Imagine thinking this is deep
ОтветитьDork ass loser
ОтветитьMusk is a terrible person.
ОтветитьLoL he still needs to make smart talks. God-damn, Elon, you're like the richest man on this planet and still you do this. Smart talk is for us peasants, it makes us feel better. See folks, money don't change your need to look smart 🤓👍.
What's the point...
Wrong I have, I did it just yesterday I invented a gun that shoots a 5 inch bullet at the speed of light
ОтветитьElon: I have never seen anyone break physics
Double-slit experiment: Hold my beer
He's technically wrong here. We don't fully yet understand the laws of physics. This is immediately apparent with black holes, We simply don't known how they work because we've never been close enough to fully observe them and test them.
One theory is that they are like a wormhole that has an exit, that exit being another black hole. This would literally break the already defined laws of physics.
Another theory is that they simply go nowhere, yet this also breaks the laws of physics because you can't destroy or create it.
Challenge accepted.
ОтветитьSomeone call the Payday Gang
ОтветитьBuT bEeS bEiNg abLe To FLy is ImpOsIbLe accOrDiNg to PhYsiCs
ОтветитьMr musk
ОтветитьEverything this man says always makes perfect sense to me.
ОтветитьThere are no “laws” of physics, just theories that are eventually superceded.
ОтветитьIts just the so genius and so brillant the man of the Futur He like physics cause he is a visionnaire with stars in his heart
Its just the so genius Elon Musk...
Seems like he would love to break the laws of physics....
ОтветитьBack to basic 👍👍🫶❤️💕
ОтветитьSave us Elon
ОтветитьOnly nonhuman intelligence could do that