Borderlands 2: Awesome Level 80 OP 10 Gaige the Mecromancer Build and Skill Tree!

Borderlands 2: Awesome Level 80 OP 10 Gaige the Mecromancer Build and Skill Tree!

HOLYONE The Ultimate Gamer

5 лет назад

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@marcusbeverly4972 - 14.07.2019 08:33

can we get the save file chief?

@LivingforHim74 - 22.07.2019 18:15

YO this build is amazing 10/10 would recommend to everyone im subbing for this

@klazik4261 - 27.07.2019 00:46

New player here, and in love with Gaige. Can you explain which guns you use in different situations? Which tree should I go deep into first? Right now I got the first row in Ordered Chaos and moving up in BFF.

@gediv2-303 - 25.08.2019 03:45

Can you recommend a build that doesn't cookie cutter this developer oversight? ktxbye.

@weirddude1527 - 04.04.2021 20:29

I didn’t know it was possible to make a build that hurts my eyes
