT VIDEO! Thank you!

@SeeMeeBee - 15.09.2018 03:57

Is this a new camera or the same (original) Xiaomi Mi Sphere but with a software update.
If it's a newer version of camera, how does one know?
Are there model numbers or serial numbers to show?
And will this newer camera work with the remote control module?

@JOATMON66 - 30.10.2018 01:09

Would be curious to know how it stacks up for stills against the Insta360 One X...

@Daumex - 10.12.2018 15:36

The stitching and exposure on the first photo you shown in the video is pretty bad, you can see the line in the sky where the photo was stitched and the building is all mushed up where the photos intersect. This shouldn't happen on a camera specifically made for 360 photos.

@sankeytheman - 09.01.2019 19:01

How long does it take to charge I've been charging well over 3 hours from getting it out of the box

@sparkyjshaw - 02.04.2019 22:29

Hello - Where can I download a still 360 image from this camera so I can experiment with it on my monitor?

@DTC2_Blue - 08.05.2019 09:34

Gee, Xiaomi a $20B dollar company who is the world's L-A-R-G-E-S-T manufacturer of smart phones in the world and you never heard of it... They make parts for both Apple and Android devices as well as tonnes of other gear include cars. Don't get out much eh?

@dagobb - 12.05.2019 18:11

Looks like SVGA quality to me.

@shonysaputra - 26.08.2019 06:53

how about recording loud music concert? does the audio sound like crap?

@gregorysalter6226 - 03.09.2019 01:45

His face looks like it's stuck between the two cameras with the bad stitching

@gregorysalter6226 - 03.09.2019 01:46

How bout upclose footage?

@Sendmetimes - 20.10.2019 12:11

Mine doesn't have stabilization, and I just bought it month ago, firmware update current, why is mine different

@Sendmetimes - 20.10.2019 12:13

And I cannot pair ca,mera with my iPhone x, it on,y works on my galaxy tab s4

@robertalexander2478 - 25.11.2019 18:39

Is 4K in the latest update?

@sabbirhaider1639 - 08.02.2020 20:55

I bought about 1 year. now I can't start the wifi can't be connected....very disappointing

@felipeosorio5899 - 17.06.2020 19:04

Hello, i have this camera recently the photos looks amazing in the app but when I download them and watch on the computer, the quality seems to lose. What can i do to get the best quality at the time to export? What you recomend?

@chinarello2928 - 21.08.2020 16:00

Where the updates firmware updates or new hardware version?

@Denis-kt2qd - 27.09.2020 08:48

The first few seconds I honestly though you were the Sherminator from the American Pie series.

@skg901 - 12.11.2020 12:52

At 3.5K or 4K I get haisy abd blurry videos.
I don't know how you got crisp and sharp videos.
May be review units have different internals.

@brunomelorp - 29.03.2021 00:38

Can I use this cam like a webcam?
