LINUX FIX: apt-get update: E: updating from such a repository can't be done securely and is disabled

LINUX FIX: apt-get update: E: updating from such a repository can't be done securely and is disabled

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Have you ever gotten the error - "updating from such a repository can't be done securely and is therefore disabled by default"? Well, thankfully this is very easy to fix and all we have to do is add a couple of text to /etc/apt/sources.list

Applies to Debian-based linux distributions. (Ubuntu/Kali/Linux Mint) #linuxtutorialvideos #ubuntututorialvideos #ubuntulearningtutorial #centostutorialvideos #centosadministrationtutorial #learninghowtoprogramgames #learningunityprogramming #simplecodingtutorial #easycodingtutorials #veryeasycodingtutorials #unityeasygametutorial


#linux_mint #ubuntu #linux_fix #apt_update #updating_from_such_a_repository #repository #debian_linux #Linux #cenos #unity #linux_tutorial_videos #ubuntu_tutorial_videos #ubuntu_learning_tutorial #centos_tutorial_videos #centos_administration_tutorial #learning_how_to_program_games #learning_unity_programming #simple_coding_tutorial #easy_coding_tutorials #very_easy_coding_tutorials #unity_easy_game_tutorial
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