A dream of God, whispered to us, and now we are those who dream.
In 1908 John G. Lake birthed a dream of God onto the earth: The Apostolic Faith Congress in South Africa.
In 1947 the ministerial network was incorporated in Spokane, Washington, as the Ministerial Fellowship of the USA by Wilford H. Reidt, son-in-law of John G. Lake.
The board of directors later renamed the organization the International Fellowship of Ministries. They wanted to communicate Lake’s original global vision. They wanted to honor the ministers around the world who were connecting to the network to accomplish it.
In 2021, the board of directors gathered to reassess the identity and destiny of IFM, and after much discussion and collaboration, felt it was time to recalibrate the fellowship. The heart of the leadership team was to honor the past, while creating a new wineskin that would be able to carve out a new futurist Kingdom movement.
A new identity emerged, a dream with fresh breath that honors the seeds of the original vision and engages with His heart for the future.
That dream is Renaissance Coalition.
Together, we are entering into the dreams of God to birth Kingdom realities on the Earth.
We will succeed through relationship, gatherings, equipping, and empowerment.
We want to partner with you in John G. Lake’s original vision of a supernaturally empowered generation that would reveal a Living Christ. Lake believed that only such a People could take the gospel to the nations.
Come dream with us.
We are birthing Kingdom realities.
We are building a new future.
The dream is waiting for you.
#Renco #Darren_Stott #Roy_Simmons #Charlie_Shamp #BSSN #Bethel_Redding #Bill_Johnson #Renassance_Coalition #IFM #John_G._Lake #Healing_Rooms #Wilford_H._Reidt #International_Fellowship_of_Ministries #Worldwide #Jesus #Fellowship