Love this series of vids! My old pup Izzy is 11 now and it's time I start preparing for a new pup.
ОтветитьCan they play with other dogs
ОтветитьIs it possible to train an old dog to hunt?
ОтветитьJust curious what is your ballpark price for puppies? Thanks.
ОтветитьHey there ! loving these videos. thinking about buying a lab this week the pups are 8 weeks old. do you have more videos on what to do with pups this young ? can you tell me what steps to train a puppie? i see in this vid you say you do these explorations for about 7 months or so. but what else do you do in those months ? also the winter is coming fast. should i do these exploration walks with a small pup in the snow, cold, etc ? when should i introduce this pup to gun fire , water , and the hard core elements. i know this is a lot but if you can help answer some questions then please do. my family loves your channel !!
ОтветитьHow do you stop your dog from chasing animals, he won't listen to us until the animal is gone up a tree or the bird has flown into the air, and we can't use e collars because I believe they're illegal in my country.
ОтветитьGreat video.
ОтветитьLike this. How about throw a hand full of kibble into the grass?
Food and feathers?
this is awesome. I have a 4 month pure bred lab but he's definitely not from a hunting line. could he be trained to hunt?
ОтветитьI just got 8 week wired pointer griffon
I started the same thing first day and then switched to pheasant wings
I need good trainer in Massachusetts
This makes me miss my dog! My Hunter is 9 weeks old and I’m at work monitoring him off one of the Arlo cameras haha! By FAR, the best series anywhere!
ОтветитьI have a German short haired pointer and she’s being trained to hunt by myself any tips?
ОтветитьWhat kind of hunting games are you talking about??
ОтветитьIs it common to train dogs for multiple task such as shed hunting,blood trail tracking as well as retrieval
ОтветитьThank you so much for your videos!
Ответитьby snuff out bad behaviours do you mean correct? also with chasing other dogs, my golden retriever, 6months old, is super into other dogs, a nightmare when he sees another dog, just wants to play with every dog.. how would i solve this>
Ответитьdo you know if a border collie is a good hunting dog
ОтветитьI just got my Black pup here in Maine 3 days ago, 8 wks 1 day. He flew in from Southern Ut. Dad is a FC and mom is JH. My dad ran trials my whole life and we always had 3 black dogs my entire life. I am nervous to start but "Lido" is doing well in the first few days. Its -9 out tonight so house training is interesting but he will be ready for Ducks in December with these temps.....Great video, thank you for the information.
ОтветитьWe just adopted a 13 week old retriever, so at 13 weeks I am already several weeks behind...can you guide me to your recommendations. Not my first retriever first one I am getting at this past two were at birth
Ответитьis it okay to yell at my dog as a pup. what’s a good punishment when they do a bad action. like biting.
ОтветитьHow many times does he say; DAY ONE
ОтветитьThank you! We're going to be getting my fiancee her first gundog here is a couple short years (when my elderly golden passes away), and the bulk of the training has been entrusted to me. Thsnk you so much for the information - I can really use that.
ОтветитьGreat videos I have been watching now for a few days, I have a pure breed black hunting lab his parents and grand parents were all champions here in Ireland. Unfortunately I didn't get the time to train him when he was younger but now circumstances have changed and I have been doing bits with him. Do you think at 4 he's to old? He certainly has all the traits of a top hunting lab would that be his lineage?
ОтветитьWhat if they get parvo when introducing to the place.they are prone to parvo vjrus am i righr
ОтветитьI am getting a German short hair pointer puppy soon and I am so excited
ОтветитьWhy should dogs not chase other dogs? We have a schnauzer and he chases dogs in circles when they are outside playing. Is this "bad" behavior? If so, why?
ОтветитьMy question: if your current dog is male (just at 12 months old), do you pick a female as the second dog, or can you go with a male if say, you find a litter that has a pup you like that happens to be male. I'm wondering if training and working potential gets influenced by the presence of multiple labs in the same home when it's not set up like a kennel arrangement. The dogs would interact quite freely for the most part. I'm wondering if getting a second male will create some rivalry with the first one. That could be a good thing, not sure. I know with German Shepherds, they tend to get possessive of their person, and having two GSDs can create quite the competitive dynamics among two or more dogs in the same home that want to claim the human's attention. But that's GSD's. With Labs, I'm thinking they're a bit more relaxed on resource guarding and far more socially cooperative. I'm game to try to train two at once. The lab I have now is insanely responsive, and motivated to take direction. Very easy to train. The retrieving part is up to the dog's aptitude. I teach the handling part of the game.
My reason for getting the second dog is that there's a litter of pups from two parents I'd really not like to pass up. I've been waiting for a pup from this pair for quite awhile. Otherwise, I wouldn't get another pup at all right now. Away from any training, my male lab tends to like other female dogs far more than other males (probably no surprise since he's intact, lol, but even females aren't that much of a distraction for him with regards to training). He's nearly indifferent to other males, or he plays with them a bit, but could care less. He lives to train. I mean think intense obsessive drive that needs training as an outlet. That's him. He is a field bred lab that reminds me more of a Malinois on his drive tendencies, except there's no Mal like aggression. He is a hard charging aggressive retriever, though. That is for sure.
To all lab owners, thanks, get my new lab girl in December, yippee
ОтветитьWhat are some hunt games you play with them?
ОтветитьI pick up the newest pup next week. can't wait to try a new approach to teaching. My old lab is amazing but now I am having to reteach myself on training a puppy again. Thanks for the videos.
ОтветитьHi Josh, This id Ed Daeges from Omaha. I spoke with you a couple of years ago. You truly are a down to earth professional. The best at explaining different steps and information that helps anyone that is just starting or been training for years. I hope some day to come down to neck of the woods and meet you. Hope things are going well for you.
ОтветитьJust found your channel and my new gun dog pup comes home in a week! Gonna be using this hunt command for sure!
ОтветитьStandard de la raza?
ОтветитьThank you! We have a litter of hunting puppies. How do you recommend I get in front of the people who will give them an excellent life doing what they have long healthy genetics to do well?
ОтветитьAre you in socal or know anyone down here I can take my puppy to? She’s 9 week American cocker spaniel
ОтветитьGood advice
ОтветитьI have a pup coming in February,(Pudelpointer). This is a great game to get a gun dog started. Will definitely use it.
ОтветитьHi Josh. New subscriber here. It's been 30 years since I owned, trained, and hunted a lab. Back then I read most of the books on retriever training...Free, Wolters, Milner, etc.. In Wolters book, Water Dog, he was adamant that a pup should be separated from its mother and littermates on the 49 day. Do you recommend this 7 week date, and if not, why not? Also, at what age do you start basic obedience training (sit, stay, heel, etc.)? I'm asking these questions because I'm ready to get another pup. I may never duck hunt like I did back then, but plan on training my dog as if he will be my hunting partner. Thank you.
ОтветитьI am waiting for my yellow lab to be born any week now. I cant wait to start training, especially something as simple and fun as this.