A Sizzling 3-year Review Of The Weber Smokefire Gen 2 ex4

A Sizzling 3-year Review Of The Weber Smokefire Gen 2 ex4

Scottys Back Yard BBQ

8 месяцев назад

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@FritzFrank - 04.10.2024 20:43

I just picked one of these up last week. I cleaned it up and it's like new. It's good to hear you're still happy with it after 3 years. 😎🔥🍻

@SchoolHardKnocks - 10.08.2024 23:28

Scotty, I agree. My EX6 Gen2 has been a fantastic smoker & grill. Appreciate all the time & effort you put into your channel

@ChristopherMeacham-v3w - 21.07.2024 01:07

Why did you swap out the top grate?

@durdei1 - 10.07.2024 22:19

I love my smokefire. Had 2 minor greasefires, but that was all on me for fortetting to clean the pit a bit after severely greasy cooking sessions previously.

@Trumpetmaster77 - 10.07.2024 15:00

Looks like a great grill Scotty. I always clean my pellet grills after every third cook.

@dougsmith4216 - 09.07.2024 22:11

Scotty must be on vacation keep those videos coming this week

@Mankitchenrecipes - 09.07.2024 21:36

3 years sure goes by fast! And you have done a lot of cooks on that!!!👍

@toddschultz7477 - 09.07.2024 19:47

Good stuff

@troyv8302 - 09.07.2024 19:35

I've had my EX6 for about the same amount of time and no issues. The hopper is my one con. I like the rear design, just wish they hinged the lid different or made it wider. Other than that, I keep it clean and keep it level and the only issue I ever had was due to a bad bag of pellets. Must have been moist as I couldn't get the grill over 200. Emptied and changed the pellets, that problem went away. I do overnight cooks, low and slow and even use it to grill. The thing is a workhorse, puts out good food each time, every time. Nice review Scotty!

@gharv1313 - 09.07.2024 18:54

Awesome review Scotty! Definitely would purchase this after the many cooks you do successfully! Cheers bro 😎🔥🍻
