Janko Tipsarevic press conference after match with Stepanek - http://www.sportskacentrala.com

Janko Tipsarevic press conference after match with Stepanek - http://www.sportskacentrala.com


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@Nagano1998Olympic - 08.04.2012 00:03

Suspend? Why? You know there is no convincing evidence of Stepanek giving Tipsarevic the middle finger. I think Stepanek said something offensive towards your player and I am not a fan of this behaviour but Janko Tipsarevic, although he is a very good player, acted like a liar. Why didn´t he announce double bouncing? Why did he wipe prints off? This is not fair play and you know that...

@djujakovacevic - 08.04.2012 00:04

It is a shameful behavior of Mr. Stepanek,I couldn`t believe my own eyes! It is even more ugly and pitiful that some of his countrymen,including the so called Mr.,don`t realize it.Nevertheless,there can be only ONE and we all know his name-Janko!

@Nagano1998Olympic - 08.04.2012 00:06

Why are you so obsessed about us being catholics? You know we don´t care about religion in our country. We don´t care about people being different. That´s why we separated with Slovaks in a peaceful way. Without killing each other. And yes. A lot of people are of german, slavic origin at the same time. We are mixture, like dogs if you will and we are proud of that :-)

@mlts0000 - 08.04.2012 00:13

Not that you, only, do not care about religion - you do not care about OTHERS..... Because you do not know who you are, what you are.......you did not have a reason to fight for. You did not separate from Slovaks - you are still of Slovak origin but accepted the Catholic Religion over the Christian Orthodox - well, we Serbs, sustained and did not give up what is the most sacred to us and this is what separates us from you, guys, today.

@Nagano1998Olympic - 08.04.2012 00:13

I checked out serbian and czech webs and I didn´t find anything. Send me the video demonstrating Stepanek giving Tipsarevic the middle finger. And your last sentence. We are not tolerant? Are you kidding me? Have you ever been to the Czech Republic?

@Nagano1998Olympic - 08.04.2012 00:15

Checked out wikipedia artictle about three fingers salute. That made me think it could be offensive towards them.

@mlts0000 - 08.04.2012 00:18

Really ???? But, they did not play with Stepanek today, right ? And who cares, amongst those ones - especially YOU from the Czech Republic - how we greet each other in Serbia ? Seems that you have lots of German blood and put your nose in pots where it does not belong to ....and where it can burn after too much snooping...

@Nagano1998Olympic - 08.04.2012 00:19

No offense but you don´t know a lot about our history. Some people have roots in Slovakia, mainly in south Moravia area, but people living in other parts of my country are mixture. And for your information - most of Slovaks are catholics too. They are not christian orthodox.

@mlts0000 - 08.04.2012 00:19

I have been in Czechoslovakia - you were a much more peaceful and respectful country, before your own separation that was not orchestrated by the Germans and the USA, like ours.

@mlts0000 - 08.04.2012 00:22

I will stop replying to your comments - as it is a waste of time. You proved to me that you are not reading my comments, before you respond to them. For your information, I know much more about Czech Rep and Slovakia than you will ever know about Serbia and the Serbs. So long !

@Nagano1998Olympic - 08.04.2012 00:27

Ok. No problem. Your choice.

@mlts0000 - 08.04.2012 00:27

Did not see the Croats and the Muslims, Albanians ??? I guess, same as you did not see STEPANEK's middle finger today ?

@mktzvxp - 08.04.2012 00:28

Ko je rekao da su istiniti Sloveni pravoslavni..? Voleo bih da znam odakle ti to. Cisto da znas da 60% Ceha uopste i nije religiozno, a iz mog iskustva su divan narod koji nas Srbe duboko postuje. To sto Stepanek ne ume da prizna poraz ti ne daje za pravo da govoris lose o celom narodu.

@mlts0000 - 08.04.2012 00:31

Ajde, majke ti.........ko je uopste rekao da pravi Sloveni nisu pravoslavni ? A, to sto ti Cehe idealizujes je tvoja stvar, a jos jedan dokaz da nas ima jos naivnih koji misle da Srbi imaju prijatelje, brate i ko zna sta jos u svetu......ajde, uzmi se u pamet - use i u svoje kljuse....Stepanek ti je slika u malom kako nas, Srbe, Cesi "postuju".....CCCC

@Nagano1998Olympic - 08.04.2012 00:33

Who wants to find any evidence, will find...You don´t have to feel sorry for me or for all Czechs. I am not criticizing Serbs as a nation. I am talking about evidences. As I said there is no convincing evidence of Stepanek giving Tipsarevic the middle finger. He said something bad to him and I don´t approve that but on the other hand Tipsarevic is not a fair-play player no matter referees.

@mlts0000 - 08.04.2012 00:34

I guess you did not somehow see how Croats, Muslims from Bosnia and Albanians are foghting during the 90's Balkan wars......same as you did not see STEPANEK's middle finger today.......check your eyesight, please.

@mlts0000 - 08.04.2012 00:37

There IS convincing evidence of STEPANEK's middle finger - of course for those ones who WANT to see it (this does not include you).

@mktzvxp - 08.04.2012 00:39

Pa odgovarao sam coveku na komentar. On je generalizovao. Nikoga ja ne idealizujem.

@kacersoft - 08.04.2012 00:43

Stepanek se zachoval jako prase, nesnazil bych se to omlouvat

@mlts0000 - 08.04.2012 00:44

Suspension of the Czech Republic from Davis Cup - Serbia should advance automatically.

@Ubiquitarian - 08.04.2012 01:00

omg, pathetic liar, there was no finger..

@Ubiquitarian - 08.04.2012 01:00

na videu není prostředníček..

@mlts0000 - 08.04.2012 01:03

Germans, U.S.A., Hungarians, Austrians Czechs - you are all the same.

@mlts0000 - 08.04.2012 01:04

No there was no finger - but there was STEPANEK's MIDDLE FINGER. SAD, POOR, PRIMITIVE RADEK STEPANEK.

@bonestrukture - 08.04.2012 07:13

Why don't you go on Janko's twitter page and see a picture of the finger he put there,and then,only if you're blind or stupid you will not admit you're wrong.

@Nagano1998Olympic - 08.04.2012 08:14

You know I am pretty sure that Stepanek said something inappropriate to Tipsarevic but I don´t know what it was.I don´t approve this kind of behaviour. But the photo you are talking about doesn´t improve anything. There is no convincing evidence of Stepanek giving Tipsarevic the middle finger. On the other hand I had to laugh when Zimonjic said that Tipsarevic was a fair play player. We could see how he didn´t announce double bouncing or how he wiped off the prints.

@theatlantean3 - 08.04.2012 09:50

Two things I know for a fact: (1) Stepanek's wife has incredible legs and turned me on when I first saw her play in Sacramento, California when she was 17 years old. I'm usually not into that look (I usually like dark complected women with dark hair), but there's something about her that really does it for me! Anyways, the other thing I know for a fact is that Stepanek isn't the most popular guy in the ATP Tour......He seems to be a bit of a wanker. Beauty.......

@nenristic - 08.04.2012 14:45

Serbs wanted to avoid the war, but that was impossible. The West wanted former Yugoslavia ruined and devastated. Yugoslavia was developed and it represented a treat to EC. I`m sure that Czechoslovakians know that for good. cause at that time you were poor and primitive. You could ask your parents about that and about their price in Belgrade and Zagreb (dve crvene, approx 20 Deutsche Marks=10 euros). There wasn`t interest for war in CS. Serbs deal with Honor, I think you know what that means

@Nagano1998Olympic - 08.04.2012 14:50

We were maybe poor, but primitive? What do you mean?

@Ubiquitarian - 08.04.2012 16:24

Well, I did visit his twitter page (twitter.com/#!/TipsarevicJanko/status/188565904316051456/photo/1 ).. I still don´t understand where you see that middle finger, there are all fingers except the middle, thats just completely opposite then you are talking about. And bad language? The same thing, even no little hint.. if he said something wrong, thats just bad.. but, prove it first, thats important if you don´t want just tell crap.. And I should say, Stepanek is not my favourite player..

@Ubiquitarian - 08.04.2012 16:30

come on, dont make it national cause.. I think thats just stupid put all the nation to one bag.. one czech next to another, could be and are different people, same as in your country..

@Ubiquitarian - 08.04.2012 16:37

no finger, the Tipsarevic´s photo shown exact opposite of giving a fck..

@Ubiquitarian - 08.04.2012 16:41

tipsarevic is hothead, no doubt about that... maybe stepanek is not the one with the best behaviour, but still - no middle finger, no evidence about that, even tipsarevics photo doesnt prove anything.

@Ubiquitarian - 08.04.2012 16:43

Who knows, maybe Tipsarevic will shown soon like the bad guy who is fixing matches (but evidently not that one match :-) ) Check: tenniszoom (dot) net/tennis-news/41-players-in-black-list-over-match-fixing.html

@Ubiquitarian - 08.04.2012 16:49

Trust me, here in Czech republic people generally have no bad feelings about Serbians, most of us don´t even know if you are prowest or proeast oriented... especially these days, most of Czechs has enough to do with themselves because of our (corrupt) government and economical prospects.

@Ubiquitarian - 08.04.2012 16:50

And Havel died recently if that means something for you...

@bonestrukture - 08.04.2012 19:59

I can't say anything about the bad language,but for me clearly there was the middle finger,i mean,who the hell shakes hand like that?But i guess,it doesn't even matter much now,you won,so congratulations.

@Ubiquitarian - 08.04.2012 21:30

"Open palm with bent middle finger" and "closed fist with popped middle finger out", are two different things and only second one means f-ck of.. So we can argue about why he shaked him his hand like this, but thats all we can..same with Almagro and Berdych, did he shot him deliberately? Who knows.. Yeah, we won thanks to Berdych, but I still think it matters... I mean, Stepanek probably gave reason Tipsarevic to be angry, but what follows - hothead overreaction.

@CUBURANYC - 09.04.2012 00:34

"Closed fist with popped middle finger out" is NOT the only way to "flip the bird"!!!

@Vodny - 09.04.2012 02:00

No middle finger, but he used bad language and that's really bad. I'm Czech and I'm ashamed of Stepanek's behaviour. Sorry Janko Tipsarevic for this, your behaviour was ok and you didn't deserve this.

@nenristic - 09.04.2012 02:12

Your time stopped in 1945. And you didn`t have a balls to fight against USSR for 25 and 45 years. Here, in Serbia, we accepted a LOT OF Czechoslovakians (REFUGEES) in 1968. And after all of that, your fuckin Vaclav Havel was thankful to us and he supported NATO BOMBING of Serbia. Paid democrat.....ccccc

@Vodny - 09.04.2012 02:20

Stepanek said something bad to Tipsarevic, that's obvious, but no middle finger, that's a pure self-made story.

@Vodny - 09.04.2012 02:21

Btw. jestli si Cech, tak se mnou mluv klidne cesky.

@nenristic - 09.04.2012 03:33

Misunderstanding...About people: I had a girlfriend in 1990-1992. Her 2nd name was HRABEC. Sounds familiar? (if You are Czech). Her family escape from CS to Belgrade in 1968. About History: On conference in Tehran, held in 1943, Churchill and Stalin divided Europe and zones of interests. Churchill sold our royal dynasty and royal Army that fought against Germans. Unfortunately, your and my people was collateral damage and both of them were given to communists.Courage: I mean you waited too l

@crosbyyacht - 09.04.2012 06:24

I think Tipsarevic expresses himself well. I can understand why he was upset at Stepanek.

@inna1005 - 14.04.2012 15:25

You are Czech, right? ;)

@dynamicreiproperties - 15.07.2013 07:55

Well said, Janko!!

@arthunterns - 16.09.2013 22:15

