HOW TO PLAN YOUR SUMMON! + Malvira SHOULD YOU SUMMON? Full Breakdown ⁂ Watcher of Realms

HOW TO PLAN YOUR SUMMON! + Malvira SHOULD YOU SUMMON? Full Breakdown ⁂ Watcher of Realms


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@peternwachinemere8773 - 14.03.2025 12:07

Can we get another LUST rerun??
I missed all of her limited banners. I'm endgame but i need her in my collections.

@blackrose2493 - 14.03.2025 12:24

April 5 baner Praetus!

@kristofclaus7460 - 14.03.2025 12:35

Plan all you want, as a free to play you will hit pity 99% of the time getting Zelus most of those time

@adammroczkowski9755 - 14.03.2025 12:42

I think I'm gonna be pulling for her, gonna go for one leggo so likely I won't get her but who knows

@Owlr4ider - 14.03.2025 12:59

I'm glad you didn't do another 'should you summon' but rather finally look at the bigger picture. I think it's safe to say that the next limited banner will happen on Easter, that's the most logical time for it, being a pretty big Holiday and all that. Still think you're overrating Malvira but that's neither here nor there. One thing you did miss is the talks about 20x banners rather than the current 15x. Not sure if it will end up actually happening or not, but if it is than that alone is a reason to not summon on any of the current banners and save up for future 20x banners who should be much more consistent than the current version and make pulling on any banner much more worthwhile than the crapshoot it currently is.

@PaulHobson-e3x - 14.03.2025 13:10

How can you say that Malvira won't be good for BOSS content when it is clear that she is SPECIFICALLY designed for the upcoming Abyss Guild Boss ? Her unyielding talent allows her to be placed on her own without any other hero in range of the splash damage the boss does and will keep her alive when the death strike comes, and then she can do it again when the next death strike comes - which no other hero can do. Also she has a big self heal ability and damage mitigation to keep her alive if you can't reach her with a healer, and the 2 tile range on her awakening shield means she can can still shield heroes that aren't adjacent to her. The ability to gain stacks of resentment when summons die screams out a synergy with Wukong who's endless dying clones will keep her resentment maxed out even though she isn't getting hit that frequently by the boss. She is a MUST PULL for anyone who want to take on the Abyss boss when it arrives.

@glennhoremans5087 - 14.03.2025 13:16

Malvira another unit to give you headaches in Gvg.
Another unit that needs to be killed 5 times before actually dying while Praetus and Ingrid kill your demon soldiers. Dumb game mode haha

@wahyuchen993 - 14.03.2025 13:16

when will silas banner come?

@bryankillilea8500 - 14.03.2025 13:24

15x is dead, 6 leggos no raid up champ...balls

@sagi5826 - 14.03.2025 13:58

got her within 40 pulls.
in 200 pulls got 5 legos- razaak, malv, twinfiend, cerebrus and lynx.

@А-ля-ю8е - 14.03.2025 14:06

got Sadie (new for me) and Phineas. not too bad, not so exited though

@phile16 - 14.03.2025 14:26

Anyone else a hoarder? I never spend gems unless it's for summons... I'm at about 70k gems. I will say I've been playing over a year and I still don't have many meta champions.

@caracal82 - 14.03.2025 14:34

pulled 150 blues and got Sadie then I pulled 11 divine and got NOTHING for comparison I pulled 3 sacreds in RSL and got 2 omega legends back to back I think I need a break from WOR

@siegel1614 - 14.03.2025 14:50

Well I went for her but got 2 Sadie dups and an off banner Hatsutt… can’t complain about her but not happy with Sadie.

@cyliz222 - 14.03.2025 15:01

Great breakdown!

@godzgift2ladiez81 - 14.03.2025 15:21

Honestly, I think they need to make new ancients. Before Lu bu it’s been forever since they added a new ancient. At least that I can recall.

@anubisTC - 14.03.2025 15:40

I got her (Malvira) with like 40-50 summons. It was my "Okay, my last summon" summon.

@phildurre9492 - 14.03.2025 15:48

i really ned hex or something big to get the 50k in guildboss as priority.

@phildurre9492 - 14.03.2025 15:49

i really ned hex or something big to get the 50k in guildboss as priority.

@bestadcmolise269 - 14.03.2025 16:05

I think i just move my 0 line to 200 summons an iam good to go

@bestadcmolise269 - 14.03.2025 16:15

next Limited should be mage or marksmen or i freak out

@katsudon928 - 14.03.2025 16:25

As f2p and newbie saving up gems wont get me far hehe so i pulled for her as i only have 5 legend heroes hehe

@RgZDonnerZ - 14.03.2025 16:55

I am F2P 1year in my Most wanted still are: Ardea Elowyn and Praetus. Dont know if I should go for Malvira.
51 Ancient Crystals
70 Rare Crystals
15k diamonds.
Sadly I didnt get Elowyn last time with about 300 crystals. Wanted to Save for Preatus but now there is an Adrea Event. Im so confused 🤯
Thx for your Videos I really love your content ✌️🙂

@SenshiDragonGaming - 14.03.2025 16:58

i planned out mine, got my pity timer to 170, did 5 multi summons and wound up with Trusk and Valkyra :( im not mad about valkyra, but damn i wanted Malvira.

@Watch-this-Video - 14.03.2025 17:39

This game is a con, 4 X15 event and still no banner Hero again money spent and hundreds of summoning crystals and gems used but still no event hero its a ucking con 😢🤬🤬🤬

@tannerleggett7456 - 14.03.2025 17:46

Sooooo you mentioned gettign SWK to A5.....if i have 2 unpolished SS available and an A3 SWK - should i go ahead push him to A5? I also have an A3 Ajax

@fracturedsolace145 - 14.03.2025 17:49

I hear you but my account is starving. I got great leggos but im missing key leggos and im tired of struggling especially since i don't have ONE SINGLE halfway decent set of SBA after thousands upon thousands of gear raid 3 runs. I wish i could save.

@michaelmcguiggan9394 - 14.03.2025 18:13

Pulled 60 Shards this morning and got both Malvira and Magnus. :) Lucky Morning.

@anthonypoulin8063 - 14.03.2025 18:30

I had no plans to summon on this banner until this video. I didn’t get Malvira but I can’t complain. Out of 310 sacreds and 6 divines I got Vierna, Silas, Hatssut, Kai, Sadie, Calypso and Kria.

Thank you for the encouragement to summon lol

@DerGepaeckJunge - 14.03.2025 19:29

My summons were pretty horrible. Went like 380 summons and had to go to pity twice. Got A1 Ajax, A2 Nyx, Aeris, A1 Ares and A1 Khamet. Not like most of them are really bad characters but still those awakenings aren't really what I need. I desperately need a defender as I think I'm the only player above lv 70 who has never gotten a Brokkir, Torodor or any of the other good defenders. Overall out of 70 legendaries or something like that I pulled exactly 1 defender (and that was Trusk). I get that it's a gacha game and everything but like come on. All the other banners I summoned on for specific characters always went pretty bad for me as well. Oh and I spent my divine shards too. Had like 11 pity and 13 shards saved up. Some people might have a different opinion but I really think if you spend this many ressources on a banner the chance of getting the specific character you want should be way higher. What is even the purpose of a rate up banner if you pull 5 legendaries and not one of them is on the banner.

@toms1782 - 14.03.2025 19:56

Oh look another go to pity and not get a banner hero. 😢 Oh well, I can’t remember the last time I got a banner hero. Oh well, I’ll stop and save, again and try again on next good hero :)

@JT-gi8rx - 14.03.2025 20:40

Great analysis, thanks! Very handy looking at it from all perspectives. I’m a month in, I was hesitant, but the chance to get my Idril to a5 is what tips the scales for me, I think. That, and I need another good tank, the only really good one I have is Olague. I think a Malvira would help me push a lot of early content.

@escape2901 - 14.03.2025 21:47

i got sadie...and Twyla..100% gutted :(

@inquisitio3757 - 14.03.2025 21:48

Limited heroes 🙏

@rodneyschuler67 - 14.03.2025 22:42

Pulled a bunch and unfortunately got 2 Sadie dupes and a Helga dupe. Oh well, hopefully sometime I'll get her.

@mbh7087 - 14.03.2025 22:46

350 pulls on main account, 30 on F2P - very happy! Picked up first copy of Sadie on main along the way too so yay

@mateofunchess6769 - 14.03.2025 23:23

Nothing like hitting the pity timer and immediately summoning a bs legendary you already have 🤦🏾‍♂️

@Post-Trib - 14.03.2025 23:38

Sadie has a certain niche. She's actually my 1st A5 dupe & allows GR2-21 to be ran without pulling anyone except for Diaochan on scream 😱 & ground pound.

After this event, I'll have artifact at +16, which is worth it. IMO

@zerrotiii7135 - 14.03.2025 23:51

The game wasn’t released by 2023 you most of meant 2024

@drdavidchacon - 14.03.2025 23:53

I summoned Sadie, Mal, and Laya in 80 summons, then fused one of the legendaries as well.

@jaydenmoon1165 - 15.03.2025 00:04

Haven’t hit 30 days and I got her 😊❤ - I saved because of your vids - thank you

@folendorf1 - 15.03.2025 01:18

Should I use my summons for Malvira or wait for Ardea tomorrow?

@XerexB - 15.03.2025 01:52

Did not get the GILF, but i had crazy rates on this banner so overall fantastic! Still love the content fasti <3

@RafaelAlonso-tg1pq - 15.03.2025 02:34

I like her but I'm more thrilled about getting Idrill, haven't been able to beat GR3 without her or Maul

@caseyp3879 - 15.03.2025 02:37

Malvira is insane. Better than Brokkir and Torodor imo. I was stuck on some content, pulled her this morning and maxed her out and I’m clearing pretty much everything I was stuck on

@jacobkopa-nathan7626 - 15.03.2025 02:51

Got her x2 10pulls. working on her right now, big mama's shows about to begin. F2p too 😆 🤣 hope she helps out 🙏

@aerygarneyanakfrancis760 - 15.03.2025 14:05

Really disappointed actually for me as free to play player.. I already save 185 rare crystals and 2 legendary crystals and got Gisele from 20 times ancient crystal and 2 dupes Xaris from 15x chances rare crystals 🥲 but I got happy lil bit when I got luneria on the last 2 shard ancient pull💕🎉

@bradsmith2937 - 15.03.2025 16:10

I really miss having the leaks. It definitely gave us the info that we needed so that we could plan our summonings. I can see why Moonton put the kibosh on it, but it certainly sucks. As for Limiteds, I would rather them rerun some of them to give us a chance to pull dupes rather than introduce new characters. Another question: What in the Hell happened to Numera ?

I pulled on this banner and got A4 Sadie and A2 Silas. I wasn't satisfied, so I spent some money and struck gold early with Malvira. Built some pity with my Divines on the 2x and am continuing to save my Ancients for Valderon.

In addition to all of this, I have to think that there will be another Limited in their anniversary event.

@96816bassmeistha - 15.03.2025 22:19

hate this goddamn game and its "15x" rate up bullshit. i have never pulled a banner leggo even ONCE! its ridiculous. tried to get malvira and got a 2nd Anai.....absolute rubbish.

@cl4r155483 - 16.03.2025 04:24

Of course i get a1 sadie 😢
